RC 3 |
Updated API permission policies: Policies have been
updated to reflect the new actions introduced in this release.
Ensure your IAM roles and permissions are adjusted
Custom header usage details: Added details on how to use
the custom header X-Amzn-User-Agent to help audit
and measure API usage.
Replaced actions with asynchronous actions: Replaced
AcceptOpportunityEngagementInvitation with the
asynchronous action
StartEngagementByAcceptingInvitationTask and
payload format has changed with respect to RC2.
Entity and action renaming: Changed
OpportunityEngagementInvitation to
EngagementInvitation . The attributes for these
actions have also changed to align with the new entity. The
following actions were replaced:
GetOpportunityEngagementInvitation is now
GetEngagementInvitation . Multiple
attributes in the invitation have been changed, added, or
ListOpportunityEngagementInvitations is
now ListEngagementInvitations .
RejectOpportunityEngagementInvitation is
now RejectEngagementInvitation .
AssignOpportunity parameter update:
AssignOpportunity now takes
Assignee instead of AssigneeEmail .
Update your implementations accordingly.
SubmitOpportunity functionality change:
SubmitOpportunity is now performed by the
asynchronous action
StartEngagementFromOpportunityTask .
SubmitOpportunity now accepts
InvolvementType and
Visibility .
Attribute renaming and expansion:
EstimatedAwsMonthlyRevenue changed to
ExpectedCustomerSpend .
ExpectedCustomerSpend now includes new
attributes, such as Frequency and
TargetCompany .
New action for AWS opportunity summary: Opportunity
visibility is now provided through a separate action called
GetAwsOpportunitySummary .
Workflow updates for working with opportunities: The
workflow for Working with your
opportunities was updated to use the new actions
introduced in this release.
Workflow updates for working with opportunities: The
workflow for Working with
opportunities was updated to use
EngagementInvitations , which improves handling
opportunities provided by AWS.
Workflow updates for tracking updates: The workflow to
Track Updates is now
Working with opportunity
updates, enhancing clarity and efficiency in
monitoring opportunity status.
New filters for listing actions: New filters are available
for ListSolutions and
ListOpportunities actions.
For ListSolutions , the new filters are
FilterCategory ,
FilterIdentifier , and
FilterStatus .
For ListOpportunities , the new filters
are FilterCustomerCompanyName ,
FilterIdentifier ,
FilterLastModifiedDate ,
FilterLifeCycleApprovalStatus ,
FilterLifeCycleStage , and
FilterOrigin .
Removal of AccessControl subobject: The
AccessControl subobject in the opportunity
model was removed. NationalSecurity is now a
top-level attribute.
Attributes relocated to
GetAwsOpportunitySummary : Attributes such as
AWSOpportunityTeam , insights
(EngagementScore , NextBestAction ),
origin, and InvolvementType are now available
through GetAwsOpportunitySummary instead of
GetOpportunity .
Introduction of InvolvementType field:
Introduced the InvolvementType field to
differentiate between cosell and visibility-only
Event name updates: Events were updated with to reflect
the changes. For example, Opportunity
engagement invitation created is now Engagement invitation
Response payload updates: All response payloads now
include an ID and/or ARN.
Request payload updates: All request payloads now use
identifiers as input, which accept either an ID or ARN.
Engagement entity update: The title attribute in the
engagement entity was renamed
EngagementTitle .
Filter prefix removal: All filters no longer include the
filter prefix, simplifying the filtering mechanism.
StartEngagementFromOpportunity action update:
The attribute AwsInvolvement was changed to
AwsSubmission .
Invitation project details update:
was renamed
Invitation.ProjectDetails.EstimatedCompletionDate .
Revenue estimate update:
Invitation.PartnerRevenueEstimate is now
ExpectedCustomerSpend . The data type changed
from one object to an array containing one object.
Receiver account update: The field
ReceiverAccount was renamed
AccountReceiver .
Engagement invitation new attribute:
SenderContact attribute was introduced for
engagement invitations.
Customer.Contact is now an array instead of
an object. OpportunityOwner ,
PartnerAccountManager are supported values as
BusinessTitle .
PartnerOpportunityTeam is now called
OpportunityTeam .
