的版本 4 (V4) 适用于 .NET 的 SDK 正在预览中!要在预览版中查看有关此新版本的信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK (版本 4 预览版)开发者指南。
请注意,SDK 的 V4 处于预览版,因此其内容可能会发生变化。
发送 Amazon SMS 消息
此示例向您展示如何使用向 Amazon SQS 队列发送消息,您可以通过编程方式或使用 Amazon SQS 控制台创建该队列。 适用于 .NET 的 SDK
此示例和下一个有关接收消息的示例可以一起使用,以查看 Amazon SQS 中的消息流。
以下代码片段将消息发送到由给定队列 URL 标识的队列。
// Method to put a message on a queue
// Could be expanded to include message attributes, etc., in a SendMessageRequest
private static async Task SendMessage(
IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl, string messageBody)
SendMessageResponse responseSendMsg =
await sqsClient.SendMessageAsync(qUrl, messageBody);
Console.WriteLine($"Message added to queue\n {qUrl}");
Console.WriteLine($"HttpStatusCode: {responseSendMsg.HttpStatusCode}");
以下代码片段向由给定队列 URL 标识的队列发送一批消息。
// Method to put a batch of messages on a queue
// Could be expanded to include message attributes, etc.,
// in the SendMessageBatchRequestEntry objects
private static async Task SendMessageBatch(
IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl, List<SendMessageBatchRequestEntry> messages)
Console.WriteLine($"\nSending a batch of messages to queue\n {qUrl}");
SendMessageBatchResponse responseSendBatch =
await sqsClient.SendMessageBatchAsync(qUrl, messages);
// Could test responseSendBatch.Failed here
foreach(SendMessageBatchResultEntry entry in responseSendBatch.Successful)
Console.WriteLine($"Message {entry.Id} successfully queued.");
以下代码片段删除了来自由给定队列 URL 标识的队列的所有消息。这也称为清除队列。
// Method to delete all messages from the queue
private static async Task DeleteAllMessages(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl)
Console.WriteLine($"\nPurging messages from queue\n {qUrl}...");
PurgeQueueResponse responsePurge = await sqsClient.PurgeQueueAsync(qUrl);
Console.WriteLine($"HttpStatusCode: {responsePurge.HttpStatusCode}");
NuGet 包裹:
命名空间 Amazon.SQS
Amazon 上课 SQSClient
命名空间 Amazon.SQS.Model
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Amazon.SQS;
using Amazon.SQS.Model;
namespace SQSSendMessages
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Class to send messages to a queue
class Program
// Some example messages to send to the queue
private const string JsonMessage = "{\"product\":[{\"name\":\"Product A\",\"price\": \"32\"},{\"name\": \"Product B\",\"price\": \"27\"}]}";
private const string XmlMessage = "<products><product name=\"Product A\" price=\"32\" /><product name=\"Product B\" price=\"27\" /></products>";
private const string CustomMessage = "||product|Product A|32||product|Product B|27||";
private const string TextMessage = "Just a plain text message.";
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Do some checks on the command-line
if(args.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("\nUsage: SQSSendMessages queue_url");
Console.WriteLine(" queue_url - The URL of an existing SQS queue.");
Console.WriteLine("\nThe command-line argument isn't a queue URL:");
// Create the Amazon SQS client
var sqsClient = new AmazonSQSClient();
// (could verify that the queue exists)
// Send some example messages to the given queue
// A single message
await SendMessage(sqsClient, args[0], JsonMessage);
// A batch of messages
var batchMessages = new List<SendMessageBatchRequestEntry>{
new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry("xmlMsg", XmlMessage),
new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry("customeMsg", CustomMessage),
new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry("textMsg", TextMessage)};
await SendMessageBatch(sqsClient, args[0], batchMessages);
// Let the user send their own messages or quit
await InteractWithUser(sqsClient, args[0]);
// Delete all messages that are still in the queue
await DeleteAllMessages(sqsClient, args[0]);
// Method to put a message on a queue
// Could be expanded to include message attributes, etc., in a SendMessageRequest
private static async Task SendMessage(
IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl, string messageBody)
SendMessageResponse responseSendMsg =
await sqsClient.SendMessageAsync(qUrl, messageBody);
Console.WriteLine($"Message added to queue\n {qUrl}");
Console.WriteLine($"HttpStatusCode: {responseSendMsg.HttpStatusCode}");
// Method to put a batch of messages on a queue
// Could be expanded to include message attributes, etc.,
// in the SendMessageBatchRequestEntry objects
private static async Task SendMessageBatch(
IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl, List<SendMessageBatchRequestEntry> messages)
Console.WriteLine($"\nSending a batch of messages to queue\n {qUrl}");
SendMessageBatchResponse responseSendBatch =
await sqsClient.SendMessageBatchAsync(qUrl, messages);
// Could test responseSendBatch.Failed here
foreach(SendMessageBatchResultEntry entry in responseSendBatch.Successful)
Console.WriteLine($"Message {entry.Id} successfully queued.");
// Method to get input from the user
// They can provide messages to put in the queue or exit the application
private static async Task InteractWithUser(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl)
string response;
while (true)
// Get the user's input
Console.WriteLine("\nType a message for the queue or \"exit\" to quit:");
response = Console.ReadLine();
if(response.ToLower() == "exit") break;
// Put the user's message in the queue
await SendMessage(sqsClient, qUrl, response);
// Method to delete all messages from the queue
private static async Task DeleteAllMessages(IAmazonSQS sqsClient, string qUrl)
Console.WriteLine($"\nPurging messages from queue\n {qUrl}...");
PurgeQueueResponse responsePurge = await sqsClient.PurgeQueueAsync(qUrl);
Console.WriteLine($"HttpStatusCode: {responsePurge.HttpStatusCode}");
有关消息的各种限制(包括允许的字符)的信息,请参阅 Amazon Simple Queue Service 开发人员指南中与消息相关的配额部分。
消息会一直保留在队列中,直到被删除或队列被清除。当应用程序收到一条消息时,即使它仍然存在于队列中,它也不会出现在队列中。有关可见性超时的更多信息,请参阅 Amazon SQS 可见性超时。