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Scarica, crea, esegui il flashing ed esegui la demo OTA FreeRTOS su Microchip Curiosity PIC32MZEF
Questa integrazione di riferimento è ospitata nel repository Amazon-FreeRTOS che è obsoleto. Consigliamo di iniziare da qui quando crei un nuovo progetto. Se disponi già di un progetto FreeRTOS esistente basato sull'ormai obsoleto repository Amazon-FreeRTOS, consulta ilGuida alla migrazione del RTOS repository Github gratuito da Amazon.
In accordo con Microchip, stiamo rimuovendo il Curiosity PIC32MZEF (DM320104) dal ramo principale del repository FreeRTOS Reference Integration e non lo includeremo più nelle nuove versioni. Microchip ha emesso un avviso ufficiale
Per scaricare il codice demo OTA di FreeRTOS
È possibile scaricare il codice sorgente dal GitHub sito all'indirizzo https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS
Per creare l'applicazione demo dell'aggiornamento OTA
Seguire le istruzioni in Inizia con Free RTOS per importare il progetto
in MPLAB X IDE, configurare l'endpoint AWS IoT l'SSID e la password della rete Wi-Fi e una chiave privata e un certificato per la scheda. -
Apri il
file e inserisci il tuo certificato.vendor
/aws_demos/config_files/ota_demo_config.h[] = "
"; -
Incolla qui il contenuto del tuo certificato di firma del codice:
#define otapalconfigCODE_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE [] = "
";Segui lo stesso formato di
: ogni riga deve terminare con il nuovo carattere di riga ('\ n') ed essere racchiusa tra virgolette.Ad esempio, il certificato dovrebbe essere simile a quanto segue:
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" "MIIBXTCCAQOgAwIBAgIJAM4DeybZcTwKMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCMCExHzAdBgNVBAMM\n" "FnRlc3Rf62lnbmVyQGFtYXpvbi5jb20wHhcNMTcxMTAzMTkxODM1WhcNMTgxMTAz\n" "MTkxODM2WjAhMR8wHQYDVQBBZZZ0ZXN0X3NpZ25lckBhbWF6b24uY29tMFkwEwYH\n" "KoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAERavZfvwL1X+E4dIF7dbkVMUn4IrJ1CAsFkc8\n" "gZxPzn683H40XMKltDZPEwr9ng78w9+QYQg7ygnr2stz8yhh06MkMCIwCwYDVR0P\n" "BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA0gAMEUCIF0R\n" "r5cb7rEUNtWOvGd05MacrgOABfSoVYvBOK9fP63WAqt5h3BaS123coKSGg84twlq\n" "TkO/pV/xEmyZmZdV+HxV/OM=\n" "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
Installare Python 3
o versione successiva. -
eseguendopip install pyopenssl
. -
Copiare il certificato di firma del codice in formato .pem nel percorso
. Rinominare il file del certificatoaws_ota_codesigner_certificate.pem
. -
, commentafreertos
/aws_demos/config_files/aws_demo_config.h#define CONFIG_CORE_MQTT_MUTUAL_AUTH_DEMO_ENABLED
. -
Creare la soluzione e accertarsi che venga compilata senza errori.
Avviare un emulatore di terminale e utilizzare le seguenti impostazioni per effettuare la connessione alla scheda:
Velocità in baud: 115200
Bit di dati: 8
Parità: nessuna
Bit di stop: 1
Scollegare il debugger dalla scheda ed eseguire il progetto sulla scheda per accertarsi che è in grado di connettersi alla rete Wi-Fi e al broker di messaggi MQTT AWS IoT.
Quando si esegue il progetto, il modulo MPLAB X IDE dovrebbe aprire una finestra di output. Verificare che la scheda ICD4 sia selezionata. Dovrebbe essere visualizzato l'output riportato di seguito.
Bootloader version 00.09.00
[prvBOOT_Init] Watchdog timer initialized.
[prvBOOT_Init] Crypto initialized.
[prvValidateImage] Validating image at Bank : 0
[prvValidateImage] No application image or magic code present at: 0xbd000000
[prvBOOT_ValidateImages] Validation failed for image at 0xbd000000
[prvValidateImage] Validating image at Bank : 1
[prvValidateImage] No application image or magic code present at: 0xbd100000
[prvBOOT_ValidateImages] Validation failed for image at 0xbd100000
[prvBOOT_ValidateImages] Booting default image.
>0 36246 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer ac140a0eip
1 36297 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer ac140a0eip
2 36297 [IP-task]
IP Address:
3 36297 [IP-task] Subnet Mask:
4 36297 [IP-task] Gateway Address:
5 36297 [IP-task] DNS Server Address:
6 36299 [OTA] OTA demo version 0.9.2
7 36299 [OTA] Creating MQTT Client...
8 36299 [OTA] Connecting to broker...
9 38673 [OTA] Connected to broker.
10 38793 [OTA Task] [prvSubscribeToJobNotificationTopics] OK: $aws/things/devthingota/jobs/$next/get/accepted
11 38863 [OTA Task] [prvSubscribeToJobNotificationTopics] OK: $aws/things/devthingota/jobs/notify-next
12 38863 [OTA Task] [OTA_CheckForUpdate] Request #0
13 38964 [OTA] [OTA_AgentInit] Ready.