APNPrograms is now
Engagement invitation statuses were updated.
ListEngagementInvitations now requires
ParticipantType as
2024-10-17 |
RC 2 |
Introduced a new entity called
Introduced a new action:
Introduced a new action:
Introduced a new event: "Opportunity Engagement
Invitation Created".
Replaced AcceptOpportunity with
Replaced RejectOpportunity with
Replaced "Opportunity Accepted" with
"Opportunity Engagement Invitation Accepted".
Replaced "Opportunity Rejected" with
"Opportunity Engagement Invitation Rejected".
PrimaryNeedsFromAWS changed to
AWSOpportunityTeam changed to
AwsOpportunityTeam .
AWSSalesLifeCycle changed to
AwsSalesLifeCycle .
PrimaryNeedsFromAWSChangeReason changed to
PrimaryNeedsFromAwsChangeReason .
AWSAccountId changed to
AwsAccountId .
ExpectedMonthlyAWSRevenue changed to
ExpectedMonthlyAwsRevenue .
AWSFundingUsed changed to
AwsFundingUsed .
AWSMarketplaceOffers changed to
AwsMarketplaceOffers .
Country changed to
CountryCode .
PartnerOpportunityContact changed to
PartnerOpportunityTeam .
Updated field Contact.Title to
Contact.BusinessTitle .
Updated field ContactInfo to
OwnerInfo .
Changed AWS Team from a map to a list.
Added details about the list of accepted
Provided information on how to use Client Token.
Included details on how to use UpdateOpportunity.
Added guidance on using AWS Products and Partner
Provided details about the OpportunityEngagementInvitation
Updated StateOrRegion to include a revised list of accepted
Implemented multiple bug fixes to improve performance and
error messaging.
2024-08-07 |
RC 1 |
[Breaking] Renaming of ApprovalStatus to ReviewStatus: We have
renamed the ApprovalStatus field to ReviewStatus to better
reflect its purpose. Additionally, we're introducing a new
status, Pending Submission, to indicate a draft opportunity. The
ReviewStatus will now accept the following values: Pending
Submission, Submitted, In Review, Approved, Rejected, and Action
Required. The former Draft status will be replaced by Pending
[Breaking] Introduction of SubmitOpportunity Action: A new
action, SubmitOpportunity, has been introduced. Unlike the
current behavior where CreateOpportunity also submits the
opportunity, you can now create an opportunity in the Pending
Submission state without linking a Solution or AWS Product
immediately. To complete the submission, use the
AssociateOpportunity action to link a solution or product,
followed by SubmitOpportunity. This separation provides better
API response performance and a flexible preparation phase before
[Breaking] Requirement of a Catalog Parameter and Deprecation
of Sandbox Endpoint: The 'gamma' endpoint
(partnercentral-selling-gamma.us-east-1.amazonaws.com) will
become unavailable after 7/30/2024. All API actions now require
a Catalog parameter to specify whether the operation is
performed on the Sandbox or AWS catalog. Notification rules
will now filter on catalog instead of environmentName.
[Breaking] Renaming of OpportunityIdentifier to Identifier:
Actions AssignOpportunity, AcceptOpportunity, and
RejectOpportunity now take Identifier instead of
OpportunityIdentifier to keep consistent with
Changes from type Enum to String for APNProgram
CustomerUseCase, and UseCase: We will be converting
Project.APNPrograms, Marketing.ActivityUseCases, and
Project.CustomerUseCase from enumeration type to string type to
reduce the risks associated with changing values. These fields
will accept values only from predefined lists but not natively
available in the SDKs.
Enhanced Error Handling: Error handling within the APIs has
been significantly improved to facilitate easier debugging and
quicker resolution of issues. The new error handling structures
errors in two stages: 1. Request Validation Failed: Checks for
data types and format, or 2. Business Validation Failed: All
issues in a payload will be listed in one response, specifying
the field that has errors. This consolidated feedback allows you
to troubleshoot and correct errors more efficiently. Errors
codes and formats have been standardized.
