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Describes the limit price of a Reserved Instance offering.



Optional arguments:


Used for Reserved Instance Marketplace offerings. Specifies the limit price on the total order (instanceCount * price).


The currency in which the limitPrice amount is specified. At this time, the only supported currency is USD.

Queryable Attributes


Used for Reserved Instance Marketplace offerings. Specifies the limit price on the total order (instanceCount * price).

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_AMOUNT() Getter for AMOUNT, with configurable default
ASK_AMOUNT() Getter for AMOUNT w/ exceptions if field has no value
STR_AMOUNT() String format for AMOUNT, with configurable default
HAS_AMOUNT() Determine if AMOUNT has a value


The currency in which the limitPrice amount is specified. At this time, the only supported currency is USD.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_CURRENCYCODE() Getter for CURRENCYCODE, with configurable default
ASK_CURRENCYCODE() Getter for CURRENCYCODE w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_CURRENCYCODE() Determine if CURRENCYCODE has a value