14 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] Extracted parameter [ clientToken: 0:devthingota ]
15 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: execution
16 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: jobId
17 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: jobDocument
18 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: streamname
19 38973 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: files
20 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: filepath
21 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: filesize
22 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: fileid
23 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: certfile
24 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJSONbyModel] parameter not present: sig-sha256-ecdsa
25 38975 [OTA Task] [prvParseJobDoc] Ignoring job without ID.
26 38975 [OTA Task] [prvOTA_Close] Context->0x8003b620
27 38975 [OTA Task] [prvPAL_Abort] Abort - OK
28 39964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
29 40964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
30 41964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
31 42964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
32 43964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
33 44964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
34 45964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
35 46964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
36 47964 [OTA] State: Ready Received: 1 Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
L'emulatore di terminale dovrebbe visualizzare testo simile al seguente:
AWS Validate: no valid signature in descr: 0xbd000000
AWS Validate: no valid signature in descr: 0xbd100000
>AWS Launch: No Map performed. Running directly from address: 0x9d000020?
AWS Launch: wait for app at: 0x9d000020
WILC1000: Initializing...
0 0
>[None] Seed for randomizer: 1172751941
1 0 [None] Random numbers: 00004272 00003B34 00000602 00002DE3
Chip ID 1503a0
[spi_cmd_rsp][356][nmi spi]: Failed cmd response read, bus error...
[spi_read_reg][1086][nmi spi]: Failed cmd response, read reg (0000108c)...
[spi_read_reg][1116]Reset and retry 10 108c
Firmware ver. : 4.2.1
Min driver ver : 4.2.1
Curr driver ver: 4.2.1
WILC1000: Initialization successful!
Start Wi-Fi Connection...
Wi-Fi Connected
2 7219 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer c0a804beip
3 7230 [IP-task] vDHCPProcess: offer c0a804beip
4 7230 [IP-task]
IP Address:
5 7230 [IP-task] Subnet Mask:
6 7230 [IP-task] Gateway Address:
7 7230 [IP-task] DNS Server Address:
8 7232 [OTA] OTA demo version 0.9.0
9 7232 [OTA] Creating MQTT Client...
10 7232 [OTA] Connecting to broker...
11 7232 [OTA] Sending command to MQTT task.
12 7232 [MQTT] Received message 10000 from queue.
13 8501 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task.
14 10207 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue.
15 10256 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task.
16 10256 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue.
17 10256 [MQTT] MQTT Connect was accepted. Connection established.
18 10256 [MQTT] Notifying task.
19 10257 [OTA] Command sent to MQTT task passed.
20 10257 [OTA] Connected to broker.
21 10258 [OTA Task] Sending command to MQTT task.
22 10258 [MQTT] Received message 20000 from queue.
23 10306 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task.
24 10306 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue.
25 10306 [MQTT] MQTT Subscribe was accepted. Subscribed.
26 10306 [MQTT] Notifying task.
27 10307 [OTA Task] Command sent to MQTT task passed.
28 10307 [OTA Task] [OTA] Subscribed to topic: $aws/things/Microchip/jobs/$next/get/accepted
29 10307 [OTA Task] Sending command to MQTT task.
30 10307 [MQTT] Received message 30000 from queue.
31 10336 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task.
32 10336 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue.
33 10336 [MQTT] MQTT Subscribe was accepted. Subscribed.
34 10336 [MQTT] Notifying task.
35 10336 [OTA Task] Command sent to MQTT task passed.
36 10336 [OTA Task] [OTA] Subscribed to topic: $aws/things/Microchip/jobs/notify-next
37 10336 [OTA Task] [OTA] Check For Update #0
38 10336 [OTA Task] Sending command to MQTT task.
39 10336 [MQTT] Received message 40000 from queue.
40 10366 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task.
41 10366 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue.
42 10366 [MQTT] MQTT Publish was successful.
43 10366 [MQTT] Notifying task.
44 10366 [OTA Task] Command sent to MQTT task passed.
45 10376 [IP-task] Socket sending wakeup to MQTT task.
46 10376 [MQTT] Received message 0 from queue.
47 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Set job doc parameter [ clientToken: 0:Microchip ]
48 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: execution
49 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: jobId
50 10376 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: jobDocument
51 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: ts_ota
52 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: files
53 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: streamname
54 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: certfile
55 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: filepath
56 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: filesize
57 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: sig-sha256-ecdsa
58 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: fileid
59 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Missing job parameter: attr
60 10378 [OTA Task] [OTA] Returned buffer to MQTT Client.
61 11367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
62 12367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
63 13367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
64 14367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
65 15367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
66 16367 [OTA] [OTA] Queued: 1 Processed: 1 Dropped: 0
Questo output mostra che la scheda Microchip Curiosity PIC32MZEF riesce a connettersi a AWS IoT e a sottoscrivere gli argomenti MQTT richiesti per gli aggiornamenti OTA. Vengono sicuramente visualizzati messaggi Missing job parameter
perché non ci sono processi di aggiornamento OTA in sospeso.