This section describes Storage Gateway performance.
Optimizing gateway performance
Recommended Gateway Server Configuration
To obtain the best performance out of your gateway, Storage Gateway recommends the following gateway configuration for your gateway's host server:
At least 24 dedicated physical CPU cores
For Volume Gateway, your hardware should dedicate the following amounts of RAM:
At least 16 GiB of reserved RAM for gateways with cache size up to 16 TiB
At least 32 GiB of reserved RAM for gateways with cache size 16 TiB to 32 TiB
At least 48 GiB of reserved RAM for gateways with cache size 32 TiB to 64 TiB
Disk 1, to be used as the gateway cache as follows:
SSD using an NVMe controller.
Disk 2, to be used as the gateway upload buffer as follows:
SSD using an NVMe controller.
Disk 3, to be used as the gateway upload buffer as follows:
SSD using an NVMe controller.
Network adapter 1 configured on VM network 1:
Use VM network 1 and add VMXnet3 (10 Gbps) to be used for ingestion.
Network adapter 2 configured on VM network 2:
Use VM network 2 and add a VMXnet3 (10 Gbps) to be used to connect to AWS.
Add Resources to Your Gateway
The following bottlenecks can reduce the performance of your Volume Gateway below the theoretical maximum sustained throughput (your bandwidth to AWS cloud):
CPU core count
Cache/Upload buffer disk throughput
Total RAM amount
Network bandwidth to AWS
Network bandwidth from initiator to gateway
This section contains steps you can take in order to optimize the performance of your gateway. This guidance is based on adding resources to your gateway or your application server.
You can optimize gateway performance by adding resources to your gateway in one or more of the following ways.
- Use higher-performance disks
Cache and upload buffer disk throughput can limit your gateway's upload and download performance. If your gateway is exhibiting performance significantly below what is expected, consider improving the cache and upload buffer disk throughput by:
Using a striped RAID such as RAID 10 to improve disk throughput, ideally with a hardware RAID controller.
RAID (redundant array of independent disks) or specifically disk striped RAID configurations like RAID 10, is the process of dividing a body of data into blocks and spreading the data blocks across multiple storage devices. The RAID level you use affects the exact speed and fault tolerance you can achieve. By striping IO workloads out across multiple disks, the overall throughput of the RAID device is much higher than that of any single member disk.
Using directly attached, high performance disks
To optimize gateway performance, you can add high-performance disks such as solid-state drives (SSDs) and a NVMe controller. You can also attach virtual disks to your VM directly from a storage area network (SAN) instead of the Microsoft Hyper-V NTFS. Improved disk performance generally results in better throughput and more input/output operations per second (IOPS).
To measure throughput, use the
metrics with theSamples
Amazon CloudWatch statistic. For example, theSamples
statistic of theReadBytes
metric over a sample period of 5 minutes divided by 300 seconds gives you the IOPS. As a general rule, when you review these metrics for a gateway, look for low throughput and low IOPS trends to indicate disk-related bottlenecks. .Note
CloudWatch metrics are not available for all gateways. For information about gateway metrics, see Monitoring Storage Gateway.
- Add more upload buffer disks
To achieve higher write throughput, add at least two upload buffer disks. When data is written to the gateway, it is written and stored locally on the upload buffer disks. Afterwards, the stored local data is asynchronously read from the disks to be processed and uploaded to AWS. Adding more upload buffer disks may reduce the amount of concurrent I/O operations performed to each individual disk. This can result in increased write throughput to the gateway.
- Back gateway virtual disks with separate physical disks
When you provision gateway disks, we strongly recommend that you don't provision local disks for the upload buffer and cache storage that use the same underlying physical storage disk. For example, for VMware ESXi, the underlying physical storage resources are represented as a data store. When you deploy the gateway VM, you choose a data store on which to store the VM files. When you provision a virtual disk (for example, as an upload buffer), you can store the virtual disk in the same data store as the VM or a different data store.
If you have more than one data store, then we strongly recommend that you choose one data store for each type of local storage you are creating. A data store that is backed by only one underlying physical disk can lead to poor performance. An example is when you use such a disk to back both the cache storage and upload buffer in a gateway setup. Similarly, a data store that is backed by a less high-performing RAID configuration such as RAID 1 or RAID 6 can lead to poor performance.
- Add CPU resources to your gateway host
The minimum requirement for a gateway host server is four virtual processors. To optimize gateway performance, confirm that each virtual processor that is assigned to the gateway VM is backed by a dedicated CPU core. In addition, confirm that you are not oversubscribing the CPUs of the host server.
When you add additional CPUs to your gateway host server, you increase the processing capability of the gateway. Doing this allows your gateway to deal with, in parallel, both storing data from your application to your local storage and uploading this data to Amazon S3. Additional CPUs also help ensure that your gateway gets enough CPU resources when the host is shared with other VMs. Providing enough CPU resources has the general effect of improving throughput.
- Increase bandwidth between your gateway and AWS cloud
Increasing your bandwidth to and from AWS will increase the maximum rate of data ingress to your gateway and egress to AWS cloud. This can improve your gateway performance if network speed is the limiting factor in your gateway configuration, rather than other factors like slow disks or poor gateway-initiator connection bandwidth.
Your observed gateway performance will likely be lower than your network bandwidth due to other limiting factors listed here, such as cache/upload buffer disk throughput, CPU core count, total RAM amount, or the bandwidth between your initiator and gateway. Furthermore, your gateway's normal operation involves many actions taken to protect your data, which might cause the observed performance to be less than your network bandwidth.
- Change the volumes configuration
For Volume Gateways, if you find that adding more volumes to a gateway reduces the throughput to the gateway, consider adding the volumes to a separate gateway. In particular, if a volume is used for a high-throughput application, consider creating a separate gateway for the high-throughput application. However, as a general rule, you should not use one gateway for all of your high-throughput applications and another gateway for all of your low-throughput applications. To measure your volume throughput, use the
metrics.For more information about these metrics, see Measuring Performance Between Your Application and Gateway.
Optimize iSCSI Settings
You can optimize iSCSI settings on your iSCSI initiator to achieve higher I/O
performance. We recommend choosing 256 KiB for MaxReceiveDataSegmentLength
and FirstBurstLength
, and 1 MiB for MaxBurstLength
. For more
information about configuring iSCSI settings, see Customizing iSCSI Settings.
These recommended settings can facilitate overall better performance. However, the specific iSCSI settings that are needed to optimize performance vary depending on which backup software you use. For details, see your backup software documentation.
Add Resources to Your Application Environment
- Increase the bandwidth between your application server and your gateway
The connection between your iSCSI initiator and gateway can limit your upload and download performance. If your gateway is exhibiting performance significantly worse than expected and you have already improved your CPU core count and disk throughput, consider:
Upgrading your network cables to have higher bandwidth between your initiator and gateway.
To optimize gateway performance, ensure that the network bandwidth between your application and the gateway can sustain your application needs. You can use the
metrics of the gateway to measure the total data throughput.For your application, compare the measured throughput with the desired throughput. If the measured throughput is less than the desired throughput, then increasing the bandwidth between your application and gateway can improve performance if the network is the bottleneck. Similarly, you can increase the bandwidth between your VM and your local disks, if they're not direct-attached.
- Add CPU resources to your application environment
If your application can use additional CPU resources, then adding more CPUs can help your application to scale its I/O load.