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使用 Amazon Rekognition 的示例 适用于 .NET 的 SDK - 适用于 .NET 的 SDK (版本 3)

的版本 4 (V4) 适用于 .NET 的 SDK 正在预览中!要在预览版中查看有关此新版本的信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK (版本 4 预览版)开发者指南

请注意,SDK 的 V4 处于预览版,因此其内容可能会发生变化。


的版本 4 (V4) 适用于 .NET 的 SDK 正在预览中!要在预览版中查看有关此新版本的信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK (版本 4 预览版)开发者指南

请注意,SDK 的 V4 处于预览版,因此其内容可能会发生变化。


使用 Amazon Rekognition 的示例 适用于 .NET 的 SDK

以下代码示例向您展示了如何使用 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK 与 Amazon Rekognition 配合使用来执行操作和实现常见场景。


场景是向您演示如何通过在一个服务中调用多个函数或与其他 AWS 服务结合来完成特定任务的代码示例。



以下代码示例演示如何使用 CompareFaces


适用于 .NET 的 SDK

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using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to compare faces in two images. /// </summary> public class CompareFaces { public static async Task Main() { float similarityThreshold = 70F; string sourceImage = "source.jpg"; string targetImage = "target.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image imageSource = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using FileStream fs = new FileStream(sourceImage, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); imageSource.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load source image: {sourceImage}"); return; } Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image imageTarget = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using FileStream fs = new FileStream(targetImage, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length]; data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); imageTarget.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load target image: {targetImage}"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } var compareFacesRequest = new CompareFacesRequest { SourceImage = imageSource, TargetImage = imageTarget, SimilarityThreshold = similarityThreshold, }; // Call operation var compareFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.CompareFacesAsync(compareFacesRequest); // Display results compareFacesResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(match => { ComparedFace face = match.Face; BoundingBox position = face.BoundingBox; Console.WriteLine($"Face at {position.Left} {position.Top} matches with {match.Similarity}% confidence."); }); Console.WriteLine($"Found {compareFacesResponse.UnmatchedFaces.Count} face(s) that did not match."); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考CompareFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CompareFaces


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using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to compare faces in two images. /// </summary> public class CompareFaces { public static async Task Main() { float similarityThreshold = 70F; string sourceImage = "source.jpg"; string targetImage = "target.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image imageSource = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using FileStream fs = new FileStream(sourceImage, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); imageSource.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load source image: {sourceImage}"); return; } Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image imageTarget = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using FileStream fs = new FileStream(targetImage, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length]; data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); imageTarget.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load target image: {targetImage}"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } var compareFacesRequest = new CompareFacesRequest { SourceImage = imageSource, TargetImage = imageTarget, SimilarityThreshold = similarityThreshold, }; // Call operation var compareFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.CompareFacesAsync(compareFacesRequest); // Display results compareFacesResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(match => { ComparedFace face = match.Face; BoundingBox position = face.BoundingBox; Console.WriteLine($"Face at {position.Left} {position.Top} matches with {match.Similarity}% confidence."); }); Console.WriteLine($"Found {compareFacesResponse.UnmatchedFaces.Count} face(s) that did not match."); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考CompareFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateCollection


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses Amazon Rekognition to create a collection to which you can add /// faces using the IndexFaces operation. /// </summary> public class CreateCollection { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); string collectionId = "MyCollection"; Console.WriteLine("Creating collection: " + collectionId); var createCollectionRequest = new CreateCollectionRequest { CollectionId = collectionId, }; CreateCollectionResponse createCollectionResponse = await rekognitionClient.CreateCollectionAsync(createCollectionRequest); Console.WriteLine($"CollectionArn : {createCollectionResponse.CollectionArn}"); Console.WriteLine($"Status code : {createCollectionResponse.StatusCode}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考CreateCollection中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateCollection


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses Amazon Rekognition to create a collection to which you can add /// faces using the IndexFaces operation. /// </summary> public class CreateCollection { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); string collectionId = "MyCollection"; Console.WriteLine("Creating collection: " + collectionId); var createCollectionRequest = new CreateCollectionRequest { CollectionId = collectionId, }; CreateCollectionResponse createCollectionResponse = await rekognitionClient.CreateCollectionAsync(createCollectionRequest); Console.WriteLine($"CollectionArn : {createCollectionResponse.CollectionArn}"); Console.WriteLine($"Status code : {createCollectionResponse.StatusCode}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考CreateCollection中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteCollection


