Creating future dated agreements for private offers
As an AWS Marketplace seller, you can use future dated agreements to sell a product that a buyer will receive on a predetermined future date. In a typical AWS Marketplace transaction, the buyer receives the product license or entitlement immediately after the offer is accepted or the agreement is created. In contrast, with a future dated agreement (FDA), the buyer receives the product license or entitlement on a predetermined future date. FDA can be used to setup renewals for existing transactions with the buyer. FDA is supported for software as a service (SaaS) products for contract and contracts with consumption (CCP) pricing, with and without flexible payments. The following sections provide information about working with future dated agreements.
With FDA, you can close transactions with buyers when they choose instead of when the buyer wants to begin product usage. You can use FDA to dependently perform the following actions for transactions on AWS Marketplace:
Book (buyer accepts the offer) the deal based on sales needs.
Charge the buyer based on your finance or accounting needs.
Provide buyer access to the product, such as activating a license or entitlement, based on buyer needs.
Considerations for future data agreements
When you use future dated agreements, keep the following dates in mind :
- Agreement sign date
The date when the buyer accepts the offer and when the agreement is created.
- Agreement start date
The date when the buyer's license or entitlement to the product is activated and the buyer can begin using the product.
- Agreement end date
The date when the agreement ends. The agreement and the buyer's license or entitlement expire on this date.
The contract term specified in your end user license agreement, order form, or other contract with a subscriber will control if there's a conflict with the term specified in the subscriber's AWS Marketplace invoice.
Creating future dated agreements
The seller of record sets the agreement start date when generating a private offer with a future start date. Buyers can't change the start date, but they can review the start date before accepting the private offer in AWS Marketplace.
To create a private offer with a future start date
When creating a private offer, choose Start at a future date under Contract duration.
In the Service dates section, enter the Service start date and Service end date. The service start date you choose here will be the agreement start date of your future dated agreement when the buyer accepts the offer.
To use an FDA for renewals, the service start date must be one or more days after the end date of the agreement you want to renew. For example, if agreement end date is 12/31/2024, you should set the service start date to be 1/1/2025.
Sellers can choose a service start date up to 3 years in the future.
Using an installment plan with future dated agreements
Using an installment plan with an FDA, you can set up payments for purchases to occur at any time between the agreement sign date and the agreement end date. This includes payments before and after the agreement start date.
The seller of record chooses private offer payment dates and amounts. For more details about setting up an installment plan, see Creating an installment plan for a private offer.
Receiving notifications for future dated agreements
You receive email notifications to your designated root account for the following actions taken on your future dated agreements:
Offer acceptance/agreement creation (agreement sign date)
Upon license or entitlement activation (agreement start date)
Reminders for agreements expiring 30, 60, or 90 days in advance
Agreement expiration (agreement end date)
Upon an agreement amendment or replacement
All existing Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications for SaaS also work for FDA. For FDAs, both Amazon SNS topics are initiated on the agreement start date (and not agreement sign date). For more information, see Amazon SNS notifications for SaaS products.
Using future dated agreements with reselling for Channel Partner private offers
Manufacturers and resellers can use future dated agreements for AWS Marketplace Channel Partner private offers.
As the manufacturer:
Similar to standard AWS Marketplace Channel Partner Private Offers (CPPOs), manufacturers must authorize AWS Marketplace Channel Partners to create CPPOs with a future start date by extending a resale authorization to them.
To learn how to create a resale authorization, follow the steps on the Creating a selling authorization for an AWS Marketplace Channel Partner as an ISV page.
When creating a resale authorization, manufacturers can optionally choose to specify a maximum allowed service start date. This will be the maximum service start date the AWS Marketplace Channel Partner can specify when creating the corresponding AWS Marketplace Channel Partner private offer.
If the manufacturer doesn't specify a maximum date, the AWS Marketplace Channel Partner can specify any future service date up to 3 years in the future.
As the reseller:
For resellers and Channel Partners, the steps for creating a future dated Channel Partner private offer and an ordinary future dated private offer are the same, with one key difference. The agreement start date resellers can specify must be earlier than what is specified as the maximum allowed service start date in the resale authorization by the manufacturer.
To learn how to create a Channel Partner private offer, see Creating private offers as an AWS Marketplace Channel Partner.