Uses of Class
Packages that use Resource
AWS Cloud Development Kit Library
AWS Lambda Layer with the NPM dependency proxy-agent
AWS Lambda Layer with AWS CLI
AWS Amplify Construct Library
Amazon API Gateway Construct Library
AWS APIGatewayv2 Construct Library
AWS AppConfig Construct Library
AWS Auto Scaling Construct Library
AWS App Mesh Construct Library
AWS::AppRunner Construct Library
AWS AppSync Construct Library
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Construct Library
AWS Backup Construct Library
AWS Batch Construct Library
AWS Certificate Manager Construct Library
AWS::Chatbot Construct Library
AWS Cloud9 Construct Library
Amazon CloudFront Construct Library
AWS CloudTrail Construct Library
Amazon CloudWatch Construct Library
AWS CodeBuild Construct Library
AWS CodeCommit Construct Library
AWS CodeDeploy Construct Library
AWS::CodeGuruProfiler Construct Library
AWS CodePipeline Construct Library
AWS::CodeStar Construct Library
AWS CodeStarNotifications Construct Library
Amazon Cognito Construct Library
Amazon Cognito Identity Pool Construct Library
AWS Config Construct Library
Amazon DocumentDB Construct Library
Amazon DynamoDB Construct Library
Amazon EC2 Construct Library
Amazon VpcV2 Construct Library
Amazon ECR Construct Library
Amazon ECS Construct Library
Amazon Elastic File System Construct Library
Amazon EKS Construct Library
Amazon EKS V2 Construct Library
Amazon Elastic Load Balancing Construct Library
Amazon Elastic Load Balancing V2 Construct Library
Amazon OpenSearch Service Construct Library
Amazon EventBridge Construct Library
Amazon FSx Construct Library
Amazon GameLift Construct Library
AWS::GlobalAccelerator Construct Library
AWS Glue Construct Library
AWS Identity and Access Management Construct Library
Amazon Inspector Construct Library
AWS IoT Construct Library
AWS::IoTEvents Construct Library
AWS::IVS Construct Library
Amazon Kinesis Construct Library
Kinesis Analytics Flink
Amazon Data Firehose Construct Library
Amazon Data Firehose Construct Library
AWS Key Management Service Construct Library
AWS Lambda Construct Library
Amazon Lambda Golang Library
Amazon Lambda Node.js Library
Amazon Lambda Python Library
AWS::Location Construct Library
Amazon CloudWatch Logs Construct Library
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Construct Library
Amazon Neptune Construct Library
Amazon OpenSearch Service Construct Library
Amazon EventBridge Pipes Construct Library
Amazon Relational Database Service Construct Library
Amazon Redshift Construct Library
Amazon Route53 Construct Library
Amazon Route53 Resolver Construct Library
Amazon S3 Construct Library
AWS::S3ObjectLambda Construct Library
Amazon SageMaker Construct Library
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Construct Library
AWS Secrets Manager Construct Library
AWS Service Catalog Construct Library
AWS ServiceCatalogAppRegistry Construct Library
Amazon ECS Service Discovery Construct Library
Amazon Simple Email Service Construct Library
AWS::Signer Construct Library
Amazon Simple Notification Service Construct Library
Amazon Simple Queue Service Construct Library
AWS Systems Manager Construct Library
AWS Step Functions Construct Library
Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics Construct Library
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Instantiation of a custom resource, whose implementation is provided a Provider. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An AWS Lambda layer that includes the NPM dependencyproxy-agent
. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An AWS Lambda layer that includes the AWS CLI. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An API Gateway ApiKey.class
Base class for all custom authorizers.class
This resource creates a base path that clients who call your API must use in the invocation URL.class
Cognito user pools based custom authorizer.class
A Deployment of a REST API.class
Configure the response received by clients, produced from the API Gateway backend.class
Defines an API Gateway REST API with AWS Lambda proxy integration.class
Defines a {proxy+} greedy resource and an ANY method on a route.class
An API Gateway ApiKey, for which a rate limiting configuration can be specified.class
Request-based lambda authorizer that recognizes the caller's identity via request parameters, such as headers, paths, query strings, stage variables, or context variables.class
Represents a REST API in Amazon API Gateway.class
Base implementation that are common to various implementations of IRestApi.class
Represents a REST API in Amazon API Gateway, created with an OpenAPI specification.class
Base class for an ApiGateway Stage.class
Defines an API Gateway REST API with a Synchrounous Express State Machine as a proxy integration.class
Token based lambda authorizer that recognizes the caller's identity as a bearer token, such as a JSON Web Token (JWT) or an OAuth token.class
Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a RestApi to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Create a new API mapping for API Gateway API endpoint.class
Custom domain resource for the API.class
Create a new API Gateway HTTP API endpoint.class
An authorizer for Http Apis.class
The integration for an API route.class
Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway HTTP API.class
Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed.class
Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a HTTP API to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).class
Create a new API Gateway WebSocket API endpoint.class
An authorizer for WebSocket Apis.class
The integration for an API route.class
Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway WebSocket API.class
Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An AWS AppConfig application.class
An AWS AppConfig deployment strategy.class
An AWS AppConfig environment.class
An AWS AppConfig extension. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
