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/AWS1/IF_NIM_WAITER represents the Waiter client for AmazonNimbleStudio, representing each waiter as a method call.

List of waiter methods implemented in /AWS1/IF_NIM_WAITER

Waiter Method Service Operation Waiter Description
LAUNCHPROFILEDELETED GETLAUNCHPROFILE() Wait until a LaunchProfile is Deleted. Use this after invoking DeleteLaunchProfile
LAUNCHPROFILEREADY GETLAUNCHPROFILE() Wait until a LaunchProfile is Ready. Use this after invoking CreateLaunchProfile or UpdateLaunchProfile
STREAMINGIMAGEDELETED GETSTREAMINGIMAGE() Wait until a StreamingImage Deleted. Use this after invoking DeleteStreamingImage
STREAMINGIMAGEREADY GETSTREAMINGIMAGE() Wait until a StreamingImage is Ready. Use this after invoking CreateStreamingImage or UpdateStreamingImage
STREAMINGSESSIONDELETED GETSTREAMINGSESSION() Wait until a StreamingSessionDeleted. Use this after invoking DeleteStreamingSession
STREAMINGSESSIONREADY GETSTREAMINGSESSION() Wait until a StreamingSession is ready. Use this after invoking CreateStreamingSession, StartStreamingSession
STREAMINGSESSIONSTOPPED GETSTREAMINGSESSION() Wait until a StreamingSessionStopped. Use this after invoking StopStreamingSession
STREAMINGSESSIONSTREAMREADY GETSTREAMINGSESSIONSTREAM() Wait until a StreamingSessionStream is ready. Use this after invoking CreateStreamingSessionStream
STUDIOCOMPONENTDELETED GETSTUDIOCOMPONENT() Wait until a StudioComponent Deleted. Use this after invoking DeleteStudioComponent
STUDIOCOMPONENTREADY GETSTUDIOCOMPONENT() Wait until a StudioComponent is Ready. Use this after invoking CreateStudioComponent or UpdateStudioComponent
STUDIODELETED GETSTUDIO() Wait until a Studio is Deleted. Use this after invoking DeleteStudio.
STUDIOREADY GETSTUDIO() Wait until a Studio is Ready. Use this after invoking CreateStudio, UpdateStudio, or StartStudioSSOConfigurationRepair