Client Source Identifier: Ability for partners include the
X-Amzn-User-Agent header in their requests, which helps identify
the source of the traffic. Use the format [Solution Name
including solution provider] | [Version] For Example: AWS
Partner CRM Connector | v2.0.1
Bug fix, already deployed, no change to SDK] Opportunity
Creation and AWS Account ID: Partners can now launch an
opportunity while changing the AWS Account ID from null to a
valid value without encountering errors. Previously, a bug
prevented partners from performing these actions
Bug fix, already deployed, no change to SDK] Solution
Association with New Opportunities: Partners can associate a
solution with a newly created opportunity. Before, when partners
created a new opportunity and simultaneously associated a
solution, the solution information was being lost. This issue
has been resolved.
Bug fix, already deployed, no change to SDK] Opportunity
Owner's Details Display: The issue where some opportunities were
displaying the owner's details in a combined
"LastName" field instead of the expected
"Email", "FirstName", and
"LastName" fields has been corrected.
Bug fix, already deployed, no change to SDK]
Customer.Account.WebsiteUrl Field Optional: The
Customer.Account.WebsiteUrl field has been made optional when
AccessControls.NationalSecurity field is "Yes" thus
aligning the API behavior with the existing UI behavior. If the
AccessControls.NationalSecurity field is "No" or null,
the WebsiteUrl field will be required as a business
Bug fix, already deployed, no change to SDK] AWS Account ID
Requirement for Consulting Partners: The inconsistency in the UI
that showed the AWS Account ID field as optional for
Consulting Partners has been resolved. It is now a conditional
mandatory field, as per the documentation.
Bug fix, To be deployed on 6/19, no change to SDK] Stage of a
Co-sell Opportunity to Closed Lost: Partners can now
successfully update the Stage of a Co-sell Opportunity to Closed
Lost, as long as a Closed Lost Reason is provided. This resolves
the previous error stating "Missing Required Field: Closed
Lost Reason is required when closing the
Documentation] Improvements to documentation: Made several
improvements to documentation to reflect the changes.
Known issues with a pending fix and list of upcoming
While performing AssociateOpportunity action with
Solutions or Products, the error messages from Offers
are shown incorrectly.
Ability to remotely create opportunities and simulate
AWS validation process in Sandbox
Postal Code returns null when it is of the format
Next Steps and Next Step History are not available for
opportunities that are marked as "Do not need
support from AWS."
Unable to get historical opportunities with Customer
Business Problem descriptions longer than 255
Ability to delete opportunities that are pending
LeadSource is not available in the data model.
2024-06-21 |
Beta 5 |
Changed LifeCycle.ApprovalStatus to
Changed Insights.ReviewComments to
Added LifeCycle.ReviewStatusReason (new attribute)
Added New Value "Pending" to
Released SDKs for dotnet, java, javascript, python,
Updated API Reference Guide to reflect the above
2024-04-19 |
Beta 4 |
Added Sandbox Testing: Ability to test Opportunity Event
notification in Sandbox.
Added Documentation: Introduced Opportunity Event notification
sample rules.
Added SDK Releases: Released SDKs for Java (V2), Javascript
(V2), DotNet (V3), and Python (V3).
Updated Date Format: Updated to follow ISO standards.
2024-03-04 |
Beta 3 |
Added Change Log File: Introduced a change log file for better
tracking of updates and changes.
Updated API Reference Guide (PDF): Released a new version of
the API Reference Guide in PDF format.
Updated API Reference Guide (Web Version): Updated the web
version of the API Reference Guide.
Added DotNet SDK: Released the DotNet SDK, expanding our
support for different programming environments.
Updated Python Boto 3 SDK (V2): Released Version 2 of the
Python Boto 3 SDK, introducing new features and
2024-01-24 |
Beta 2 |
2024-01-07 |
Beta 1 |
Added Boto3 (Initial Release): Launched the initial release of
Boto3, a Python SDK for our services.
Added Beta Program Guide: Introduced a guide for participants
in our Beta testing program.
Added API Reference Guide (PDF): Uploaded the first version of
our API Reference Guide in PDF format, providing comprehensive
documentation for our API.
2023-12-15 |
Beta 0 |
This initial release provides a suite of
functionalities to manage and optimize partner engagements and
opportunities in AWS Partner Central. |
2023-11-15 |