Document history for user guide
The following table describes the important changes in each release of the Amazon AppFlow User Guide from April 22nd, 2020, onward.
Change | Description | Date |
Removed HoneyCode documentation following service discontinuation | Amazon HoneyCode has been discontinued, and the documentation detailing how to use HoneyCode with Amazon AppFlow has been removed. | May 2, 2024 |
Parallel transfers for SAP OData | When you configure a flow that transfers OData records from an SAP instance, you can now transfer the data more quickly by using multiple parallel threads. For more information, see Transferring data with concurrent processes. | September 5, 2023 |
New Salesforce API version supported | Amazon AppFlow now supports version 58.0 of the Salesforce Platform API. For more information, see History of supported Salesforce Platform API versions. | June 30, 2023 |
New connectors | Amazon AppFlow now supports new connectors that you can use to transfer data to AWS services and other supported applications. For more information, see the following: | June 15, 2023 |
Business metadata in the Data Catalog | Now when you use a flow to catalog your data in the AWS Glue Data Catalog, Amazon AppFlow also catalogs any business metadata that it discovered in your source data. Amazon AppFlow writes the business metadata to the table properties in the Data Catalog. For more information, see Cataloging the data output from an Amazon AppFlow flow. | June 15, 2023 |
JWT support for Salesforce | When you create a Salesforce connection, you can now provide a JSON Web Token (JWT) to authorize Amazon AppFlow to access your Salesforce data. When you authorize Amazon AppFlow with a JWT, you don't need to sign in to Salesforce when Amazon AppFlow attempts to access your data. For more information, see Requirements for the OAuth grant types for Salesforce. | May 5, 2023 |
Flow cancellation | Amazon AppFlow now supports flow cancellation. You can cancel any flow while it's running. For more information, see Managing Amazon AppFlow flows. | April 27, 2023 |
AWS managed client app for Sharepoint | This update adds information about the AWS managed client app for the Microsoft SharePoint Online connector. The AWS managed client app makes it easier for you to connect Amazon AppFlow to your Sharepoint account. With it, you don't need to provide OAuth 2.0 credentials to Amazon AppFlow, which means you don't need to register an app in Microsoft Azure. For more information, see The AWS managed client app for Sharepoint. | April 25, 2023 |
New connectors | Amazon AppFlow now supports new connectors that you can use to transfer data to AWS services and other supported applications. For more information, see the following: | April 11, 2023 |
New connectors | Amazon AppFlow now supports new connectors that you can use to transfer data to AWS services and other supported applications. For more information, see the following: | January 30, 2023 |
New connectors | Amazon AppFlow now supports new connectors that you can use to transfer data to AWS services and other supported applications. For more information, see the following: | January 18, 2023 |
New connectors | Amazon AppFlow now supports new connectors that you can use to transfer data to AWS services and other supported applications. For more information, see the following: | December 15, 2022 |
New connectors | Amazon AppFlow now supports new connectors that you can use to transfer data to AWS services and other supported applications. For more information, see the following: | November 30, 2022 |
Amazon Redshift connector update | The Amazon Redshift connector in Amazon AppFlow is updated with new options to connect to your databases. Now you can connect to Amazon Redshift Serverless, and you can connect to public and private Amazon Redshift clusters. For more information, see Amazon Redshift connector for Amazon AppFlow. | November 21, 2022 |
CloudWatch metrics | Amazon AppFlow now reports metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. You can monitor these metrics to learn how your flows are performing. For more information, see Monitoring Amazon AppFlow with Amazon CloudWatch. | November 17, 2022 |
Cataloging and organizing flow output | You can now use Amazon AppFlow to do the following with any flow that transfers data to Amazon S3:
| November 15, 2022 |
Salesforce API preference | For flows that transfer data to or from Salesforce, you can now specify which Salesforce API that Amazon AppFlow uses to transfer the data. Your choice optimizes your flow for small to medium-sized data transfers, large data transfers, or both. For more information, see Salesforce API preference. | November 4, 2022 |
