Using gMSA for EC2 Linux containers on Amazon ECS - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Using gMSA for EC2 Linux containers on Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS supports Active Directory authentication for Linux containers on EC2 through a special kind of service account called a group Managed Service Account (gMSA).

Linux based network applications, such as .NET Core applications, can use Active Directory to facilitate authentication and authorization management between users and services. You can use this feature by designing applications that integrate with Active Directory and run on domain-joined servers. But, because Linux containers can't be domain-joined, you need to configure a Linux container to run with gMSA.

A Linux container that runs with gMSA relies on the credentials-fetcher daemon that runs on the container's host Amazon EC2 instance. That is, the daemon retrieves the gMSA credentials from the Active Directory domain controller and then transfers these credentials to the container instance. For more information about service accounts, see Create gMSAs for Windows containers on the Microsoft Learn website.


Consider the following before you use gMSA for Linux containers:

  • If your containers run on EC2, you can use gMSA for Windows containers and Linux containers. For information about how to use gMSA for Linux container on Fargate, see Using gMSA for Linux containers on Fargate.

  • You might need a Windows computer that's joined to the domain to complete the prerequisites. For example, you might need a Windows computer that's joined to the domain to create the gMSA in Active Directory with PowerShell. The RSAT Active Director PowerShell tools are only available for Windows. For more information, see Installing the Active Directory administration tools.

  • You chose between domainless gMSA and joining each instance to a single domain. By using domainless gMSA, the container instance isn't joined to the domain, other applications on the instance can't use the credentials to access the domain, and tasks that join different domains can run on the same instance.

    Then, choose the data storage for the CredSpec and optionally, for the Active Directory user credentials for domainless gMSA.

    Amazon ECS uses an Active Directory credential specification file (CredSpec). This file contains the gMSA metadata that's used to propagate the gMSA account context to the container. You generate the CredSpec file and then store it in one of the CredSpec storage options in the following table, specific to the Operating System of the container instances. To use the domainless method, an optional section in the CredSpec file can specify credentials in one of the domainless user credentials storage options in the following table, specific to the Operating System of the container instances.

    Storage location Linux Windows
    Amazon Simple Storage Service CredSpec CredSpec
    AWS Secrets Manager domainless user credentials domainless user credentials
    Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store CredSpec CredSpec, domainless user credentials
    Local file N/A CredSpec


Before you use the gMSA for Linux containers feature with Amazon ECS, make sure to complete the following:

  • You set up an Active Directory domain with the resources that you want your containers to access. Amazon ECS supports the following setups:

    • An AWS Directory Service Active Directory. AWS Directory Service is an AWS managed Active Directory that's hosted on Amazon EC2. For more information, see Getting Started with AWS Managed Microsoft AD in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

    • An on-premises Active Directory. You must ensure that the Amazon ECS Linux container instance can join the domain. For more information, see AWS Direct Connect.

  • You have an existing gMSA account in the Active Directory. For more information, see Using gMSA for EC2 Linux containers on Amazon ECS.

  • You installed and are running the credentials-fetcher daemon on an Amazon ECS Linux container instance. You also added an initial set of credentials to the credentials-fetcher daemon to authenticate with the Active Directory.


    The credentials-fetcher daemon is only available for Amazon Linux 2023 and Fedora 37 and later. The daemon isn't available for Amazon Linux 2. For more information, see aws/credentials-fetcher on GitHub.

  • You set up the credentials for the credentials-fetcher daemon to authenticate with the Active Directory. The credentials must be a member of the Active Directory security group that has access to the gMSA account. There are multiple options in Decide if you want to join the instances to the domain, or use domainless gMSA..

  • You added the required IAM permissions. The permissions that are required depend on the methods that you choose for the initial credentials and for storing the credential specification:

    • If you use domainless gMSA for initial credentials, IAM permissions for AWS Secrets Manager are required on the task execution role.

    • If you store the credential specification in SSM Parameter Store, IAM permissions for Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store are required on the task execution role.

    • If you store the credential specification in Amazon S3, IAM permissions for Amazon Simple Storage Service are required on the task execution role.

