Use the Data Viewer in the Kinesis console - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

Use the Data Viewer in the Kinesis console

The Data Viewer in the Kinesis Management Console lets you view data records within the specified shard of your data stream without having to develop a consumer application. To use the Data Viewer, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Kinesis console at

  2. Choose the active data stream whose records you want to view with the Data Viewer and then choose the Data Viewer tab.

  3. In the Data Viewer tab for the selected active data stream, choose the shard whose records you want to view, chose the Starting Position, and then click Get records. You can set the starting position to one of the following values:

    • At sequence number: Show records from the position denoted by the sequence number specified in the sequence number field.

    • After sequence number: Show records right after the position denoted by the sequence number specified in the sequence number field.

    • At timestamp: Show records from the position denoted by the time stamp specified in the timestamp field.

    • Trim horizon: Show records at the last untrimmed record in the shard, which is the oldest data record in the shard.

    • Latest: Show records just after the most recent record in the shard, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard.

      The generated data records that match the specified shard ID and starting position are then displayed in a records table in the console. Maximum 50 records are displayed at a time. To view the next set of records, click the Next button.

  4. Click any individual record to view that record payload in raw data or JSON format in a separate window.

Note that when you click Get records or Next buttons in Data Viewer, this invokes the GetRecords API and this applies towards the GetRecords API limit of 5 transactions per second.