API for Route53 Recovery Cluster¶
ABAP Package | /AWS1/API_R5V_IMPL |
ABAP Interface | /AWS1/IF_R5V |
The "TLA" is a Three Letter Abbreviation that appears in ABAP class names, data dictionary
objects and other ABAP objects throughout the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP. The TLA for Route53 Recovery Cluster is R5V
This TLA helps squeeze ABAP objects into the 30-character length limit of the ABAP data dictionary.
To install the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP, import the Core transport, along with the transport for the Route53 Recovery Cluster module and other API modules you are interested in. A few modules are included in the Core transport itself. For more information, see the Developer Guide guide.
About The Service¶
Welcome to the Routing Control (Recovery Cluster) API Reference Guide for Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller.
With Route 53 ARC, you can use routing control with extreme reliability to recover applications by rerouting traffic across Availability Zones or Amazon Web Services Regions. Routing controls are simple on/off switches hosted on a highly available cluster in Route 53 ARC. A cluster provides a set of five redundant Regional endpoints against which you can run API calls to get or update the state of routing controls. To implement failover, you set one routing control to ON and another one to OFF, to reroute traffic from one Availability Zone or Amazon Web Services Region to another.
Be aware that you must specify a Regional endpoint for a cluster when you work with API cluster operations
to get or update routing control states in Route 53 ARC. In addition, you must specify the US West (Oregon) Region
for Route 53 ARC API calls. For example, use the parameter --region us-west-2
with AWS CLI commands.
For more information, see
Get and update routing control states using the API in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.
This API guide includes information about the API operations for how to get and update routing control states in Route 53 ARC. To work with routing control in Route 53 ARC, you must first create the required components (clusters, control panels, and routing controls) using the recovery cluster configuration API.
For more information about working with routing control in Route 53 ARC, see the following:
Create clusters, control panels, and routing controls by using API operations. For more information, see the Recovery Control Configuration API Reference Guide for Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller.
Learn about the components in recovery control, including clusters, routing controls, and control panels, and how to work with Route 53 ARC in the Amazon Web Services console. For more information, see Recovery control components in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.
Route 53 ARC also provides readiness checks that continually audit resources to help make sure that your applications are scaled and ready to handle failover traffic. For more information about the related API operations, see the Recovery Readiness API Reference Guide for Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller.
For more information about creating resilient applications and preparing for recovery readiness with Route 53 ARC, see the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.
Using the SDK¶
In your code, create a client using the SDK module for Route53 Recovery Cluster, which is created with
factory method /AWS1/CL_R5V_FACTORY
In this example we will assume you have configured
an SDK profile in transaction /AWS1/IMG
DATA(go_session) = /aws1/cl_rt_session_aws=>create( 'ZFINANCE' ).
DATA(go_r5v) = /aws1/cl_r5v_factory=>create( go_session ).
Your variable go_r5v
is an instance of /AWS1/IF_R5V
and all of the operations
in the Route53 Recovery Cluster service are accessed by calling methods in /AWS1/IF_R5V
API Operations¶
For an overview of ABAP method calls corresponding to API operations in Route53 Recovery Cluster, see the Operation List.
Factory Method¶
/AWS1/CL_R5V_FACTORY=>create( )
Creates an object of type /AWS1/IF_R5V
Optional arguments:¶
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
Domain /AWS1/RT_ACCOUNT_ID Primitive Type NUMC
represents the ABAP client for the Route53 Recovery Cluster service, representing each operation as a method call. For more information see the API Page page.
Configuring Programmatically¶
DATA(lo_config) = DATA(go_r5v)->get_config( ).
is a variable of type /AWS1/CL_R5V_CONFIG
. See the documentation for /AWS1/CL_R5V_CONFIG
details on the settings that can be configured.
Paginators for Route53 Recovery Cluster can be created via `get_paginator()` which returns a paginator object of type [`/AWS1/IF_R5V_PAGINATOR`](./_AWS1_IF_R5V_PAGINATOR.md). The operation method that is being paginated is called using the paginator object, which accepts any necessary parameters to provide to the underlying API operation. This returns an iterator object which can be used to iterate over paginated results using `has_next()` and `get_next()` methods.
Details about the paginator methods available for service Route53 Recovery Cluster can be found in interface [`/AWS1/IF_R5V_PAGINATOR`](./_AWS1_IF_R5V_PAGINATOR.md).