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[QA.ST.4] Enhance source code security with static application security testing - DevOps Guidance
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[QA.ST.4] Enhance source code security with static application security testing


Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a proactive measure to identify potential vulnerabilities in your source code before they become part of a live application. SAST is a specialized form of non-functional static testing that enables you to analyze the source or binary code for security vulnerabilities, without the need for the code to be running.

Choose a SAST tool, such as Amazon CodeGuru Security, and use it to scan your application using an automated continuous integration pipeline. This enables identifying security vulnerabilities in the source code early in the development process. When selecting a SAST tool, consider its compatibility with your application's languages and frameworks, its ease of integration into your existing toolsets, its ability to provide actionable insights to fix vulnerabilities, and false positive rates. False positive rate is one of the most important metrics to focus on when selecting a SAST tool, as this can result in findings and alerts of potential security issues that are not actually exploitable. False positives can erode trust in the adoption of security testing.

To prevent developer burnout and backlash due to overwhelming false positives or a high rate of alerts in existing applications, introduce SAST rulesets incrementally. Start with a core set of rules and expand as your team becomes more accustomed to addressing security testing feedback. This iterative approach also allows teams to validate the tool's findings and fine-tune its sensitivity over time. Regularly update and refine enabled SAST rules to maintain its effectiveness in identifying potential security issues.

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