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Optional arguments:


The results of the ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations action.


When the number of blueprint configurations is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of configurations, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations to list the next set of configurations.

Queryable Attributes


The results of the ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations action.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_ITEMS() Getter for ITEMS, with configurable default
ASK_ITEMS() Getter for ITEMS w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_ITEMS() Determine if ITEMS has a value


When the number of blueprint configurations is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of configurations, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations to list the next set of configurations.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_NEXTTOKEN() Getter for NEXTTOKEN, with configurable default
ASK_NEXTTOKEN() Getter for NEXTTOKEN w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_NEXTTOKEN() Determine if NEXTTOKEN has a value