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to delete an existing collection. /// </summary> public class DeleteCollection { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); string collectionId = "MyCollection"; Console.WriteLine("Deleting collection: " + collectionId); var deleteCollectionRequest = new DeleteCollectionRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, }; var deleteCollectionResponse = await rekognitionClient.DeleteCollectionAsync(deleteCollectionRequest); Console.WriteLine($"{collectionId}: {deleteCollectionResponse.StatusCode}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DeleteCollection中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteCollection


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to delete an existing collection. /// </summary> public class DeleteCollection { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); string collectionId = "MyCollection"; Console.WriteLine("Deleting collection: " + collectionId); var deleteCollectionRequest = new DeleteCollectionRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, }; var deleteCollectionResponse = await rekognitionClient.DeleteCollectionAsync(deleteCollectionRequest); Console.WriteLine($"{collectionId}: {deleteCollectionResponse.StatusCode}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DeleteCollection中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteFaces


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to delete one or more faces from /// a Rekognition collection. /// </summary> public class DeleteFaces { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; var faces = new List<string> { "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" }; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var deleteFacesRequest = new DeleteFacesRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, FaceIds = faces, }; DeleteFacesResponse deleteFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.DeleteFacesAsync(deleteFacesRequest); deleteFacesResponse.DeletedFaces.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceID: {face}"); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DeleteFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteFaces


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to delete one or more faces from /// a Rekognition collection. /// </summary> public class DeleteFaces { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; var faces = new List<string> { "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" }; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var deleteFacesRequest = new DeleteFacesRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, FaceIds = faces, }; DeleteFacesResponse deleteFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.DeleteFacesAsync(deleteFacesRequest); deleteFacesResponse.DeletedFaces.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceID: {face}"); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DeleteFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeCollection


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to describe the contents of a /// collection. /// </summary> public class DescribeCollection { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); string collectionId = "MyCollection"; Console.WriteLine($"Describing collection: {collectionId}"); var describeCollectionRequest = new DescribeCollectionRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, }; var describeCollectionResponse = await rekognitionClient.DescribeCollectionAsync(describeCollectionRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Collection ARN: {describeCollectionResponse.CollectionARN}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face count: {describeCollectionResponse.FaceCount}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face model version: {describeCollectionResponse.FaceModelVersion}"); Console.WriteLine($"Created: {describeCollectionResponse.CreationTimestamp}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DescribeCollection中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribeCollection


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to describe the contents of a /// collection. /// </summary> public class DescribeCollection { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); string collectionId = "MyCollection"; Console.WriteLine($"Describing collection: {collectionId}"); var describeCollectionRequest = new DescribeCollectionRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, }; var describeCollectionResponse = await rekognitionClient.DescribeCollectionAsync(describeCollectionRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Collection ARN: {describeCollectionResponse.CollectionARN}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face count: {describeCollectionResponse.FaceCount}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face model version: {describeCollectionResponse.FaceModelVersion}"); Console.WriteLine($"Created: {describeCollectionResponse.CreationTimestamp}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DescribeCollection中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectFaces


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect faces within an image /// stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DetectFaces { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectFacesRequest = new DetectFacesRequest() { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, // Attributes can be "ALL" or "DEFAULT". // "DEFAULT": BoundingBox, Confidence, Landmarks, Pose, and Quality. // "ALL": See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkfornet/v3/apidocs/items/Rekognition/TFaceDetail.html Attributes = new List<string>() { "ALL" }, }; try { DetectFacesResponse detectFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectFacesAsync(detectFacesRequest); bool hasAll = detectFacesRequest.Attributes.Contains("ALL"); foreach (FaceDetail face in detectFacesResponse.FaceDetails) { Console.WriteLine($"BoundingBox: top={face.BoundingBox.Left} left={face.BoundingBox.Top} width={face.BoundingBox.Width} height={face.BoundingBox.Height}"); Console.WriteLine($"Confidence: {face.Confidence}"); Console.WriteLine($"Landmarks: {face.Landmarks.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"Pose: pitch={face.Pose.Pitch} roll={face.Pose.Roll} yaw={face.Pose.Yaw}"); Console.WriteLine($"Brightness: {face.Quality.Brightness}\tSharpness: {face.Quality.Sharpness}"); if (hasAll) { Console.WriteLine($"Estimated age is between {face.AgeRange.Low} and {face.AgeRange.High} years old."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to display the details of the /// bounding boxes around the faces detected in an image. /// </summary> public class ImageOrientationBoundingBox { public static async Task Main() { string photo = @"D:\Development\AWS-Examples\Rekognition\target.jpg"; // "photo.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var image = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using var fs = new FileStream(photo, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = null; data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); image.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load file " + photo); return; } int height; int width; // Used to extract original photo width/height using (var imageBitmap = new Bitmap(photo)) { height = imageBitmap.Height; width = imageBitmap.Width; } Console.WriteLine("Image Information:"); Console.WriteLine(photo); Console.WriteLine("Image Height: " + height); Console.WriteLine("Image Width: " + width); try { var detectFacesRequest = new DetectFacesRequest() { Image = image, Attributes = new List<string>() { "ALL" }, }; DetectFacesResponse detectFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectFacesAsync(detectFacesRequest); detectFacesResponse.FaceDetails.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine("Face:"); ShowBoundingBoxPositions( height, width, face.BoundingBox, detectFacesResponse.OrientationCorrection); Console.WriteLine($"BoundingBox: top={face.BoundingBox.Left} left={face.BoundingBox.Top} width={face.BoundingBox.Width} height={face.BoundingBox.Height}"); Console.WriteLine($"The detected face is estimated to be between {face.AgeRange.Low} and {face.AgeRange.High} years old.\n"); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Display the bounding box information for an image. /// </summary> /// <param name="imageHeight">The height of the image.</param> /// <param name="imageWidth">The width of the image.</param> /// <param name="box">The bounding box for a face found within the image.</param> /// <param name="rotation">The rotation of the face's bounding box.</param> public static void ShowBoundingBoxPositions(int imageHeight, int imageWidth, BoundingBox box, string rotation) { float left; float top; if (rotation == null) { Console.WriteLine("No estimated orientation. Check Exif data."); return; } // Calculate face position based on image orientation. switch (rotation) { case "ROTATE_0": left = imageWidth * box.Left; top = imageHeight * box.Top; break; case "ROTATE_90": left = imageHeight * (1 - (box.Top + box.Height)); top = imageWidth * box.Left; break; case "ROTATE_180": left = imageWidth - (imageWidth * (box.Left + box.Width)); top = imageHeight * (1 - (box.Top + box.Height)); break; case "ROTATE_270": left = imageHeight * box.Top; top = imageWidth * (1 - box.Left - box.Width); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No estimated orientation information. Check Exif data."); return; } // Display face location information. Console.WriteLine($"Left: {left}"); Console.WriteLine($"Top: {top}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face Width: {imageWidth * box.Width}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face Height: {imageHeight * box.Height}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DetectFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectFaces


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect faces within an image /// stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DetectFaces { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectFacesRequest = new DetectFacesRequest() { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, // Attributes can be "ALL" or "DEFAULT". // "DEFAULT": BoundingBox, Confidence, Landmarks, Pose, and Quality. // "ALL": See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkfornet/v3/apidocs/items/Rekognition/TFaceDetail.html Attributes = new List<string>() { "ALL" }, }; try { DetectFacesResponse detectFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectFacesAsync(detectFacesRequest); bool hasAll = detectFacesRequest.Attributes.Contains("ALL"); foreach (FaceDetail face in detectFacesResponse.FaceDetails) { Console.WriteLine($"BoundingBox: top={face.BoundingBox.Left} left={face.BoundingBox.Top} width={face.BoundingBox.Width} height={face.BoundingBox.Height}"); Console.WriteLine($"Confidence: {face.Confidence}"); Console.WriteLine($"Landmarks: {face.Landmarks.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"Pose: pitch={face.Pose.Pitch} roll={face.Pose.Roll} yaw={face.Pose.Yaw}"); Console.WriteLine($"Brightness: {face.Quality.Brightness}\tSharpness: {face.Quality.Sharpness}"); if (hasAll) { Console.WriteLine($"Estimated age is between {face.AgeRange.Low} and {face.AgeRange.High} years old."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to display the details of the /// bounding boxes around the faces detected in an image. /// </summary> public class ImageOrientationBoundingBox { public static async Task Main() { string photo = @"D:\Development\AWS-Examples\Rekognition\target.jpg"; // "photo.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var image = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using var fs = new FileStream(photo, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = null; data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); image.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load file " + photo); return; } int height; int width; // Used to extract original photo width/height using (var imageBitmap = new Bitmap(photo)) { height = imageBitmap.Height; width = imageBitmap.Width; } Console.WriteLine("Image Information:"); Console.WriteLine(photo); Console.WriteLine("Image Height: " + height); Console.WriteLine("Image Width: " + width); try { var detectFacesRequest = new DetectFacesRequest() { Image = image, Attributes = new List<string>() { "ALL" }, }; DetectFacesResponse detectFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectFacesAsync(detectFacesRequest); detectFacesResponse.FaceDetails.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine("Face:"); ShowBoundingBoxPositions( height, width, face.BoundingBox, detectFacesResponse.OrientationCorrection); Console.WriteLine($"BoundingBox: top={face.BoundingBox.Left} left={face.BoundingBox.Top} width={face.BoundingBox.Width} height={face.BoundingBox.Height}"); Console.WriteLine($"The detected face is estimated to be between {face.AgeRange.Low} and {face.AgeRange.High} years old.\n"); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Display the bounding box information for an image. /// </summary> /// <param name="imageHeight">The height of the image.</param> /// <param name="imageWidth">The width of the image.</param> /// <param name="box">The bounding box for a face found within the image.</param> /// <param name="rotation">The rotation of the face's bounding box.</param> public static void ShowBoundingBoxPositions(int imageHeight, int imageWidth, BoundingBox box, string rotation) { float left; float top; if (rotation == null) { Console.WriteLine("No estimated orientation. Check Exif data."); return; } // Calculate face position based on image orientation. switch (rotation) { case "ROTATE_0": left = imageWidth * box.Left; top = imageHeight * box.Top; break; case "ROTATE_90": left = imageHeight * (1 - (box.Top + box.Height)); top = imageWidth * box.Left; break; case "ROTATE_180": left = imageWidth - (imageWidth * (box.Left + box.Width)); top = imageHeight * (1 - (box.Top + box.Height)); break; case "ROTATE_270": left = imageHeight * box.Top; top = imageWidth * (1 - box.Left - box.Width); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No estimated orientation information. Check Exif data."); return; } // Display face location information. Console.WriteLine($"Left: {left}"); Console.WriteLine($"Top: {top}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face Width: {imageWidth * box.Width}"); Console.WriteLine($"Face Height: {imageHeight * box.Height}"); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DetectFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectLabels


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect labels within an image /// stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DetectLabels { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "del_river_02092020_01.jpg"; // "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // "bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectlabelsRequest = new DetectLabelsRequest { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, MaxLabels = 10, MinConfidence = 75F, }; try { DetectLabelsResponse detectLabelsResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectLabelsAsync(detectlabelsRequest); Console.WriteLine("Detected labels for " + photo); foreach (Label label in detectLabelsResponse.Labels) { Console.WriteLine($"Name: {label.Name} Confidence: {label.Confidence}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }


using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect labels within an image /// stored locally. /// </summary> public class DetectLabelsLocalFile { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "input.jpg"; var image = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using var fs = new FileStream(photo, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = null; data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); image.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load file " + photo); return; } var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectlabelsRequest = new DetectLabelsRequest { Image = image, MaxLabels = 10, MinConfidence = 77F, }; try { DetectLabelsResponse detectLabelsResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectLabelsAsync(detectlabelsRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Detected labels for {photo}"); foreach (Label label in detectLabelsResponse.Labels) { Console.WriteLine($"{label.Name}: {label.Confidence}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DetectLabels中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectLabels


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect labels within an image /// stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DetectLabels { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "del_river_02092020_01.jpg"; // "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // "bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectlabelsRequest = new DetectLabelsRequest { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, MaxLabels = 10, MinConfidence = 75F, }; try { DetectLabelsResponse detectLabelsResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectLabelsAsync(detectlabelsRequest); Console.WriteLine("Detected labels for " + photo); foreach (Label label in detectLabelsResponse.Labels) { Console.WriteLine($"Name: {label.Name} Confidence: {label.Confidence}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }


using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect labels within an image /// stored locally. /// </summary> public class DetectLabelsLocalFile { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "input.jpg"; var image = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); try { using var fs = new FileStream(photo, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] data = null; data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); image.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load file " + photo); return; } var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectlabelsRequest = new DetectLabelsRequest { Image = image, MaxLabels = 10, MinConfidence = 77F, }; try { DetectLabelsResponse detectLabelsResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectLabelsAsync(detectlabelsRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Detected labels for {photo}"); foreach (Label label in detectLabelsResponse.Labels) { Console.WriteLine($"{label.Name}: {label.Confidence}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DetectLabels中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectModerationLabels


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect unsafe content in a /// JPEG or PNG format image. /// </summary> public class DetectModerationLabels { public static async Task Main(string[] args) { string photo = "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectModerationLabelsRequest = new DetectModerationLabelsRequest() { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, MinConfidence = 60F, }; try { var detectModerationLabelsResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectModerationLabelsAsync(detectModerationLabelsRequest); Console.WriteLine("Detected labels for " + photo); foreach (ModerationLabel label in detectModerationLabelsResponse.ModerationLabels) { Console.WriteLine($"Label: {label.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Confidence: {label.Confidence}"); Console.WriteLine($"Parent: {label.ParentName}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectModerationLabels


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect unsafe content in a /// JPEG or PNG format image. /// </summary> public class DetectModerationLabels { public static async Task Main(string[] args) { string photo = "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectModerationLabelsRequest = new DetectModerationLabelsRequest() { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, MinConfidence = 60F, }; try { var detectModerationLabelsResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectModerationLabelsAsync(detectModerationLabelsRequest); Console.WriteLine("Detected labels for " + photo); foreach (ModerationLabel label in detectModerationLabelsResponse.ModerationLabels) { Console.WriteLine($"Label: {label.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Confidence: {label.Confidence}"); Console.WriteLine($"Parent: {label.ParentName}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectText


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect text in an image. The /// example was created using the AWS SDK for .NET version 3.7 and .NET /// Core 5.0. /// </summary> public class DetectText { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "Dad_photographer.jpg"; // "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // "bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectTextRequest = new DetectTextRequest() { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, }; try { DetectTextResponse detectTextResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectTextAsync(detectTextRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Detected lines and words for {photo}"); detectTextResponse.TextDetections.ForEach(text => { Console.WriteLine($"Detected: {text.DetectedText}"); Console.WriteLine($"Confidence: {text.Confidence}"); Console.WriteLine($"Id : {text.Id}"); Console.WriteLine($"Parent Id: {text.ParentId}"); Console.WriteLine($"Type: {text.Type}"); }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DetectText中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DetectText


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect text in an image. The /// example was created using the AWS SDK for .NET version 3.7 and .NET /// Core 5.0. /// </summary> public class DetectText { public static async Task Main() { string photo = "Dad_photographer.jpg"; // "input.jpg"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // "bucket"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var detectTextRequest = new DetectTextRequest() { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket, }, }, }; try { DetectTextResponse detectTextResponse = await rekognitionClient.DetectTextAsync(detectTextRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Detected lines and words for {photo}"); detectTextResponse.TextDetections.ForEach(text => { Console.WriteLine($"Detected: {text.DetectedText}"); Console.WriteLine($"Confidence: {text.Confidence}"); Console.WriteLine($"Id : {text.Id}"); Console.WriteLine($"Parent Id: {text.ParentId}"); Console.WriteLine($"Type: {text.Type}"); }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考DetectText中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 GetCelebrityInfo

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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Shows how to use Amazon Rekognition to retrieve information about the /// celebrity identified by the supplied celebrity Id. /// </summary> public class CelebrityInfo { public static async Task Main() { string celebId = "nnnnnnnn"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var celebrityInfoRequest = new GetCelebrityInfoRequest { Id = celebId, }; Console.WriteLine($"Getting information for celebrity: {celebId}"); var celebrityInfoResponse = await rekognitionClient.GetCelebrityInfoAsync(celebrityInfoRequest); // Display celebrity information. Console.WriteLine($"celebrity name: {celebrityInfoResponse.Name}"); Console.WriteLine("Further information (if available):"); celebrityInfoResponse.Urls.ForEach(url => { Console.WriteLine(url); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考GetCelebrityInfo中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 GetCelebrityInfo

