Searching for support cases in Slack
From your Slack channel, you can search for support cases from your AWS account and from other accounts that configured the same channel and workspace. For example, if your account (123456789012) and your coworker's account (111122223333) have configured the same workspace and channels in the AWS Support Center Console, you can use the AWS Support App to search for each other's support cases.
To filter your search results, you can use the following options:
Account ID
Case ID
Case status
Contact language
Date range
Example : Search for cases in Slack
The following example shows how to search by Filter options for a single account by specifying the date range, case status, and contact language.

To search for a support case in Slack
In the Slack channel, enter the following command:
/awssupport search
For the I want to search for cases by: option, choose one of the following:
Filter options – You can filter cases with the following options:
AWS account – This list only appears if you have multiple accounts in the channel.
Date range – The date the case was created.
Case status – The current case status, such as All open cases or Resolved.
Case created in – The contact language for the case.
Case ID – Enter the case ID. You can only enter one case ID at a time. If you have multiple accounts in the channel, choose the AWS account to search for the case.
Choose Search. Your search results appear in Slack.
Use your search results
The following example returns three support cases from one AWS account.

After you receive your search results, you can do the following:
To use your search results
Choose Edit Search to change your previous filter options or case ID.
Choose Share to channel to share the search results with the channel.
Choose See details for more information about a case. You can choose Show full message to view the rest of the latest correspondence.
If you searched by Filter options, search results can return multiple cases. Choose Next 5 results or Previous 5 results to view the next or previous 5 cases.
Example : Resolved support case
The following example shows a resolved support case for an account and billing issue after choosing See details.