GatewayRoute represents a new or existing gateway route attached to a VirtualGateway and Mesh.class
Define a new AppMesh mesh.class
Route represents a new or existing route attached to a VirtualRouter and Mesh.class
VirtualGateway represents a newly defined App Mesh Virtual Gateway.class
VirtualNode represents a newly defined AppMesh VirtualNode.class
VirtualService represents a service inside an AppMesh. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) The App Runner Auto Scaling Configuration.class
(experimental) The App Runner Observability configuration.class
(experimental) The App Runner Service.class
(experimental) The App Runner VPC Connector.class
(experimental) The App Runner VPC Ingress Connection. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base Class for API.class
AppSync Functions are local functions that perform certain operations onto a backend data source.class
A Channel Namespace.class
An AppSync Event API.class
Base Class for Event API.class
An AppSync GraphQL API.class
Base Class for GraphQL API.class
AppSync SourceApiAssociation which associates an AppSync source API to an AppSync Merged API. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A Fleet represents a managed set of EC2 instances.class
Define a life cycle hook.class
Define a scheduled scaling action.class
Define a warm pool. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A backup plan.class
A backup selection.class
A backup vault. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A JobDefinition that uses ECS orchestration.class
A JobDefinition that uses Eks orchestration.class
Represents a Fairshare Scheduling Policy.class
A ManagedComputeEnvironment that uses ECS orchestration on Fargate instances.class
JobQueues can receive Jobs, which are removed from the queue when sent to the linked ComputeEnvironment(s) to be executed.class
A ManagedComputeEnvironment that uses ECS orchestration on EC2 instances.class
A ManagedComputeEnvironment that uses ECS orchestration on EC2 instances.class
A JobDefinition that uses Ecs orchestration to run multiple containers.class
Unmanaged ComputeEnvironments do not provision or manage EC2 instances on your behalf. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager.class
A private certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A new Slack channel configuration. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A Cloud9 Environment with Amazon EC2. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A Cache Policy configuration.class
A CloudFront distribution with associated origin(s) and caching behavior(s).class
A CloudFront Function.class
An Origin Access Control for Lambda Function URLs.class
A Key Group configuration.class
A CloudFront Key Value Store.class
An origin access identity is a special CloudFront user that you can associate with Amazon S3 origins, so that you can secure all or just some of your Amazon S3 content.class
A Origin Request Policy configuration.class
A Public Key Configuration.class
A Realtime Log Config configuration.class
A Response Headers Policy configuration.class
An Origin Access Control for Amazon S3 origins.class
A CloudFront VPC Origin configuration. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Cloud trail allows you to log events that happen in your AWS account For example:. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An alarm on a CloudWatch metric.class
The base class for Alarm and CompositeAlarm resources.class
A Composite Alarm based on Alarm Rule.class
A CloudWatch dashboard. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The source credentials used when contacting the BitBucket API.class
Fleet for a reserved capacity CodeBuild project.class
The source credentials used when contacting the GitHub Enterprise API.class
The source credentials used when contacting the GitHub API.class
A convenience class for CodeBuild Projects that are used in CodePipeline.class
A representation of a CodeBuild Project.class
The ReportGroup resource class.class
Permissions Boundary for a CodeBuild Project running untrusted code. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base class for ServerDeploymentConfig, EcsDeploymentConfig, and LambdaDeploymentConfig deployment configurations.class
Deprecated.CloudFormation now supports Lambda deployment configurations without custom resources.class
A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to an Amazon ECS service.class
A custom Deployment Configuration for an ECS Deployment Group.class
A CodeDeploy deployment group that orchestrates ECS blue-green deployments.class
A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to an AWS Lambda function.class
A custom Deployment Configuration for a Lambda Deployment Group.class
A CodeDeploy Application that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances.class
A custom Deployment Configuration for an EC2/on-premise Deployment Group.class
A CodeDeploy Deployment Group that deploys to EC2/on-premise instances. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An AWS CodePipeline pipeline with its associated IAM role and S3 bucket. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) The GitHubRepository resource. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define a Cognito User Pool.class
Define a UserPool App Client.class
Define a user pool domain.class
Define a user pool group.class
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Login with Amazon.class
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Apple.class
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Facebook Login.class
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Google.class
Represents an identity provider that integrates with OpenID Connect.class
Represents an identity provider that integrates with SAML.class