Copy connection feature | You can now use the Amazon AppFlow console to create a new connection by copying an existing one. For more information, see Managing Amazon AppFlow connections. | September 15, 2022 |
Record deletion for Salesforce | For flows that transfer data to Salesforce, Amazon AppFlow now provides the option to delete records that you specify in a source data file. For more information, see the Notes section for the Salesforce connector. | September 14, 2022 |
New connector for Amazon Connect | This update adds information about the Amazon AppFlow connector for Amazon Connect. You can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from supported data sources to Amazon Connect Customer Profiles. For more information, see Amazon Connect connector for Amazon AppFlow. | September 14, 2022 |
New connector for Jira Cloud | Amazon AppFlow now provides a connector that you can use to transfer data from Jira Cloud. For more information, see Jira Cloud connector for Amazon AppFlow. | August 29, 2022 |
New tutorial for data transfers | The Amazon AppFlow User Guide now includes a tutorial that you can use to transfer data from Amazon S3 to Salesforce, and from Salesforce to Amazon S3. For more information, see Tutorial: Transfer data between applications with Amazon AppFlow. | August 23, 2022 |
SAP OData connector now supports ODP | With the SAP OData connector, you can now connect Amazon AppFlow to SAP applications that use the Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) framework. When you connect to ODP providers, you can create flows that run full or incremental data transfers. Incremental flows subscribe to delta updates from the operational delta queue of your ODP provider. For more information, see SAP OData connector for Amazon AppFlow. | August 11, 2022 |
New connector for Zendesk Sell | Amazon AppFlow now provides a connector that you can use to transfer data from Zendesk Sell. For more information, see Zendesk Sell connector for Amazon AppFlow. | August 11, 2022 |
New connector for Zendesk Chat | Amazon AppFlow now provides a connector that you can use to transfer data from Zendesk Chat. For more information, see Zendesk Chat connector for Amazon AppFlow. | August 11, 2022 |
New connector for Mixpanel | Amazon AppFlow now provides a connector that you can use to transfer data from Mixpanel. For more information, see Mixpanel connector for Amazon AppFlow. | June 16, 2022 |
New connector for Google Ads | Amazon AppFlow now provides a connector that you can use to transfer data from Google Ads. For more information, see Google Ads connector for Amazon AppFlow. | June 16, 2022 |
New connector for Facebook Ads | Amazon AppFlow now provides a connector that you can use to transfer data about your Facebook ads. For more information, see Facebook Ads connector for Amazon AppFlow. | June 16, 2022 |
New connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud | Amazon AppFlow now provides a connector you can use to transfer data from Salesforce Marketing Cloud. For more information, see Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector for Amazon AppFlow. | June 9, 2022 |
Support for managing connections | This update documents how to manage connections to provide the configuration details and credentials that Amazon AppFlow uses to transfer data with your applications. For more information see Managing Amazon AppFlow connections. | March 8, 2022 |
Updated IAM policies | This update adds new permissions to the AWS managed policies
| March 1, 2022 |
New documentation | This update adds the following procedures to help you get started with Amazon AppFlow: Create a flow using the AWS console, Create a flow using the AWS CLI, Create a flow using the Amazon AppFlow APIs, and Create a flow using CloudFormation resources. This update also adds a compatibility matrix for Amazon AppFlow connecters under Supported Amazon AppFlow Connectors. | January 31, 2022 |
Support for SAP OData as a destination | You can now use SAP OData as a destination. For more information, see SAP OData. | January 26, 2022 |
Support for Marketo as a destination | You can now use Marketo as a destination. For more information, see Marketo. | May 25, 2021 |
Updated IAM documentation | The Amazon AppFlow User Guide now includes an enhanced IAM documentation chapter, and has started tracking changes for its AWS managed policies. | March 26, 2021 |
Support for Zendesk as a destination | You can now use Zendesk as a destination. For more information, see Zendesk. | March 22, 2021 |
API support for Amazon Lookout for Metrics | The Amazon AppFlow API Reference now includes the following data type for Amazon Lookout for Metrics: LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties. | February 24, 2021 |
