Create scheduled query
You can use the following code snippets to create a scheduled query with multi-measure mapping.
- Java
public static String DATABASE_NAME = "devops_sample_application"; public static String TABLE_NAME = "host_metrics_sample_application"; public static String HOSTNAME = "host-24Gju"; public static String SQ_NAME = "daily-sample"; public static String SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION = "cron(0/2 * * * ? *)"; // Find the average, p90, p95, and p99 CPU utilization for a specific EC2 host over the past 2 hours. public static String QUERY = "SELECT region, az, hostname, BIN(time, 15s) AS binned_timestamp, " + "ROUND(AVG(cpu_utilization), 2) AS avg_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.9), 2) AS p90_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.95), 2) AS p95_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.99), 2) AS p99_cpu_utilization " + "FROM " + DATABASE_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " " + "WHERE measure_name = 'metrics' " + "AND hostname = '" + HOSTNAME + "' " + "AND time > ago(2h) " + "GROUP BY region, hostname, az, BIN(time, 15s) " + "ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC " + "LIMIT 5"; public String createScheduledQuery(String topic_arn, String role_arn, String database_name, String table_name) { System.out.println("Creating Scheduled Query"); List<Pair<String, MeasureValueType>> sourceColToMeasureValueTypes = Arrays.asList( Pair.of("avg_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE), Pair.of("p90_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE), Pair.of("p95_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE), Pair.of("p99_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE)); CreateScheduledQueryRequest createScheduledQueryRequest = new CreateScheduledQueryRequest() .withName(SQ_NAME) .withQueryString(QUERY) .withScheduleConfiguration(new ScheduleConfiguration() .withScheduleExpression(SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION)) .withNotificationConfiguration(new NotificationConfiguration() .withSnsConfiguration(new SnsConfiguration() .withTopicArn(topic_arn))) .withTargetConfiguration(new TargetConfiguration().withTimestreamConfiguration(new TimestreamConfiguration() .withDatabaseName(database_name) .withTableName(table_name) .withTimeColumn("binned_timestamp") .withDimensionMappings(Arrays.asList( new DimensionMapping() .withName("region") .withDimensionValueType("VARCHAR"), new DimensionMapping() .withName("az") .withDimensionValueType("VARCHAR"), new DimensionMapping() .withName("hostname") .withDimensionValueType("VARCHAR") )) .withMultiMeasureMappings(new MultiMeasureMappings() .withTargetMultiMeasureName("multi-metrics") .withMultiMeasureAttributeMappings( .map(pair -> new MultiMeasureAttributeMapping() .withMeasureValueType(pair.getValue().name()) .withSourceColumn(pair.getKey())) .collect(Collectors.toList()))))) .withErrorReportConfiguration(new ErrorReportConfiguration() .withS3Configuration(new S3Configuration() .withBucketName(timestreamDependencyHelper.getS3ErrorReportBucketName()))) .withScheduledQueryExecutionRoleArn(role_arn); try { final CreateScheduledQueryResult createScheduledQueryResult = queryClient.createScheduledQuery(createScheduledQueryRequest); final String scheduledQueryArn = createScheduledQueryResult.getArn(); System.out.println("Successfully created scheduled query : " + scheduledQueryArn); return scheduledQueryArn; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Scheduled Query creation failed: " + e); throw e; } }
- Java v2