Defines a User Pool OAuth2.0 Resource Server. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Define a Cognito Identity Pool. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Checks whether the active access keys are rotated within the number of days specified inmaxAge
Checks whether your CloudFormation stacks' actual configuration differs, or has drifted, from its expected configuration.class
Checks whether your CloudFormation stacks are sending event notifications to a SNS topic.class
A new custom policy.class
A new custom rule.class
A new managed rule. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A cluster parameter group.class
Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.class
A database instance.class
A database secret. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Provides a DynamoDB table.class
Base class for a DynamoDB table.class
A DynamoDB Table. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This creates a linux bastion host you can use to connect to other instances or services in your VPC.class
A client VPN authorization rule.class
A client VPN connection.class
A client VPN route.class
A VPC flow log.class
A gateway VPC endpoint.class
This represents a single EC2 instance.class
A interface VPC endpoint.class
An EC2 Key Pair.class
This represents an EC2 LaunchTemplate.class
Define a new custom network ACL.class
Define an entry in a Network ACL table.class
Defines a placement group.class
A managed prefix list.class
Represents a private VPC subnet resource.class
Represents a public VPC subnet resource.class
Creates an Amazon EC2 security group within a VPC.class
Represents a new VPC subnet resource.class
Creates a new EBS Volume in AWS EC2.class
Define an AWS Virtual Private Cloud.class
A VPC endpoint service.class
Define a VPN Connection.class
Base class for Vpn connections.class
The VPN Gateway that shall be added to the VPC.Methods in with parameters of type ResourceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Resource resource) Adds a command which will send a cfn-signal when the user data script ends.abstract void
(Resource resource) Adds a command which will send a cfn-signal when the user data script ends. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Creates an egress-only internet gateway.class
(experimental) Creates an internet gateway.class
(experimental) Creates new IPAM with default public and private scope.class
(experimental) Creates a network address translation (NAT) gateway.class
(experimental) Creates a new route with added functionality.class
(experimental) Creates a route table for the specified VPC.class
(experimental) The SubnetV2 class represents a subnet within a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) in AWS.class
(experimental) Creates a Transit Gateway.class
(experimental) Create a Transit Gateway Blackhole Route.class
(experimental) Create a Transit Gateway Active Route.class
(experimental) Creates a Transit Gateway route table.class
(experimental) Create a Transit Gateway Route Table Association.class
(experimental) Create a Transit Gateway Route Table Propagation.class
(experimental) Creates a Transit Gateway VPC Attachment.class
(experimental) Creates a peering connection between two VPCs.class
(experimental) This class provides a foundation for creating and configuring a VPC with advanced features such as IPAM (IP Address Management) and IPv6 support.class
(experimental) Base class for creating a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) in AWS.class
(experimental) Creates a virtual private gateway. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define an ECR repository.class
Base class for ECR repository. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base class for Ec2Service and FargateService services.class
A regional grouping of one or more container instances on which you can run tasks and services.class
This creates a service using the EC2 launch type on an ECS cluster.class
The details of a task definition run on an EC2 cluster.class
This creates a service using the External launch type on an ECS cluster.class
The details of a task definition run on an External cluster.class
This creates a service using the Fargate launch type on an ECS cluster.class
The details of a task definition run on a Fargate cluster.class
The base class for all task definitions. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents the AccessPoint.class
The Elastic File System implementation of IFileSystem. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents an access entry in an Amazon EKS cluster.class
Represents an Amazon EKS Add-On.class
A Cluster represents a managed Kubernetes Service (EKS).class
Defines an EKS cluster that runs entirely on AWS Fargate.class
The Nodegroup resource class.class
IAM OIDC identity providers are entities in IAM that describe an external identity provider (IdP) service that supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard, such as Google or Salesforce. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Represents an access entry in an Amazon EKS cluster.class
(experimental) Represents an Amazon EKS Add-On.class
(experimental) A Cluster represents a managed Kubernetes Service (EKS).class
(experimental) Defines an EKS cluster that runs entirely on AWS Fargate.class
(experimental) The Nodegroup resource class.class
(experimental) IAM OIDC identity providers are entities in IAM that describe an external identity provider (IdP) service that supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard, such as Google or Salesforce. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define an ApplicationListener.class
Define an Application Load Balancer.class
Base class for listeners.class
Base class for both Application and Network Load Balancers.class
Define a Network Listener.class
Define a new network load balancer.class
A new Trust Store.class
A new Trust Store Revocation. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define an EventBridge Api Destination.class
Define an EventBridge Archive.class
Define an EventBridge Connection.class
