Tags for your VPC Lattice target group - Amazon VPC Lattice

Tags for your VPC Lattice target group

Tags help you to categorize your target groups in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment.

You can add multiple tags to each target group. Tag keys must be unique for each target group. If you add a tag with a key that is already associated with the target group, it updates the value of that tag.

When you are finished with a tag, you can remove it.

  • Maximum number of tags per resource—50

  • Maximum key length—127 Unicode characters

  • Maximum value length—255 Unicode characters

  • Tag keys and values are case sensitive. Allowed characters are letters, spaces, and numbers representable in UTF-8, plus the following special characters: + - = . _ : / @. Do not use leading or trailing spaces.

  • Do not use the aws: prefix in your tag names or values because it is reserved for AWS use. You can't edit or delete tag names or values with this prefix. Tags with this prefix do not count against your tags per resource limit.

To update the tags for a target group using the console
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/.

  2. In the navigation pane, under VPC Lattice, choose Target groups.

  3. Select the name of the target group to open its details page.

  4. Choose the Tags tab.

  5. To add a tag, choose Add tags and enter the tag key and tag value. To add another tag, choose Add new tag. When you are finished adding tags, choose Save changes.

  6. To delete a tag, select the check box for the tag and choose Delete. When prompted for confirmation, enter confirm and then choose Delete.

To update the tags for a target group using the AWS CLI

Use the tag-resource and untag-resource commands.