.com.ar (Argentina)
You can no longer use Route 53 to register new .com.ar domains or transfer .com.ar domains to Route 53. We'll continue to support .com.ar domains that are already registered with Route 53.
- Renewal period
One year.
- Privacy protection
Not supported.
- Domain locking to prevent unauthorized transfers
Not supported. To prevent unauthorized transfers, restrict access to the registrant email address and to the Route 53 APIs that could allow ownership change, for example, UpdateDomainContact. For more information, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for Route 53 Domains in the Service Authorization Reference and Example permissions for a domain record owner.
- Authorization code required for transfers
Not supported. You can no longer transfer .com.ar domains to Route 53.
Not supported.
- Deadlines for renewing and restoring domains
Renewal is possible: Contact AWS Support.
Late renewal with Route 53 is possible: Contact AWS Support.
Domain is deleted from Route 53: Contact AWS Support.
Restoration with the registry is possible: Contact AWS Support.
Domain is deleted from the registry: Contact AWS Support.