API for AWS Step Functions¶
ABAP Interface | /AWS1/IF_SFN |
The "TLA" is a Three Letter Abbreviation that appears in ABAP class names, data dictionary
objects and other ABAP objects throughout the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP. The TLA for AWS Step Functions is SFN
This TLA helps squeeze ABAP objects into the 30-character length limit of the ABAP data dictionary.
To install the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP, import the Core transport, along with the transport for the SFN module and other API modules you are interested in. A few modules are included in the Core transport itself. For more information, see the Developer Guide guide.
About The Service¶
Step Functions coordinates the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows.
You can use Step Functions to build applications from individual components, each of which performs a discrete function, or task, allowing you to scale and change applications quickly. Step Functions provides a console that helps visualize the components of your application as a series of steps. Step Functions automatically triggers and tracks each step, and retries steps when there are errors, so your application executes predictably and in the right order every time. Step Functions logs the state of each step, so you can quickly diagnose and debug any issues.
Step Functions manages operations and underlying infrastructure to ensure your application is available at any scale. You can run tasks on Amazon Web Services, your own servers, or any system that has access to Amazon Web Services. You can access and use Step Functions using the console, the Amazon Web Services SDKs, or an HTTP API. For more information about Step Functions, see the Step Functions Developer Guide .
If you use the Step Functions API actions using Amazon Web Services SDK integrations, make sure the API actions are in camel case and parameter names are in Pascal case. For example, you could use Step Functions API action startSyncExecution
and specify its parameter as StateMachineArn
Using the SDK¶
In your code, create a client using the SDK module for AWS Step Functions, which is created with
factory method /AWS1/CL_SFN_FACTORY
In this example we will assume you have configured
an SDK profile in transaction /AWS1/IMG
DATA(go_session) = /aws1/cl_rt_session_aws=>create( 'ZFINANCE' ).
DATA(go_sfn) = /aws1/cl_sfn_factory=>create( go_session ).
Your variable go_sfn
is an instance of /AWS1/IF_SFN
and all of the operations
in the AWS Step Functions service are accessed by calling methods in /AWS1/IF_SFN
API Operations¶
For an overview of ABAP method calls corresponding to API operations in AWS Step Functions, see the Operation List.
Factory Method¶
/AWS1/CL_SFN_FACTORY=>create( )
Creates an object of type /AWS1/IF_SFN
Optional arguments:¶
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
represents the ABAP client for the SFN service, representing each operation as a method call. For more information see the API Page page.
Configuring Programmatically¶
DATA(lo_config) = DATA(go_sfn)->get_config( ).
is a variable of type /AWS1/CL_SFN_CONFIG
. See the documentation for /AWS1/CL_SFN_CONFIG
details on the settings that can be configured.
Paginators for AWS Step Functions can be created via `get_paginator()` which returns a paginator object of type [`/AWS1/IF_SFN_PAGINATOR`](./_AWS1_IF_SFN_PAGINATOR.md). The operation method that is being paginated is called using the paginator object, which accepts any necessary parameters to provide to the underlying API operation. This returns an iterator object which can be used to iterate over paginated results using `has_next()` and `get_next()` methods.
Details about the paginator methods available for service AWS Step Functions can be found in interface [`/AWS1/IF_SFN_PAGINATOR`](./_AWS1_IF_SFN_PAGINATOR.md).