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Debugging training failures

Debugging training failures - Amazon Textract
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If you are notified on the adapter details page that training has failed, refer to the status message to understand the error and correct it. There are two types of errors: creation errors and file errors. Some status messages are returned in the console, while others are displayed in a validation file.

The validation file that is created alongside a training job contains information on the types of errors encountered when training. If the error message states that the error is a validation error ("Status message = Manifest file contains invalid records. Consult validation error file at OutputConfig path for more details."), refer to the validation file located in the S3 output bucket you chose during adapter training. The generated validation file is named validation_errors.jsonl. Each line in the file corresponds to a line in the manifest file, with errors yielded for each line in the manifest file that produces an error.

The following is a list of all creation errors and possible causes:

Error name Error description
CREATION_ERROR Manifest file contains invalid records. Consult validation error file at OutputConfig path for more details.
CREATION_ERROR No manifest file found. Ensure manifest file is provided.
CREATION_ERROR Unable to access manifest file in specified S3 bucket.
CREATION_ERROR Manifest file located in an unsupported cross-Region S3 bucket.
CREATION_ERROR Contents of manifest file are empty.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file size exceeds the maximum supported size.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file has too many training documents.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file has too many testing documents.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file has too few training documents.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file has too few testing documents.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file has too few training, and testing documents.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file has too many training, and testing documents.
CREATION_ERROR The manifest file has invalid encoding.
CREATION_ERROR Manifest file contains more training records than allowed limits.
CREATION_ERROR Manifest file contains more testing records than allowed limits.
CREATION_ERROR Unable to access the specified KMS key.
CREATION_ERROR Unable to access the S3 output bucket.
CREATION_ERROR Amazon Textract does not support cross-Region Amazon S3 resources.

The following is a list of file-related errors:

Error name Error description
ERROR_PAGE_COUNT_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM Number of pages for the same document exceeds maximum limit.(This happens when customer specified origin-ref and page_number in source-ref metadata.)
ERROR_INVALID_FILE The {source-ref|annotations-ref|prelabeling-refs} file(s) is invalid. Check S3 path and/or file properties.
ERROR_INVALID_JSON_LINE The JSON line format is invalid
ERROR_MANIFEST_JSON_DECODE_ERROR The record is not a valid JSON object.
ERROR_DUPLICATE_SOURCE_REF A record with this source-ref already exists in the manifest.
ERROR_IMAGE_TOO_LARGE The image resolution is too large.
ERROR_INVALID_PAGE_COUNT The file is invalid. Expected number of pages to be 1.
ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE Unsupported source reference file format.
ERROR_INVALID_PDF Unsupported PDF file.
ERROR_INVALID_PDF_PAGE_TOO_LARGE Unsupported PDF file. PDF page exceeds max dimensions.
ERROR_INVALID_TIFF_COMPRESSION Unsupported TIFF compression type.
ERROR_INVALID_ANNOTATIONS Invalid annotation or prelabeling file.
ERROR_INVALID_ANNOTATIONS_FILE_FORMAT Invalid annotations file format.
ERROR_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The size of the {ref_file_type} file(s) exceeds the limit: {size_limit} MB.
ERROR_INVALID_PERMISSIONS_DATASET_S3_BUCKET Unable to access the {ref_file_type} file(s).
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND The {ref_file_type} file(s) is not found.
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_REGION Amazon Textract does not support cross-Region Amazon S3 resources.
ERROR_QUERY_RESULT_TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED QUERY_RESULT text length is greater than the maximum length.
ERROR_QUERY_PER_PAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Number of QUERY blocks is greater than the maximum allowed.
ERROR_INVALID_DATA_FORMAT "Invalid data format in {filename}."
ERROR_BLOCK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED "Number of {block_type} blocks is greater than the maximum allowed."
ERROR_DUPLICATE_ORIGIN_REF_PAGE_NUMBER_COMBINATION "A record with this origin-ref and page-number already exists in the manifest."
ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK_RELATIONSHIP "Invalid block relationship(s) found."
ERROR_DUPLICATED_BLOCK_ID "Blocks Id should be unique."

To see API error descriptions, see the Amazon Textract API Reference for the appropriate operation. If an error occurs when you try to create a new adapter with the CreateAdapterVersion operation, see the API Reference page. If an error occurs when using the Amazon Textract console, read the error pop-up for information on why the operation failed.

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