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About DescribeDBRecommendations

Describes the recommendations to resolve the issues for your DB instances, DB clusters, and DB parameter groups.

Method Signature


Optional arguments:


A filter to include only the recommendations that were updated after this specified time.


A filter to include only the recommendations that were updated before this specified time.


The language that you choose to return the list of recommendations.

Valid values:

  • en

  • en_UK

  • de

  • es

  • fr

  • id

  • it

  • ja

  • ko

  • pt_BR

  • zh_TW

  • zh_CN


A filter that specifies one or more recommendations to describe.

Supported Filters:

  • recommendation-id - Accepts a list of recommendation identifiers. The results list only includes the recommendations whose identifier is one of the specified filter values.

  • status - Accepts a list of recommendation statuses.

    Valid values:

    • active - The recommendations which are ready for you to apply.

    • pending - The applied or scheduled recommendations which are in progress.

    • resolved - The recommendations which are completed.

    • dismissed - The recommendations that you dismissed.

    The results list only includes the recommendations whose status is one of the specified filter values.

  • severity - Accepts a list of recommendation severities. The results list only includes the recommendations whose severity is one of the specified filter values.

    Valid values:

    • high

    • medium

    • low

    • informational

  • type-id - Accepts a list of recommendation type identifiers. The results list only includes the recommendations whose type is one of the specified filter values.

  • dbi-resource-id - Accepts a list of database resource identifiers. The results list only includes the recommendations that generated for the specified databases.

  • cluster-resource-id - Accepts a list of cluster resource identifiers. The results list only includes the recommendations that generated for the specified clusters.

  • pg-arn - Accepts a list of parameter group ARNs. The results list only includes the recommendations that generated for the specified parameter groups.

  • cluster-pg-arn - Accepts a list of cluster parameter group ARNs. The results list only includes the recommendations that generated for the specified cluster parameter groups.


The maximum number of recommendations to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.


An optional pagination token provided by a previous DescribeDBRecommendations request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.