Defining a workload in AWS WA Tool - AWS Well-Architected Tool

We have released a new version of the Well-Architected Framework. We also added new and updated lenses to the Lens Catalog. Learn more about the changes.

Defining a workload in AWS WA Tool

A workload is a set of components that deliver business value. For example, workloads can be marketing websites, ecommerce websites, the backend for a mobile app, and analytic platforms. Accurately defining a workload helps ensure a comprehensive review against the AWS Well-Architected Framework pillars.

To define a workload
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Well-Architected Tool console at

  2. If this is your first time using AWS WA Tool, you see a page that introduces you to the features of the service. In the Define a workload section, choose Define workload.

    Alternately, in the left navigation pane, choose Workloads and choose Define workload.

    For details on how AWS uses your workload data, choose Why does AWS need this data, and how will it be used?

  3. In the Name box, enter a name for your workload.


    The name must be between 3 and 100 characters. At least three characters must not be spaces. Workload names must be unique. Spaces and capitalization are ignored when checking for uniqueness.

  4. In the Description box, enter a description of the workload. The description must be between 3 and 250 characters.

  5. In the Review owner box, enter the name, email address, or identifier for the primary group or individual that owns the workload review process.

  6. In the Environment box, choose the environment for your workload:

    • Production – Workload runs in a production environment.

    • Pre-production – Workload runs in a pre-production environment.

  7. In the Regions section, choose the Regions for your workload:

    • AWS Regions – Choose the AWS Regions where your workload runs, one at a time.

    • Non-AWS regions – Enter the names of the Regions outside of AWS where your workload runs. You can specify up to five unique Regions, separated by commas.

    Use both options if appropriate for your workload.

  8. (Optional) In the Account IDs box, enter the IDs of the AWS accounts associated with your workload. You can specify up to 100 unique account IDs, separated by commas.

    If Trusted Advisor is activated, any account IDs specified are used to get data from Trusted Advisor. See Activating AWS Trusted Advisor for a workload to grant AWS WA Tool permissions to get Trusted Advisor data on your behalf within IAM.

  9. (Optional) In the Application box, enter the application ARN of an application from the AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry that you want to associate with this workload. Only one ARN can be specified per workload, and the application and workload must be in the same Region.

  10. (Optional) In the Architectural design box, enter the URL for your architectural design.

  11. (Optional) In the Industry type box, choose the type of industry associated with your workload.

  12. (Optional) In the Industry box, choose the industry that best matches your workload.

  13. (Optional) In the Trusted Advisor section, to turn on Trusted Advisor checks for your workload, select Activate Trusted Advisor. Additional setup might be needed for accounts associated with your workload. See Activating AWS Trusted Advisor for a workload to grant AWS WA Tool permissions to get Trusted Advisor data on your behalf. Select from Workload Metadata, AppRegistry, or All under Resource definition to define what resources AWS WA Tool uses to run Trusted Advisor checks.

  14. (Optional) In the Jira section, to turn on workload-level Jira sync settings for the workload, select Override account level settings. Additional setup might be needed for accounts associated with your workload. See AWS Well-Architected Tool Connector for Jira to get started with setting up and configuring the connector. Select from Do not sync workload, Sync workload - Manual, and Sync workload - Automatic, and optionally enter a Jira project key to sync to.


    If you do not override account-level settings, workloads will default to the account-level Jira sync setting.

  15. (Optional) In the Tags section, add any tags you want to associate with the workload.

    For more information on tags, see Tagging your AWS WA Tool resources.

  16. Choose Next.

    If a required box is blank or if a specified value is not valid, you must correct the issue before you can continue.

  17. (Optional) In the Apply Profile step, associate a profile with the workload by selecting an existing profile, searching for the profile name, or choosing Create profile to create a profile. Choose Next.

  18. Choose the lenses that apply to this workload. Up to 20 lenses can be added to a workload. For descriptions of official AWS lenses, see Lenses.

    Lenses can be selected from Custom lenses (lenses that you created or that were shared with your AWS account), Lens Catalog (AWS official lenses available to all users), or both.


    The Custom lenses section is empty if you have not created a custom lens or had a custom lens shared with you.


    By accessing and/or applying custom lenses created by another AWS user or account, you acknowledge that custom lenses created by other users and shared with you are Third Party Content as defined in the AWS Customer Agreement.

  19. Choose Define workload.

    If a required box is blank or if a specified value is not valid, you must correct the issue before your workload is defined.