The configuration details of an automated evaluation job. The EvaluationDatasetMetricConfig
is used to specify the prompt datasets, task type, and metric names.
- datasetMetricConfigs
Configuration details of the prompt datasets and metrics you want to use for your evaluation job.
Type: Array of EvaluationDatasetMetricConfig objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 5 items.
Required: Yes
- evaluatorModelConfig
Contains the evaluator model configuration details.
is required for evaluation jobs that use a knowledge base or in model evaluation job that use a model as judge. This model computes all evaluation related metrics.Type: EvaluatorModelConfig object
Note: This object is a Union. Only one member of this object can be specified or returned.
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: