The backup report covers primary and secondary (when applicable) regions. It covers the status of backups (success/failure), and data on snapshots taken.
This report provides:
Backup status
Number of snapshots taken
Recovery point
Backup plan and vault information
Field Name | Dataset Field Name | Definition |
Report Datetime | dataset_datetime | The date and time the report was generated. |
Account Id | aws_account_id | AWS Account ID to which the instance ID belongs |
Admin Account Id | aws_admin_account_id | Trusted AWS Organizations account enabled by you. |
Account Name | account_name | AWS account name |
Account SLA | account_sla | AMS account service commitment |
malz_flag | Flag for MALZ-related account | |
malz_role | MALZ role | |
access_restrictions | Regions to which access is restricted | |
Resource ARN | resource_arn | The Amazon resource name |
Resource Id | resource_id | The unique resource identifier |
Resource Region | resource_region | The resource's primary (and secondary, when applicable) regions. |
Resource Type | resource_type | The type of resource |
Recovery Point ARN | recovery_point_arn | The ARN of the recovery point |
Recovery Point Id | recovery_point_id | The unique identifier of the recovery point |
Backup snapshot scheduled start datetime | start_by_dt_utc | Timestamp when snapshot is scheduled to begin |
Backup snapshot actual start datetime | creation_dt_utc | Timestamp when snapshot actually begins |
Backup snapshot completion datetime | completion_dt_utc | Timestamp when snapshot is completed |
Backup snapshot expiration datetime | expiration_dt_utc | Timestamp when snapshot expires |
Backup Job status | backup_job_status | State of the snapshot |
Backup Type | backup_type | Type of backup |
Backup Job Id | backup_job_id | The unique identifier of the backup job |
Backup Size In Bytes | backup_size_in_bytes | The backup size in bytes |
Backup Plan ARN | backup_plan_arn | The backup plan ARN |
Backup Plan Id | backup_plan_id | Backup plan unique identifier |
Backup Plan Name | backup_plan_name | The Backup Plan name |
Backup Plan Version | backup_plan_version | The backup plan version |
Backup Rule Id | backup_rule_id | The backup rule id |
Backup Vault ARN | backup_vault_arn | Backup vault ARN |
Backup Vault Name | backup_vault_name | The backup vault name |
IAM Role ARN | iam_role_arn | The IAM role ARN |
Recovery Point Status | recovery_point_status | Recovery point status |
Recovery Point Delete After Days | recovery_point_delete_after_days | Recovery point delete after days |
Recovery point move to cold storage after days | recovery_point_move_to_cold_storage_after_days | Number of days after completion date when backup snapshot is moved to cold storage |
Recovery Point Encryption Status | recovery_point_is_encrypted | Recovery point encryption status |
Recovery Point Encryption Key ARN | recovery_point_encryption_key_arn | Recovery point encryption key ARN |
Volume State | volume_state | Volume State |
Instance Id | instance_id | Unique instance Id |
Instance State | instance_state | Instance state |
Stack Id | stack_id | Cloudformation stack unique identifier |
Stack Name | stack_name | Stack Name |
Tag: AMS Default Patch Group | tag_ams_default_patch_group | Tag Value: AMS Default Patch Group |
Tag: App Id | tag_app_id | Tag Value: App ID |
Tag: App Name | tag_app_name | Tag Value: App Name |
Tag: Backup | tag_backup | Tag Value: Backup |
Tag: Compliance Framework | tag_compliance_framework | Tag Value: Compliance Framework |
Tag: Cost Center | tag_cost_center | Tag Value: Cost Center |
Tag: Customer | tag_customer | Tag Value: Customer |
Tag: Data Classification | tag_data_classification | Tag Value: Data Classification |
Tag: Environment Type | tag_environment_type | Tag Value: Environment Type |
Tag: Hours of Operation | tag_hours_of_operation | Tag Value: Hours of Operation |
Tag: Owner Team | tag_owner_team | Tag Value: Owner Team |
Tag: Owner Team Email | tag_owner_team_email | Tag Value: Owner Team Email |
Tag: Patch Group | tag_patch_group | Tag Value: Patch Group |
Tag: Support Priority | tag_support_priority | Tag Value: Support Priority |