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[AG.ACG.4] Strengthen security posture with ubiquitous preventative guardrails - DevOps Guidance
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[AG.ACG.4] Strengthen security posture with ubiquitous preventative guardrails


Perform rapid and consistent detection of potential security issues or misconfigurations by deploying automated, centralized detective controls. Automated detective controls are guardrails that continuously monitor the environment, quickly identifying potential risks, and potentially mitigating them.

Guardrails can be placed at various stages of the development lifecycle, including being directly enforceable within the environment itself—providing the most control and security assurance. To provide a balance between agility and governance, use multiple layers of guardrails. Use environmental guardrails, such as access control limitations or API conditions, which enforce security measures and compliance ubiquitously across an environment. Embed similar detective and preventative checks within the deployment pipeline, which will provide faster feedback to development teams.

The actual implementation of environmental guardrails can vary based on the specific tools and technologies used within the environment. An example of preventative guardrails in AWS are Service Control Policies (SCPs) and IAM conditions.

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