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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Shows how to use Amazon Rekognition to retrieve information about the /// celebrity identified by the supplied celebrity Id. /// </summary> public class CelebrityInfo { public static async Task Main() { string celebId = "nnnnnnnn"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var celebrityInfoRequest = new GetCelebrityInfoRequest { Id = celebId, }; Console.WriteLine($"Getting information for celebrity: {celebId}"); var celebrityInfoResponse = await rekognitionClient.GetCelebrityInfoAsync(celebrityInfoRequest); // Display celebrity information. Console.WriteLine($"celebrity name: {celebrityInfoResponse.Name}"); Console.WriteLine("Further information (if available):"); celebrityInfoResponse.Urls.ForEach(url => { Console.WriteLine(url); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考GetCelebrityInfo中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 IndexFaces


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect faces in an image /// that has been uploaded to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) /// bucket and then adds the information to a collection. /// </summary> public class AddFaces { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection2"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string photo = "input.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var image = new Image { S3Object = new S3Object { Bucket = bucket, Name = photo, }, }; var indexFacesRequest = new IndexFacesRequest { Image = image, CollectionId = collectionId, ExternalImageId = photo, DetectionAttributes = new List<string>() { "ALL" }, }; IndexFacesResponse indexFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.IndexFacesAsync(indexFacesRequest); Console.WriteLine($"{photo} added"); foreach (FaceRecord faceRecord in indexFacesResponse.FaceRecords) { Console.WriteLine($"Face detected: Faceid is {faceRecord.Face.FaceId}"); } } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考IndexFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 IndexFaces


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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to detect faces in an image /// that has been uploaded to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) /// bucket and then adds the information to a collection. /// </summary> public class AddFaces { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection2"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string photo = "input.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var image = new Image { S3Object = new S3Object { Bucket = bucket, Name = photo, }, }; var indexFacesRequest = new IndexFacesRequest { Image = image, CollectionId = collectionId, ExternalImageId = photo, DetectionAttributes = new List<string>() { "ALL" }, }; IndexFacesResponse indexFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.IndexFacesAsync(indexFacesRequest); Console.WriteLine($"{photo} added"); foreach (FaceRecord faceRecord in indexFacesResponse.FaceRecords) { Console.WriteLine($"Face detected: Faceid is {faceRecord.Face.FaceId}"); } } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考IndexFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListCollections


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses Amazon Rekognition to list the collection IDs in the /// current account. /// </summary> public class ListCollections { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); Console.WriteLine("Listing collections"); int limit = 10; var listCollectionsRequest = new ListCollectionsRequest { MaxResults = limit, }; var listCollectionsResponse = new ListCollectionsResponse(); do { if (listCollectionsResponse is not null) { listCollectionsRequest.NextToken = listCollectionsResponse.NextToken; } listCollectionsResponse = await rekognitionClient.ListCollectionsAsync(listCollectionsRequest); listCollectionsResponse.CollectionIds.ForEach(id => { Console.WriteLine(id); }); } while (listCollectionsResponse.NextToken is not null); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考ListCollections中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListCollections


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses Amazon Rekognition to list the collection IDs in the /// current account. /// </summary> public class ListCollections { public static async Task Main() { var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); Console.WriteLine("Listing collections"); int limit = 10; var listCollectionsRequest = new ListCollectionsRequest { MaxResults = limit, }; var listCollectionsResponse = new ListCollectionsResponse(); do { if (listCollectionsResponse is not null) { listCollectionsRequest.NextToken = listCollectionsResponse.NextToken; } listCollectionsResponse = await rekognitionClient.ListCollectionsAsync(listCollectionsRequest); listCollectionsResponse.CollectionIds.ForEach(id => { Console.WriteLine(id); }); } while (listCollectionsResponse.NextToken is not null); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考ListCollections中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListFaces


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to retrieve the list of faces /// stored in a collection. /// </summary> public class ListFaces { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection2"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var listFacesResponse = new ListFacesResponse(); Console.WriteLine($"Faces in collection {collectionId}"); var listFacesRequest = new ListFacesRequest { CollectionId = collectionId, MaxResults = 1, }; do { listFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.ListFacesAsync(listFacesRequest); listFacesResponse.Faces.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine(face.FaceId); }); listFacesRequest.NextToken = listFacesResponse.NextToken; } while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listFacesResponse.NextToken)); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考ListFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListFaces


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to retrieve the list of faces /// stored in a collection. /// </summary> public class ListFaces { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection2"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var listFacesResponse = new ListFacesResponse(); Console.WriteLine($"Faces in collection {collectionId}"); var listFacesRequest = new ListFacesRequest { CollectionId = collectionId, MaxResults = 1, }; do { listFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.ListFacesAsync(listFacesRequest); listFacesResponse.Faces.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine(face.FaceId); }); listFacesRequest.NextToken = listFacesResponse.NextToken; } while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listFacesResponse.NextToken)); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考ListFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 RecognizeCelebrities


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using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Shows how to use Amazon Rekognition to identify celebrities in a photo. /// </summary> public class CelebritiesInImage { public static async Task Main(string[] args) { string photo = "moviestars.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var recognizeCelebritiesRequest = new RecognizeCelebritiesRequest(); var img = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); byte[] data = null; try { using var fs = new FileStream(photo, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load file {photo}"); return; } img.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); recognizeCelebritiesRequest.Image = img; Console.WriteLine($"Looking for celebrities in image {photo}\n"); var recognizeCelebritiesResponse = await rekognitionClient.RecognizeCelebritiesAsync(recognizeCelebritiesRequest); Console.WriteLine($"{recognizeCelebritiesResponse.CelebrityFaces.Count} celebrity(s) were recognized.\n"); recognizeCelebritiesResponse.CelebrityFaces.ForEach(celeb => { Console.WriteLine($"Celebrity recognized: {celeb.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Celebrity ID: {celeb.Id}"); BoundingBox boundingBox = celeb.Face.BoundingBox; Console.WriteLine($"position: {boundingBox.Left} {boundingBox.Top}"); Console.WriteLine("Further information (if available):"); celeb.Urls.ForEach(url => { Console.WriteLine(url); }); }); Console.WriteLine($"{recognizeCelebritiesResponse.UnrecognizedFaces.Count} face(s) were unrecognized."); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考RecognizeCelebrities中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 RecognizeCelebrities


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using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Shows how to use Amazon Rekognition to identify celebrities in a photo. /// </summary> public class CelebritiesInImage { public static async Task Main(string[] args) { string photo = "moviestars.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var recognizeCelebritiesRequest = new RecognizeCelebritiesRequest(); var img = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.Image(); byte[] data = null; try { using var fs = new FileStream(photo, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, (int)fs.Length); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load file {photo}"); return; } img.Bytes = new MemoryStream(data); recognizeCelebritiesRequest.Image = img; Console.WriteLine($"Looking for celebrities in image {photo}\n"); var recognizeCelebritiesResponse = await rekognitionClient.RecognizeCelebritiesAsync(recognizeCelebritiesRequest); Console.WriteLine($"{recognizeCelebritiesResponse.CelebrityFaces.Count} celebrity(s) were recognized.\n"); recognizeCelebritiesResponse.CelebrityFaces.ForEach(celeb => { Console.WriteLine($"Celebrity recognized: {celeb.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Celebrity ID: {celeb.Id}"); BoundingBox boundingBox = celeb.Face.BoundingBox; Console.WriteLine($"position: {boundingBox.Left} {boundingBox.Top}"); Console.WriteLine("Further information (if available):"); celeb.Urls.ForEach(url => { Console.WriteLine(url); }); }); Console.WriteLine($"{recognizeCelebritiesResponse.UnrecognizedFaces.Count} face(s) were unrecognized."); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考RecognizeCelebrities中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SearchFaces

有关更多信息,请参阅搜索人脸(面容 ID)

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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to find faces in an image that /// match the face Id provided in the method request. /// </summary> public class SearchFacesMatchingId { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; string faceId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); // Search collection for faces matching the face id. var searchFacesRequest = new SearchFacesRequest { CollectionId = collectionId, FaceId = faceId, FaceMatchThreshold = 70F, MaxFaces = 2, }; SearchFacesResponse searchFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.SearchFacesAsync(searchFacesRequest); Console.WriteLine("Face matching faceId " + faceId); Console.WriteLine("Matche(s): "); searchFacesResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceId: {face.Face.FaceId} Similarity: {face.Similarity}"); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考SearchFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SearchFaces

有关更多信息,请参阅搜索人脸(面容 ID)

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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to find faces in an image that /// match the face Id provided in the method request. /// </summary> public class SearchFacesMatchingId { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; string faceId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); // Search collection for faces matching the face id. var searchFacesRequest = new SearchFacesRequest { CollectionId = collectionId, FaceId = faceId, FaceMatchThreshold = 70F, MaxFaces = 2, }; SearchFacesResponse searchFacesResponse = await rekognitionClient.SearchFacesAsync(searchFacesRequest); Console.WriteLine("Face matching faceId " + faceId); Console.WriteLine("Matche(s): "); searchFacesResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceId: {face.Face.FaceId} Similarity: {face.Similarity}"); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考SearchFaces中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SearchFacesByImage


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to search for images matching those /// in a collection. /// </summary> public class SearchFacesMatchingImage { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string photo = "input.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); // Get an image object from S3 bucket. var image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Bucket = bucket, Name = photo, }, }; var searchFacesByImageRequest = new SearchFacesByImageRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, Image = image, FaceMatchThreshold = 70F, MaxFaces = 2, }; SearchFacesByImageResponse searchFacesByImageResponse = await rekognitionClient.SearchFacesByImageAsync(searchFacesByImageRequest); Console.WriteLine("Faces matching largest face in image from " + photo); searchFacesByImageResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceId: {face.Face.FaceId}, Similarity: {face.Similarity}"); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考SearchFacesByImage中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SearchFacesByImage


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; /// <summary> /// Uses the Amazon Rekognition Service to search for images matching those /// in a collection. /// </summary> public class SearchFacesMatchingImage { public static async Task Main() { string collectionId = "MyCollection"; string bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; string photo = "input.jpg"; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); // Get an image object from S3 bucket. var image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Bucket = bucket, Name = photo, }, }; var searchFacesByImageRequest = new SearchFacesByImageRequest() { CollectionId = collectionId, Image = image, FaceMatchThreshold = 70F, MaxFaces = 2, }; SearchFacesByImageResponse searchFacesByImageResponse = await rekognitionClient.SearchFacesByImageAsync(searchFacesByImageRequest); Console.WriteLine("Faces matching largest face in image from " + photo); searchFacesByImageResponse.FaceMatches.ForEach(face => { Console.WriteLine($"FaceId: {face.Face.FaceId}, Similarity: {face.Similarity}"); }); } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK API 参考SearchFacesByImage中的。



适用于 .NET 的 SDK

演示如何开发照片资产管理应用程序,该应用程序使用 Amazon Rekognition 检测图像中的标签并将其存储以供日后检索。

有关如何设置和运行的完整源代码和说明,请参阅上的完整示例 GitHub

要深入了解这个例子的起源,请参阅 AWS 社区上的博文。

  • API Gateway

  • DynamoDB

  • Lambda

  • Amazon Rekognition

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon SNS


适用于 .NET 的 SDK

演示如何开发照片资产管理应用程序,该应用程序使用 Amazon Rekognition 检测图像中的标签并将其存储以供日后检索。

有关如何设置和运行的完整源代码和说明,请参阅上的完整示例 GitHub

要深入了解这个例子的起源,请参阅 AWS 社区上的博文。

  • API Gateway

  • DynamoDB

  • Lambda

  • Amazon Rekognition

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon SNS

以下代码示例演示如何构建一个使用 Amazon Rekognition 按类别检测图像中对象的应用程序。

适用于 .NET 的 SDK

展示如何使用 Amazon Rekognition .NET API 创建应用程序,该应用程序采用 Amazon Rekognition 来按类别识别位于 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 存储桶的图像中的对象。该应用程序使用 Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) 向管理员发送包含结果的电子邮件通知。


  • Amazon Rekognition

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon SES

以下代码示例演示如何构建一个使用 Amazon Rekognition 按类别检测图像中对象的应用程序。

适用于 .NET 的 SDK

展示如何使用 Amazon Rekognition .NET API 创建应用程序,该应用程序采用 Amazon Rekognition 来按类别识别位于 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 存储桶的图像中的对象。该应用程序使用 Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) 向管理员发送包含结果的电子邮件通知。


  • Amazon Rekognition

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon SES

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