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NEST_TO_MAP - AWS Glue DataBrew
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト


Converts user-selected columns into key-value pairs, each with a key representing the column name and a value representing the row value. The order of the selected column is not maintained while creating the resultant map. The different column data types are typecast to a common type that supports the data types of all columns.

  • sourceColumns — List of the source columns.

  • targetColumn — The name of the target column.

  • removeSourceColumns — Contains the value true or false to indicate whether or not the user wants to remove the selected source columns.


{ "RecipeAction": { "Operation": "NEST_TO_MAP", "Parameters": { "sourceColumns": "[\"age\",\"weight_kg\",\"height_cm\"]", "targetColumn": "columnName", "removeSourceColumns": "true" } } }
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