public static String DATABASE_NAME = "testJavaV2DB"; public static String TABLE_NAME = "testJavaV2Table"; public static String HOSTNAME = "host-24Gju"; public static String SQ_NAME = "daily-sample"; public static String SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION = "cron(0/2 * * * ? *)"; // Find the average, p90, p95, and p99 CPU utilization for a specific EC2 host over the past 2 hours. public static String VALID_QUERY = "SELECT region, az, hostname, BIN(time, 15s) AS binned_timestamp, " + "ROUND(AVG(cpu_utilization), 2) AS avg_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.9), 2) AS p90_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.95), 2) AS p95_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.99), 2) AS p99_cpu_utilization " + "FROM " + DATABASE_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " " + "WHERE measure_name = 'metrics' " + "AND hostname = '" + HOSTNAME + "' " + "AND time > ago(2h) " + "GROUP BY region, hostname, az, BIN(time, 15s) " + "ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC " + "LIMIT 5"; private String createScheduledQueryHelper(String topicArn, String roleArn, String s3ErrorReportBucketName, String query, TargetConfiguration targetConfiguration) { System.out.println("Creating Scheduled Query"); CreateScheduledQueryRequest createScheduledQueryRequest = CreateScheduledQueryRequest.builder() .name(SQ_NAME) .queryString(query) .scheduleConfiguration(ScheduleConfiguration.builder() .scheduleExpression(SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION) .build()) .notificationConfiguration(NotificationConfiguration.builder() .snsConfiguration(SnsConfiguration.builder() .topicArn(topicArn) .build()) .build()) .targetConfiguration(targetConfiguration) .errorReportConfiguration(ErrorReportConfiguration.builder() .s3Configuration(S3Configuration.builder() .bucketName(s3ErrorReportBucketName) .objectKeyPrefix(SCHEDULED_QUERY_EXAMPLE) .build()) .build()) .scheduledQueryExecutionRoleArn(roleArn) .build(); try { final CreateScheduledQueryResponse response = queryClient.createScheduledQuery(createScheduledQueryRequest); final String scheduledQueryArn = response.arn(); System.out.println("Successfully created scheduled query : " + scheduledQueryArn); return scheduledQueryArn; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Scheduled Query creation failed: " + e); throw e; } } public String createScheduledQuery(String topicArn, String roleArn, String databaseName, String tableName, String s3ErrorReportBucketName) { List<Pair<String, MeasureValueType>> sourceColToMeasureValueTypes = Arrays.asList( Pair.of("avg_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE), Pair.of("p90_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE), Pair.of("p95_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE), Pair.of("p99_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE)); TargetConfiguration targetConfiguration = TargetConfiguration.builder() .timestreamConfiguration(TimestreamConfiguration.builder() .databaseName(databaseName) .tableName(tableName) .timeColumn("binned_timestamp") .dimensionMappings(Arrays.asList( DimensionMapping.builder() .name("region") .dimensionValueType("VARCHAR") .build(), DimensionMapping.builder() .name("az") .dimensionValueType("VARCHAR") .build(), DimensionMapping.builder() .name("hostname") .dimensionValueType("VARCHAR") .build() )) .multiMeasureMappings(MultiMeasureMappings.builder() .targetMultiMeasureName("multi-metrics") .multiMeasureAttributeMappings( .map(pair -> MultiMeasureAttributeMapping.builder() .measureValueType(pair.getValue().name()) .sourceColumn(pair.getKey()) .build()) .collect(Collectors.toList())) .build()) .build()) .build(); return createScheduledQueryHelper(topicArn, roleArn, s3ErrorReportBucketName, VALID_QUERY, targetConfiguration); }}
- Go
SQ_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_S3_BUCKET_NAME_PREFIX = "sq-error-configuration-sample-s3-bucket-" HOSTNAME = "host-24Gju" SQ_NAME = "daily-sample" SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION = "cron(0/1 * * * ? *)" QUERY = "SELECT region, az, hostname, BIN(time, 15s) AS binned_timestamp, " + "ROUND(AVG(cpu_utilization), 2) AS avg_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.9), 2) AS p90_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.95), 2) AS p95_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.99), 2) AS p99_cpu_utilization " + "FROM %s.%s " + "WHERE measure_name = 'metrics' " + "AND hostname = '" + HOSTNAME + "' " + "AND time > ago(2h) " + "GROUP BY region, hostname, az, BIN(time, 15s) " + "ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC " + "LIMIT 5" s3BucketName = utils.SQ_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_S3_BUCKET_NAME_PREFIX + generateRandomStringWithSize(5) func generateRandomStringWithSize(size int) string { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) alphaNumericList := []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") randomPrefix := make([]rune, size) for i := range randomPrefix { randomPrefix[i] = alphaNumericList[rand.Intn(len(alphaNumericList))] } return string(randomPrefix) } func (timestreamBuilder TimestreamBuilder) createScheduledQuery(topicArn string, roleArn string, s3ErrorReportBucketName string, query string, targetConfiguration timestreamquery.TargetConfiguration) (string, error) { createScheduledQueryInput := ×treamquery.CreateScheduledQueryInput{ Name: aws.String(SQ_NAME), QueryString: aws.String(query), ScheduleConfiguration: ×treamquery.ScheduleConfiguration{ ScheduleExpression: aws.String(SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION), }, NotificationConfiguration: ×treamquery.NotificationConfiguration{ SnsConfiguration: ×treamquery.SnsConfiguration{ TopicArn: aws.String(topicArn), }, }, TargetConfiguration: &targetConfiguration, ErrorReportConfiguration: ×treamquery.ErrorReportConfiguration{ S3Configuration: ×treamquery.S3Configuration{ BucketName: aws.String(s3ErrorReportBucketName), }, }, ScheduledQueryExecutionRoleArn: aws.String(roleArn), } createScheduledQueryOutput, err := timestreamBuilder.QuerySvc.CreateScheduledQuery(createScheduledQueryInput) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %s", err.Error()) } else { fmt.Println("createScheduledQueryResult is successful") return *createScheduledQueryOutput.Arn, nil } return "", err } func (timestreamBuilder TimestreamBuilder) CreateValidScheduledQuery(topicArn string, roleArn string, s3ErrorReportBucketName string, sqDatabaseName string, sqTableName string, databaseName string, tableName string) (string, error) { targetConfiguration := timestreamquery.TargetConfiguration{ TimestreamConfiguration: ×treamquery.TimestreamConfiguration{ DatabaseName: aws.String(sqDatabaseName), TableName: aws.String(sqTableName), TimeColumn: aws.String("binned_timestamp"), DimensionMappings: []*timestreamquery.DimensionMapping{ { Name: aws.String("region"), DimensionValueType: aws.String("VARCHAR"), }, { Name: aws.String("az"), DimensionValueType: aws.String("VARCHAR"), }, { Name: aws.String("hostname"), DimensionValueType: aws.String("VARCHAR"), }, }, MultiMeasureMappings: ×treamquery.MultiMeasureMappings{ TargetMultiMeasureName: aws.String("multi-metrics"), MultiMeasureAttributeMappings: []*timestreamquery.MultiMeasureAttributeMapping{ { SourceColumn: aws.String("avg_cpu_utilization"), MeasureValueType: aws.String(timestreamquery.MeasureValueTypeDouble), }, { SourceColumn: aws.String("p90_cpu_utilization"), MeasureValueType: aws.String(timestreamquery.MeasureValueTypeDouble), }, { SourceColumn: aws.String("p95_cpu_utilization"), MeasureValueType: aws.String(timestreamquery.MeasureValueTypeDouble), }, { SourceColumn: aws.String("p99_cpu_utilization"), MeasureValueType: aws.String(timestreamquery.MeasureValueTypeDouble), }, }, }, }, } return timestreamBuilder.createScheduledQuery(topicArn, roleArn, s3ErrorReportBucketName, fmt.Sprintf(QUERY, databaseName, tableName), targetConfiguration) }
- Python
HOSTNAME = "host-24Gju" SQ_NAME = "daily-sample" ERROR_BUCKET_NAME = "scheduledquerysamplerrorbucket" + ''.join([choice(ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(5)]) QUERY = \ "SELECT region, az, hostname, BIN(time, 15s) AS binned_timestamp, " \ " ROUND(AVG(cpu_utilization), 2) AS avg_cpu_utilization, " \ " ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.9), 2) AS p90_cpu_utilization, " \ " ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.95), 2) AS p95_cpu_utilization, " \ " ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.99), 2) AS p99_cpu_utilization " \ "FROM " + database_name + "." + table_name + " " \ "WHERE measure_name = 'metrics' " \ "AND hostname = '" + self.HOSTNAME + "' " \ "AND time > ago(2h) " \ "GROUP BY region, hostname, az, BIN(time, 15s) " \ "ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC " \ "LIMIT 5" def create_scheduled_query_helper(self, topic_arn, role_arn, query, target_configuration): print("\nCreating Scheduled Query") schedule_configuration = { 'ScheduleExpression': 'cron(0/2 * * * ? *)' } notification_configuration = { 'SnsConfiguration': { 'TopicArn': topic_arn } } error_report_configuration = { 'S3Configuration': { 'BucketName': ERROR_BUCKET_NAME } } try: create_scheduled_query_response = \ query_client.create_scheduled_query(Name=self.SQ_NAME, QueryString=query, ScheduleConfiguration=schedule_configuration, NotificationConfiguration=notification_configuration, TargetConfiguration=target_configuration, ScheduledQueryExecutionRoleArn=role_arn, ErrorReportConfiguration=error_report_configuration ) print("Successfully created scheduled query : ", create_scheduled_query_response['Arn']) return create_scheduled_query_response['Arn'] except Exception as err: print("Scheduled Query creation failed:", err) raise err def create_valid_scheduled_query(self, topic_arn, role_arn): target_configuration = { 'TimestreamConfiguration': { 'DatabaseName': self.sq_database_name, 'TableName': self.sq_table_name, 'TimeColumn': 'binned_timestamp', 'DimensionMappings': [ {'Name': 'region', 'DimensionValueType': 'VARCHAR'}, {'Name': 'az', 'DimensionValueType': 'VARCHAR'}, {'Name': 'hostname', 'DimensionValueType': 'VARCHAR'} ], 'MultiMeasureMappings': { 'TargetMultiMeasureName': 'target_name', 'MultiMeasureAttributeMappings': [ {'SourceColumn': 'avg_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE', 'TargetMultiMeasureAttributeName': 'avg_cpu_utilization'}, {'SourceColumn': 'p90_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE', 'TargetMultiMeasureAttributeName': 'p90_cpu_utilization'}, {'SourceColumn': 'p95_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE', 'TargetMultiMeasureAttributeName': 'p95_cpu_utilization'}, {'SourceColumn': 'p99_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE', 'TargetMultiMeasureAttributeName': 'p99_cpu_utilization'}, ] } } } return self.create_scheduled_query_helper(topic_arn, role_arn, QUERY, target_configuration)
- Node.js
The following snippet uses the AWS SDK for JavaScript V2 style. It is based on the sample application at Node.js sample Amazon Timestream for LiveAnalytics application on GitHub
. const DATABASE_NAME = 'devops_sample_application'; const TABLE_NAME = 'host_metrics_sample_application'; const SQ_DATABASE_NAME = 'sq_result_database'; const SQ_TABLE_NAME = 'sq_result_table'; const HOSTNAME = "host-24Gju"; const SQ_NAME = "daily-sample"; const SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION = "cron(0/1 * * * ? *)"; // Find the average, p90, p95, and p99 CPU utilization for a specific EC2 host over the past 2 hours. const VALID_QUERY = "SELECT region, az, hostname, BIN(time, 15s) AS binned_timestamp, " + " ROUND(AVG(cpu_utilization), 2) AS avg_cpu_utilization, " + " ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.9), 2) AS p90_cpu_utilization, " + " ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.95), 2) AS p95_cpu_utilization, " + " ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.99), 2) AS p99_cpu_utilization " + "FROM " + DATABASE_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " " + "WHERE measure_name = 'metrics' " + " AND hostname = '" + HOSTNAME + "' " + " AND time > ago(2h) " + "GROUP BY region, hostname, az, BIN(time, 15s) " + "ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC " + "LIMIT 5"; async function createScheduledQuery(topicArn, roleArn, s3ErrorReportBucketName) { console.log("Creating Valid Scheduled Query"); const DimensionMappingList = [{ 'Name': 'region', 'DimensionValueType': 'VARCHAR' }, { 'Name': 'az', 'DimensionValueType': 'VARCHAR' }, { 'Name': 'hostname', 'DimensionValueType': 'VARCHAR' } ]; const MultiMeasureMappings = { TargetMultiMeasureName: "multi-metrics", MultiMeasureAttributeMappings: [{ 'SourceColumn': 'avg_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE' }, { 'SourceColumn': 'p90_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE' }, { 'SourceColumn': 'p95_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE' }, { 'SourceColumn': 'p99_cpu_utilization', 'MeasureValueType': 'DOUBLE' }, ] } const timestreamConfiguration = { DatabaseName: SQ_DATABASE_NAME, TableName: SQ_TABLE_NAME, TimeColumn: "binned_timestamp", DimensionMappings: DimensionMappingList, MultiMeasureMappings: MultiMeasureMappings } const createScheduledQueryRequest = { Name: SQ_NAME, QueryString: VALID_QUERY, ScheduleConfiguration: { ScheduleExpression: SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION }, NotificationConfiguration: { SnsConfiguration: { TopicArn: topicArn } }, TargetConfiguration: { TimestreamConfiguration: timestreamConfiguration }, ScheduledQueryExecutionRoleArn: roleArn, ErrorReportConfiguration: { S3Configuration: { BucketName: s3ErrorReportBucketName } } }; try { const data = await queryClient.createScheduledQuery(createScheduledQueryRequest).promise(); console.log("Successfully created scheduled query: " + data.Arn); return data.Arn; } catch (err) { console.log("Scheduled Query creation failed: ", err); throw err; } }
- .NET
public const string Hostname = "host-24Gju"; public const string SqName = "timestream-sample"; public const string SqDatabaseName = "sq_result_database"; public const string SqTableName = "sq_result_table"; public const string ErrorConfigurationS3BucketNamePrefix = "error-configuration-sample-s3-bucket-"; public const string ScheduleExpression = "cron(0/2 * * * ? *)"; // Find the average, p90, p95, and p99 CPU utilization for a specific EC2 host over the past 2 hours. public const string ValidQuery = "SELECT region, az, hostname, BIN(time, 15s) AS binned_timestamp, " + "ROUND(AVG(cpu_utilization), 2) AS avg_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.9), 2) AS p90_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.95), 2) AS p95_cpu_utilization, " + "ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.99), 2) AS p99_cpu_utilization " + "FROM " + Constants.DATABASE_NAME + "." + Constants.TABLE_NAME + " " + "WHERE measure_name = 'metrics' " + "AND hostname = '" + Hostname + "' " + "AND time > ago(2h) " + "GROUP BY region, hostname, az, BIN(time, 15s) " + "ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC " + "LIMIT 5"; private async Task<String> CreateValidScheduledQuery(string topicArn, string roleArn, string databaseName, string tableName, string s3ErrorReportBucketName) { List<MultiMeasureAttributeMapping> sourceColToMeasureValueTypes = new List<MultiMeasureAttributeMapping>() { new() { SourceColumn = "avg_cpu_utilization", MeasureValueType = MeasureValueType.DOUBLE.Value }, new() { SourceColumn = "p90_cpu_utilization", MeasureValueType = MeasureValueType.DOUBLE.Value }, new() { SourceColumn = "p95_cpu_utilization", MeasureValueType = MeasureValueType.DOUBLE.Value }, new() { SourceColumn = "p99_cpu_utilization", MeasureValueType = MeasureValueType.DOUBLE.Value } }; TargetConfiguration targetConfiguration = new TargetConfiguration() { TimestreamConfiguration = new TimestreamConfiguration() { DatabaseName = databaseName, TableName = tableName, TimeColumn = "binned_timestamp", DimensionMappings = new List<DimensionMapping>() { new() { Name = "region", DimensionValueType = "VARCHAR" }, new() { Name = "az", DimensionValueType = "VARCHAR" }, new() { Name = "hostname", DimensionValueType = "VARCHAR" } }, MultiMeasureMappings = new MultiMeasureMappings() { TargetMultiMeasureName = "multi-metrics", MultiMeasureAttributeMappings = sourceColToMeasureValueTypes } } }; return await CreateScheduledQuery(topicArn, roleArn, s3ErrorReportBucketName, ScheduledQueryConstants.ValidQuery, targetConfiguration); } private async Task<String> CreateScheduledQuery(string topicArn, string roleArn, string s3ErrorReportBucketName, string query, TargetConfiguration targetConfiguration) { try { Console.WriteLine("Creating Scheduled Query"); CreateScheduledQueryResponse response = await _amazonTimestreamQuery.CreateScheduledQueryAsync( new CreateScheduledQueryRequest() { Name = ScheduledQueryConstants.SqName, QueryString = query, ScheduleConfiguration = new ScheduleConfiguration() { ScheduleExpression = ScheduledQueryConstants.ScheduleExpression }, NotificationConfiguration = new NotificationConfiguration() { SnsConfiguration = new SnsConfiguration() { TopicArn = topicArn } }, TargetConfiguration = targetConfiguration, ErrorReportConfiguration = new ErrorReportConfiguration() { S3Configuration = new S3Configuration() { BucketName = s3ErrorReportBucketName } }, ScheduledQueryExecutionRoleArn = roleArn }); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created scheduled query : {response.Arn}"); return response.Arn; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Scheduled Query creation failed: {e}"); throw; } }
public static String DATABASE_NAME = "devops_sample_application";
public static String TABLE_NAME = "host_metrics_sample_application";
public static String HOSTNAME = "host-24Gju";
public static String SQ_NAME = "daily-sample";
public static String SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION = "cron(0/2 * * * ? *)";
// Find the average, p90, p95, and p99 CPU utilization for a specific EC2 host over the past 2 hours.
public static String QUERY = "SELECT region, az, hostname, BIN(time, 15s) AS binned_timestamp, " +
"ROUND(AVG(cpu_utilization), 2) AS avg_cpu_utilization, " +
"ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.9), 2) AS p90_cpu_utilization, " +
"ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.95), 2) AS p95_cpu_utilization, " +
"ROUND(APPROX_PERCENTILE(cpu_utilization, 0.99), 2) AS p99_cpu_utilization " +
"FROM " + DATABASE_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " " +
"WHERE measure_name = 'metrics' " +
"AND hostname = '" + HOSTNAME + "' " +
"AND time > ago(2h) " +
"GROUP BY region, hostname, az, BIN(time, 15s) " +
"ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC " +
"LIMIT 5";
public String createScheduledQuery(String topic_arn,
String role_arn,
String database_name,
String table_name) {
System.out.println("Creating Scheduled Query");
List<Pair<String, MeasureValueType>> sourceColToMeasureValueTypes = Arrays.asList(
Pair.of("avg_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE),
Pair.of("p90_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE),
Pair.of("p95_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE),
Pair.of("p99_cpu_utilization", DOUBLE));
CreateScheduledQueryRequest createScheduledQueryRequest = new CreateScheduledQueryRequest()
.withScheduleConfiguration(new ScheduleConfiguration()
.withNotificationConfiguration(new NotificationConfiguration()
.withSnsConfiguration(new SnsConfiguration()
.withTargetConfiguration(new TargetConfiguration().withTimestreamConfiguration(new TimestreamConfiguration()
new DimensionMapping()
new DimensionMapping()
new DimensionMapping()
.withMultiMeasureMappings(new MultiMeasureMappings()
.map(pair -> new MultiMeasureAttributeMapping()
.withErrorReportConfiguration(new ErrorReportConfiguration()
.withS3Configuration(new S3Configuration()
try {
final CreateScheduledQueryResult createScheduledQueryResult = queryClient.createScheduledQuery(createScheduledQueryRequest);
final String scheduledQueryArn = createScheduledQueryResult.getArn();
System.out.println("Successfully created scheduled query : " + scheduledQueryArn);
return scheduledQueryArn;
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Scheduled Query creation failed: " + e);
throw e;
Resume batch load task
List scheduled query