API support for Amazon Honeycode | The Amazon AppFlow API Reference now includes the following data types for Amazon Honeycode: HoneycodeConnectorProfileCredentials, HoneycodeConnectorProfileProperties, HoneycodeDestinationProperties, and HoneycodeMetadata. | February 24, 2021 |
API support for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles | The Amazon AppFlow API Reference now includes the following data types for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles: CustomerProfilesDestinationProperties and CustomerProfilesMetadata. | February 24, 2021 |
Application-specific User Guide pages | The Amazon AppFlow User Guide now includes application-specific pages with requirements, instructions, notes, and related resources for each supported source and destination. For more information, see SaaS applications supported by Amazon AppFlow. | January 6, 2021 |
Support for Salesforce Pardot as a source | You can now use Salesforce Pardot as a source. For more information, see Salesforce Pardot. | December 18, 2020 |
Support for Amazon Lookout for Metrics as a destination | You can now use Amazon Lookout for Metrics as a destination. For more information, see Amazon Lookout for Metrics. | December 8, 2020 |
Schedule-triggered flow settings | You can now specify a time offset when configuring incremental data transfer for schedule-triggered flows. For more information, see Incremental transfer. | December 4, 2020 |
Support for Amazon Honeycode as a destination | You can now use Amazon Honeycode as a destination. For more information, see Amazon Honeycode. | December 1, 2020 |
Support for Upsolver as a destination | You can now use Upsolver as a destination. For more information, see Upsolver. | November 20, 2020 |
Support for Salesforce global connected apps | You can use your own global connected app for Salesforce with Amazon AppFlow APIs. For more information, see Use a global connected app with Amazon AppFlow. | November 10, 2020 |
Support for updating records in Salesforce | You can now update existing records when you use Salesforce as a destination. For more information, see Salesforce, Notes. | October 21, 2020 |
Support for Google Analytics custom dimensions and metrics | You can now import custom dimensions and metrics from Google Analytics into Amazon S3. For more information, see Google Analytics, Notes. | October 21, 2020 |
Support for upserting and inserting records in Salesforce | You can now insert new records or upsert records when you use Salesforce as a destination. For more information, see Salesforce, Notes. | October 5, 2020 |
Schedule-triggered flow settings | You can now choose from additional settings when you set up a schedule-triggered flow. For more information, see Getting started with Amazon AppFlow, Step 2: Configure flow. | October 5, 2020 |
AWS CloudFormation support | Amazon AppFlow now supports AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see Related AWS services, AWS CloudFormation. | September 17, 2020 |
Support for Amazon EventBridge as a destination | Amazon AppFlow now supports Amazon EventBridge as a flow destination. For more information, see Amazon EventBridge. | August 26, 2020 |
Amazon AppFlow API Reference | You can now reference the API operations used with Amazon AppFlow. For more information, see the Amazon AppFlow API Reference. | August 26, 2020 |
Support for new data formats (CSV, Parquet) | You can now specify your preferred file format for transferred records when using Amazon S3 as a destination. For more information, see Amazon S3, Notes. | August 14, 2020 |
Improved filter support | You can now add criteria to your filters and apply multiple filters to a flow. For more information, see Add filters. | August 10, 2020 |
Connect over PrivateLink to Salesforce | Amazon AppFlow now supports connections over PrivateLink. For more information, see Private Amazon AppFlow flows. | July 22, 2020 |
CloudWatch integration documentation | Amazon AppFlow now supports CloudWatch Event integration. For more information, see Flow notifications. | July 17, 2020 |
Additional Amazon S3 destination settings | When you use Amazon S3 as a destination, you can now add timestamps to file names or place files in a timestamped folder. For more information, see Amazon S3, Notes. | July 10, 2020 |
IAM managed policies | Amazon AppFlow now supports IAM managed policies. For more information, see Identity and access management for Amazon AppFlow. | July 3, 2020 |
Google Analytics service quota | When you use Google Analytics as a source, you can include up to 9 dimensions and 10 metrics per flow run. For more information, see Quotas for Amazon AppFlow. | June 23, 2020 |
Initial release | Initial release of the Amazon AppFlow User Guide. | April 22, 2020 |