Define an EventBridge EventBus.class
The policy for an Event Bus.class
Defines an EventBridge Rule in this stack. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A new or imported FSx file system.class
The FSx for Lustre File System implementation of IFileSystem. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A Amazon GameLift alias is used to abstract a fleet designation.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift Alias.class
(experimental) A GameLift build, that is installed and runs on instances in an Amazon GameLift fleet.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift server build.class
(experimental) A fleet contains Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that GameLift hosts.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift fleet.class
(experimental) Creates a GameLift FleetIQ game server group for managing game hosting on a collection of Amazon EC2 instances for game hosting.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift FleetIQ game server group.class
(experimental) The GameSessionQueue resource creates a placement queue that processes requests for new game sessions.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift GameSessionQueue.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift Matchmaking configuration.class
(experimental) Creates a new rule set for FlexMatch matchmaking.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift matchmaking ruleSet.class
(experimental) A FlexMatch matchmaker process does the work of building a game match.class
(experimental) A GameLift script, that is installed and runs on instances in an Amazon GameLift fleet.class
(experimental) Base class for new and imported GameLift realtime server script.class
(experimental) A FlexMatch matchmaker process does the work of building a game match. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The Accelerator construct.class
EndpointGroup construct.class
The construct for the Listener. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) An AWS Glue connection to a data source.class
(experimental) A Glue database.class
(experimental) A Glue Data Quality ruleset.class
(experimental) A Glue table that targets an external data location (e.g.class
(experimental) A Glue Job.class
(experimental) A base class is needed to be able to import existing Jobs into a CDK app to reference as part of a larger stack or construct.class
(experimental) PySpark ETL Jobs class.class
(experimental) Flex Jobs class.class
(experimental) Python Spark Streaming Jobs class.class
(experimental) Python Shell Jobs class.class
(experimental) Ray Jobs class.class
(experimental) A Glue table that targets a S3 dataset.class
(experimental) Spark ETL Jobs class.class
(experimental) Spark ETL Jobs class.class
(experimental) Scala Streaming Jobs class.class
(experimental) A security configuration is a set of security properties that can be used by AWS Glue to encrypt data at rest.class
(experimental) Base class for different types of Spark Jobs.class
(experimental) A Glue table.class
(experimental) This module defines a construct for creating and managing AWS Glue Workflows and Triggers.class
(experimental) Base abstract class for Workflow. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define a new IAM Access Key.class
An IAM Group (collection of IAM users) lets you specify permissions for multiple users, which can make it easier to manage permissions for those users.class
IAM Instance Profile.class
An IAM role that only gets attached to the construct tree once it gets used, not before.class
Managed policy.class
IAM OIDC identity providers are entities in IAM that describe an external identity provider (IdP) service that supports the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard, such as Google or Salesforce.class
The AWS::IAM::Policy resource associates an inline IAM policy with IAM users, roles, or groups.class
IAM Role.class
A SAML provider.class
Define a new IAM user. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An Amazon Inspector assessment template. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Defines AWS IoT Audit Configuration.class
(experimental) Defines AWS IoT Logging.class
(experimental) Defines AWS IoT Scheduled Audit.class
(experimental) Defines an AWS IoT Rule in this stack. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Defines an AWS IoT Events detector model in this stack.class
(experimental) Defines an AWS IoT Events input in this stack. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A new IVS channel.class
(experimental) A new IVS Playback Key Pair.class
(experimental) The IVS Recording configuration.class
(experimental) A new IVS Stream Key. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The policy for a data stream or registered consumer.class
A Kinesis stream.class
A Kinesis Stream Consumer. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) The L2 construct for Flink Kinesis Data Applications. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Create a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A new alias to a particular version of a Lambda function.class
Defines a Code Signing Config.class
Create a lambda function where the handler is a docker image.class
Configure options for asynchronous invocation on a version or an alias.class
Defines a Lambda EventSourceMapping resource.class
Deploys a file from inside the construct library as a function.class
Defines a Lambda function url.class
Defines a new Lambda Layer version.class
A Lambda that will only ever be added to a stack once.class
Tag the current state of a Function with a Version number. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A Node.js Lambda function bundled using esbuild. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A Python Lambda function.class
(experimental) A lambda layer version. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A Geofence Collection.class