Setting up gMSA-capable Linux Containers on Amazon ECS

Prepare the infrastructure

The following steps are considerations and setup that are performed once. After you complete these steps, you can automate creating container instances to reuse this configuration.

Decide how the initial credentials are provided and configure the EC2 user data in a reusable EC2 launch template to install the credentials-fetcher daemon.

  1. Decide if you want to join the instances to the domain, or use domainless gMSA.
    • Join EC2 instances to the Active Directory domain

      • Join the instances by user data

        Add the steps to join the Active Directory domain to your EC2 user data in an EC2 launch template. Multiple Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups can use the same launch template.

        You can use these steps Joining an Active Directory or FreeIPA domain in the Fedora Docs.

    • Make an Active Directory user for domainless gMSA

      The credentials-fetcher daemon has a feature that's called domainless gMSA. This feature requires a domain, but the EC2 instance doesn't need to be joined to the domain. By using domainless gMSA, the container instance isn't joined to the domain, other applications on the instance can't use the credentials to access the domain, and tasks that join different domains can run on the same instance. Instead, you provide the name of a secret in AWS Secrets Manager in the CredSpec file. The secret must contain a username, password, and the domain to log in to.

      This feature is supported and can be used with Linux and Windows containers.

      This feature is similar to the gMSA support for non-domain-joined container hosts feature. For more information about the Windows feature, see gMSA architecture and improvements on the Microsoft Learn website.

      1. Make a user in your Active Directory domain. The user in Active Directory must have permission to access the gMSA service accounts that you use in the tasks.

      2. Create a secret in AWS Secrets Manager, after you made the user in Active Directory. For more information, see Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret.

      3. Enter the user's username, password, and the domain into JSON key-value pairs called username, password and domainName, respectively.

        {"username":"username","password":"passw0rd", "domainName":""}
      4. Add configuration to the CredSpec file for the service account. The additional HostAccountConfig contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret in Secrets Manager.

        On Windows, the PluginGUID must match the GUID in the following example snippet. On Linux, the PluginGUID is ignored. Replace MySecret with example with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your secret.

        "ActiveDirectoryConfig": { "HostAccountConfig": { "PortableCcgVersion": "1", "PluginGUID": "{859E1386-BDB4-49E8-85C7-3070B13920E1}", "PluginInput": { "CredentialArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:aws-region:111122223333:secret:MySecret" } }
      5. The domainless gMSA feature needs additional permissions in the task execution role. Follow the step (Optional) domainless gMSA secret.

  2. Configure instances and install credentials-fetcher daemon

    You can install the credentials-fetcher daemon with a user data script in your EC2 Launch Template. The following examples demonstrate two types of user data, cloud-config YAML or bash script. These examples are for Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). Replace MyCluster with the name of the Amazon ECS cluster that you want these instances to join.

    • cloud-config YAML
      Content-Type: text/cloud-config package_reboot_if_required: true packages: # prerequisites - dotnet - realmd - oddjob - oddjob-mkhomedir - sssd - adcli - krb5-workstation - samba-common-tools # gMSA credentials management for containers - credentials-fetcher write_files: # configure the ECS Agent to join your cluster. # replace MyCluster with the name of your cluster. - path: /etc/ecs/ecs.config owner: root:root permissions: '0644' content: | ECS_CLUSTER=MyCluster ECS_GMSA_SUPPORTED=true runcmd: # start the credentials-fetcher daemon and if it succeeded, make it start after every reboot - "systemctl start credentials-fetcher" - "systemctl is-active credentials-fetcher && systemctl enable credentials-fetcher"
    • bash script

      If you're more comfortable with bash scripts and have multiple variables to write to /etc/ecs/ecs.config, use the following heredoc format. This format writes everything between the lines beginning with cat and EOF to the configuration file.

      #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail # prerequisites timeout 30 dnf install -y dotnet realmd oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir sssd adcli krb5-workstation samba-common-tools # install gMSA credentials management for containers timeout 30 dnf install -y credentials-fetcher # start credentials-fetcher systemctl start credentials-fetcher systemctl is-active credentials-fetcher && systemctl enable credentials-fetcher cat <<'EOF' >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config ECS_CLUSTER=MyCluster ECS_GMSA_SUPPORTED=true EOF

    There are optional configuration variables for the credentials-fetcher daemon that you can set in /etc/ecs/ecs.config. We recommend that you set the variables in the user data in the YAML block or heredoc similar to the previous examples. Doing so prevents issues with partial configuration that can happen with editing a file multiple times. For more information about the ECS agent configuration, see Amazon ECS Container Agent on GitHub.

    • Optionally, you can use the variable CREDENTIALS_FETCHER_HOST if you change the credentials-fetcher daemon configuration to move the socket to another location.

Setting up permissions and secrets

Do the following steps once for each application and each task definition. We recommend that you use the best practice of granting the least privilege and narrow the permissions used in the policy. This way, each task can only read the secrets that it needs.

  1. (Optional) domainless gMSA secret

    If you use the domainless method where the instance isn't joined to the domain, follow this step.

    You must add the following permissions as an inline policy to the task execution IAM role. Doing so gives the credentials-fetcher daemon access to the Secrets Manager secret. Replace the MySecret example with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your secret in the Resource list.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:ssm:aws-region:111122223333:secret:MySecret" ] } ] }

    If you use your own KMS key to encrypt your secret, you must add the necessary permissions to this role and add this role to the AWS KMS key policy.

  2. Decide if you're using SSM Parameter Store or S3 to store the CredSpec

    Amazon ECS supports the following ways to reference the file path in the credentialSpecs field of the task definition.

    If you join the instances to a single domain, use the prefix credentialspec: at the start of the ARN in the string. If you use domainless gMSA, then use credentialspecdomainless:.

    For more information about the CredSpec, see Credential specification file.

    • Amazon S3 Bucket

      Add the credential spec to an Amazon S3 bucket. Then, reference the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon S3 bucket in the credentialSpecs field of the task definition.

      { "family": "", "executionRoleArn": "", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "", ... "credentialSpecs": [ "credentialspecdomainless:arn:aws:s3:::${BucketName}/${ObjectName}" ], ... } ], ... }

      To give your tasks access to the S3 bucket, add the following permissions as an inline policy to the Amazon ECS task execution IAM role.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket/{object}" ] } ] }
    • SSM Parameter Store parameter

      Add the credential spec to an SSM Parameter Store parameter. Then, reference the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SSM Parameter Store parameter in the credentialSpecs field of the task definition.

      { "family": "", "executionRoleArn": "", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "", ... "credentialSpecs": [ "credentialspecdomainless:arn:aws:ssm:aws-region:111122223333:parameter/parameter_name" ], ... } ], ... }

      To give your tasks access to the SSM Parameter Store parameter, add the following permissions as an inline policy to the Amazon ECS task execution IAM role.

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ssm:GetParameters" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:ssm:aws-region:111122223333:parameter/parameter_name" ] } ] }

Credential specification file

Amazon ECS uses an Active Directory credential specification file (CredSpec). This file contains the gMSA metadata that's used to propagate the gMSA account context to the Linux container. You generate the CredSpec and reference it in the credentialSpecs field in your task definition. The CredSpec file doesn't contain any secrets.

The following is an example CredSpec file.

{ "CmsPlugins": [ "ActiveDirectory" ], "DomainJoinConfig": { "Sid": "S-1-5-21-2554468230-2647958158-2204241789", "MachineAccountName": "WebApp01", "Guid": "8665abd4-e947-4dd0-9a51-f8254943c90b", "DnsTreeName": "", "DnsName": "", "NetBiosName": "example" }, "ActiveDirectoryConfig": { "GroupManagedServiceAccounts": [ { "Name": "WebApp01", "Scope": "" } ], "HostAccountConfig": { "PortableCcgVersion": "1", "PluginGUID": "{859E1386-BDB4-49E8-85C7-3070B13920E1}", "PluginInput": { "CredentialArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:aws-region:111122223333:secret:MySecret" } } } }
Creating a CredSpec

You create a CredSpec by using the CredSpec PowerShell module on a Windows computer that's joined to the domain. Follow the steps in Create a credential spec on the Microsoft Learn website.