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SessionState - Amazon Bedrock
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Contains parameters that specify various attributes that persist across a session or prompt. You can define session state attributes as key-value pairs when writing a Lambda function for an action group or pass them when making an InvokeAgent request. Use session state attributes to control and provide conversational context for your agent and to help customize your agent's behavior. For more information, see Control session context.



The state's conversation history.

Type: ConversationHistory object

Required: No


Contains information about the files used by code interpreter.

Type: Array of InputFile objects

Required: No


The identifier of the invocation of an action. This value must match the invocationId returned in the InvokeAgent response for the action whose results are provided in the returnControlInvocationResults field. For more information, see Return control to the agent developer and Control session context.

Type: String

Required: No


An array of configurations, each of which applies to a knowledge base attached to the agent.

Type: Array of KnowledgeBaseConfiguration objects

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item.

Required: No


Contains attributes that persist across a prompt and the values of those attributes. These attributes replace the $prompt_session_attributes$ placeholder variable in the orchestration prompt template. For more information, see Prompt template placeholder variables.

Type: String to string map

Required: No


Contains information about the results from the action group invocation. For more information, see Return control to the agent developer and Control session context.


If you include this field, the inputText field will be ignored.

Type: Array of InvocationResultMember objects

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 5 items.

Required: No


Contains attributes that persist across a session and the values of those attributes.

Type: String to string map

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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