(experimental) The Amazon Location Service Map.class
(experimental) A Place Index.class
(experimental) A Route Calculator.class
(experimental) A Tracker. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A new CloudWatch Logs Destination for use in cross-account scenarios.class
Define a CloudWatch Log Group.class
Define a Log Stream in a Log Group.class
A filter that extracts information from CloudWatch Logs and emits to CloudWatch Metrics.class
Define a query definition for CloudWatch Logs Insights.class
Resource Policy for CloudWatch Log Groups.class
A new Subscription on a CloudWatch log group. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Create a MSK Cluster.class
(experimental) A new or imported MSK Cluster.class
(experimental) Create a MSK Serverless Cluster. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A cluster parameter group.class
(experimental) Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.class
(experimental) A new or imported database cluster.class
(experimental) A database instance.class
(experimental) A new or imported database instance.class
(experimental) DB parameter group.class
(experimental) Class for creating a RDS DB subnet group. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Amazon EventBridge Pipes connects sources to targets. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Create a clustered database with a given number of instances.class
A new or imported clustered database.class
A database cluster restored from a snapshot.class
A database instance.class
A new or imported database instance.class
A database instance restored from a snapshot.class
A read replica database instance.class
RDS Database Proxy.class
A database secret.class
An option group.class
A parameter group.class
Create an Aurora Serverless v1 Cluster.class
A Aurora Serverless v1 Cluster restored from a snapshot.class
Class for creating a RDS DB subnet group. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Create a Redshift cluster a given number of nodes.class
(experimental) A cluster parameter group.class
(experimental) Class for creating a Redshift cluster subnet group.class
(experimental) A database secret. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A DNS AAAA record.class
A DNS A record.class
A DNS Amazon CAA record.class
A DNS CAA record.class
A DNS CNAME record.class
A DNS DS record.class
Amazon Route 53 health checks monitor the health and performance of your web applications, web servers, and other resources.class
Container for records, and records contain information about how to route traffic for a specific domain, such as and its subdomains (,
A Key Signing Key for a Route 53 Hosted Zone.class
A DNS MX record.class
A DNS NS record.class
Create a Route53 private hosted zone for use in one or more VPCs.class
Create a Route53 public hosted zone.class
A record set.class
A DNS SRV record.class
A DNS TXT record.class
A record to delegate further lookups to a different set of name servers. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A Firewall Domain List.class
(experimental) A Firewall Rule Group.class
(experimental) A Firewall Rule Group Association. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An S3 bucket with associated policy objects.class
Represents an S3 Bucket.class
The bucket policy for an Amazon S3 bucket. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) An S3 object lambda access point for intercepting and transformingGetObject
requests. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) Defines a SageMaker endpoint.class
(experimental) Defines a SageMaker EndpointConfig.class
(experimental) Defines a SageMaker Model. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) An EventBridge Schedule.class
(experimental) A Schedule Group. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Resource Policy for SecretsManager Secrets.class
A rotation schedule.class
Creates a new secret in AWS SecretsManager.class
An attached secret. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A Service Catalog Cloudformation Product.class
A Service Catalog portfolio.class
Abstract class for Service Catalog Product.class
Defines a set of TagOptions, which are a list of key-value pairs managed in AWS Service Catalog. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(experimental) A Service Catalog AppRegistry Application.class
(experimental) A Service Catalog AppRegistry Attribute Group. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Instance that uses Route 53 Alias record type.class
Instance that is accessible using a domain name (CNAME).class
Define an HTTP Namespace.class
Instance that is accessible using an IP address.class
Instance accessible using values other than an IP address or a domain name (CNAME).class
Define a Service Discovery HTTP Namespace.class
Define a Public DNS Namespace.class
Define a CloudMap Service. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A configuration set.class
A configuration set event destination.class
A dedicated IP pool.class
An email identity.class
A receipt filter.class
A new receipt rule.class
A new receipt rule set.class
Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM) attributes. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A new subscription.class
A new SNS topic.class
Either a new or imported Topic.class
The policy for an SNS Topic. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A new Amazon SQS queue.class
Reference to a new or existing Amazon SQS queue.class
The policy for an SQS Queue. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Creates a new StringList SSM Parameter.class
Creates a new String SSM Parameter. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Define a new Step Functions Activity.class
Define a StepFunctions State Machine. -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in -
Uses of Resource in
Subclasses of Resource in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Invokes an AWS Lambda function during deployment.