API for AWS ARC - Zonal Shift¶
ABAP Interface | /AWS1/IF_AZS |
The "TLA" is a Three Letter Abbreviation that appears in ABAP class names, data dictionary
objects and other ABAP objects throughout the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP. The TLA for AWS ARC - Zonal Shift is AZS
This TLA helps squeeze ABAP objects into the 30-character length limit of the ABAP data dictionary.
To install the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP, import the Core transport, along with the transport for the ARC Zonal Shift module and other API modules you are interested in. A few modules are included in the Core transport itself. For more information, see the Developer Guide guide.
About The Service¶
Welcome to the API Reference Guide for zonal shift and zonal autoshift in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Route 53 ARC).
You can start a zonal shift to move traffic for a load balancer resource away from an Availability Zone to help your application recover quickly from an impairment in an Availability Zone. For example, you can recover your application from a developer's bad code deployment or from an Amazon Web Services infrastructure failure in a single Availability Zone.
You can also configure zonal autoshift for supported load balancer resources. Zonal autoshift is a capability in Route 53 ARC where you authorize Amazon Web Services to shift away application resource traffic from an Availability Zone during events, on your behalf, to help reduce your time to recovery. Amazon Web Services starts an autoshift when internal telemetry indicates that there is an Availability Zone impairment that could potentially impact customers.
To help make sure that zonal autoshift is safe for your application, you must also configure practice runs when you enable zonal autoshift for a resource. Practice runs start weekly zonal shifts for a resource, to shift traffic for the resource away from an Availability Zone. Practice runs help you to make sure, on a regular basis, that you have enough capacity in all the Availability Zones in an Amazon Web Services Region for your application to continue to operate normally when traffic for a resource is shifted away from one Availability Zone.
Before you configure practice runs or enable zonal autoshift, we strongly recommend that you prescale your application resource capacity in all Availability Zones in the Region where your application resources are deployed. You should not rely on scaling on demand when an autoshift or practice run starts. Zonal autoshift, including practice runs, works independently, and does not wait for auto scaling actions to complete. Relying on auto scaling, instead of pre-scaling, can result in loss of availability.
If you use auto scaling to handle regular cycles of traffic, we strongly recommend that you configure the minimum capacity of your auto scaling to continue operating normally with the loss of an Availability Zone.
Be aware that Route 53 ARC does not inspect the health of individual resources. Amazon Web Services only starts an autoshift when Amazon Web Services telemetry detects that there is an Availability Zone impairment that could potentially impact customers. In some cases, resources might be shifted away that are not experiencing impact.
For more information about using zonal shift and zonal autoshift, see the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.
Using the SDK¶
In your code, create a client using the SDK module for AWS ARC - Zonal Shift, which is created with
factory method /AWS1/CL_AZS_FACTORY
In this example we will assume you have configured
an SDK profile in transaction /AWS1/IMG
DATA(go_session) = /aws1/cl_rt_session_aws=>create( 'ZFINANCE' ).
DATA(go_azs) = /aws1/cl_azs_factory=>create( go_session ).
Your variable go_azs
is an instance of /AWS1/IF_AZS
and all of the operations
in the AWS ARC - Zonal Shift service are accessed by calling methods in /AWS1/IF_AZS
API Operations¶
For an overview of ABAP method calls corresponding to API operations in AWS ARC - Zonal Shift, see the Operation List.
Factory Method¶
/AWS1/CL_AZS_FACTORY=>create( )
Creates an object of type /AWS1/IF_AZS
Optional arguments:¶
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
represents the ABAP client for the ARC Zonal Shift service, representing each operation as a method call. For more information see the API Page page.
Configuring Programmatically¶
DATA(lo_config) = DATA(go_azs)->get_config( ).
is a variable of type /AWS1/CL_AZS_CONFIG
. See the documentation for /AWS1/CL_AZS_CONFIG
details on the settings that can be configured.
Paginators for AWS ARC - Zonal Shift can be created via `get_paginator()` which returns a paginator object of type [`/AWS1/IF_AZS_PAGINATOR`](./_AWS1_IF_AZS_PAGINATOR.md). The operation method that is being paginated is called using the paginator object, which accepts any necessary parameters to provide to the underlying API operation. This returns an iterator object which can be used to iterate over paginated results using `has_next()` and `get_next()` methods.
Details about the paginator methods available for service AWS ARC - Zonal Shift can be found in interface [`/AWS1/IF_AZS_PAGINATOR`](./_AWS1_IF_AZS_PAGINATOR.md).