Information about one customization job
- baseModelArn
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the base model.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 1011.
Required: Yes
- creationTime
Creation time of the custom model.
Type: Timestamp
Required: Yes
- jobArn
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customization job.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 1011.
Required: Yes
- jobName
Name of the customization job.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 63.
Required: Yes
- status
Status of the customization job.
Type: String
Valid Values:
InProgress | Completed | Failed | Stopping | Stopped
Required: Yes
- customizationType
Specifies whether to carry out continued pre-training of a model or whether to fine-tune it. For more information, see Custom models.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Required: No
- customModelArn
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom model.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 1011.
Required: No
- customModelName
Name of the custom model.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 63.
Required: No
- endTime
Time that the customization job ended.
Type: Timestamp
Required: No
- lastModifiedTime
Time that the customization job was last modified.
Type: Timestamp
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: