Amazon VPC Lattice API permissions - Amazon VPC Lattice

Amazon VPC Lattice API permissions

You must grant IAM identities (such as users or roles) permission to call the VPC Lattice API actions they need, as described in Policy actions for VPC Lattice. In addition, for some VPC Lattice actions, you must grant IAM identities permission to call specific actions from other AWS APIs.

Required permissions for the API

When calling the following actions from the API, you must grant IAM users permission to call the specified actions.

  • vpc-lattice:CreateServiceNetworkVpcAssociation

  • ec2:DescribeVpcs

  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups (Only needed when security groups are provided)

  • vpc-lattice:UpdateServiceNetworkVpcAssociation

  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups (Only needed when security groups are provided)

  • vpc-lattice:CreateTargetGroup

  • ec2:DescribeVpcs

  • vpc-lattice:RegisterTargets

  • ec2:DescribeInstances (Only needed when INSTANCE is the target group type)

  • ec2:DescribeVpcs (Only needed when INSTANCE or IP is the target group type)

  • ec2:DescribeSubnets (Only needed when INSTANCE or IP is the target group type)

  • lambda:GetFunction (Only needed when LAMBDA is the target group type)

  • lambda:AddPermission (Only needed if the target group doesn't already have permission to invoke the specified Lambda function)

  • vpc-lattice:DeregisterTargets

  • vpc-lattice:CreateAccessLogSubscription

  • logs:GetLogDelivery

  • logs:CreateLogDelivery

  • vpc-lattice:DeleteAccessLogSubscription

  • logs:DeleteLogDelivery

  • vpc-lattice:UpdateAccessLogSubscription

  • logs:UpdateLogDelivery