Strategy Recommendations binary analysis
Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations automatically identifies the applications in your portfolio and the application components that belong to them. For example, if there is a Java application in your portfolio, Strategy Recommendations identifies it as an application component with a component type java. Without you configuring access to the source code, Strategy Recommendations can perform binary analysis. by inspecting the IIS application DLLs on Windows or application JAR files on Linux and provide anti-pattern reports or incompatibility reports. An anti-pattern report is a list of known issues that Strategy Recommendations finds in your portfolio, categorized by severity. An incompatibility report contains a subset of the anti-patterns, which are API compatibility, Nuget Package, and Porting Action.
Strategy Recommendations performs analysis for Windows IIS and Java Tomcat and Jboss applications. If you have an IIS application, Strategy Recommendations generates an incompatibility report by default; you must configure source code access to receive the full anti-pattern report. If you have a Java application, Strategy Recommendations generates the full anti-pattern report by default.
The incompatible or anti-pattern report is displayed after the analysis is complete. If the analysis is not successful, you can try running a source code analysis by providing source code access as described in Set up version control configurations.