List of available contact attributes in Amazon Connect and their JSONPath references
The following tables describe the contact attributes available in Amazon Connect.
The JSONPath reference for each attribute is provided so you can create dynamic text strings.
System attributes
These are predefined attributes in Amazon Connect. You can reference system attributes, but you cannot create them.
Not all blocks in a flow support using System attributes. For example, you cannot use a System attribute to store customer input. Instead, use a user-defined attribute to store the data input by a customer.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference |
AWS Region |
When used, this returns the AWS Region where the contact is being handled. For example, us-west-2, us-east-1, and so on. |
System |
$.AwsRegion or $['AwsRegion'] |
Customer number |
The customer's phone number. Supported in voice calls, SMS, and WhatsApp business messaging. When used in an outbound whisper flow, this is the number that the agents dialed to reach the customer. When used in inbound flows, this is the number from which the customer placed the call. This attribute is included in contact records. When used in a Lambda function, it's included in the input object under CustomerEndpoint. |
System |
$.CustomerEndpoint.Address |
Customer ID |
The customer's identification number. For example, the CustomerId may be
a customer number from your CRM. You can create a Lambda function to pull the
unique customer ID of the caller from your CRM system. Voice ID uses this
attribute as the |
System |
$.CustomerId |
Dialed number |
Supported in voice calls, SMS, and WhatsApp business messaging. The number the customer dialed to call your contact center. This attribute is included in contact records. When used in a Lambda function, it's included in the input object under SystemEndpoint. |
System |
$.SystemEndpoint.Address |
System email address |
The email address that the contact sent the email to. |
System |
$. |
Customer display name |
The customer's name on the email that they sent to your contact center. |
System |
$. |
System display name |
The display name of the email address that the customer sent. |
System |
$. |
CC Email Address List |
The full list of cc'd email addresses on the inbound email sent to your contact center. |
System |
$. |
To Email Address List |
The full list of To email addresses on the inbound email sent to your contact center. |
System |
$. |
Customer callback number |
The number that Amazon Connect uses to call back the customer. This number can be the one used for a queued callback, or when an agent is dialing from the CCP. Transfer to callback queue functionality, or for an agent dialing from the CCP. The default value is the number that the customer used to call your contact center. However, it can be overwritten with the Set callback number block. This attribute is not included in contact records, and it's not accessible in Lambda input. However, you can copy the attribute to a user-defined attribute with the Set contact attribute block, which is included in contact records. You can also pass this attribute as a Lambda input parameter in an Invoke AWS Lambda function block, which is not included in contact records. |
System |
not applicable |
Stored customer input |
An attribute created from the most recent invocation of a Store customer input block. The attribute values created from the most recent Store customer input block invocation. This attribute is not included in contact records, and is not accessible in Lambda input. You can copy the attribute to a user-defined attribute with the Set contact attribute block, which is included in contact records. You can also pass this attribute as a Lambda input parameter in an Invoke AWS Lambda function block. |
System |
$.StoredCustomerInput |
Queue name |
The name of the queue. |
System |
$.Queue.Name |
Queue ARN |
The ARN for the queue. |
System |
$.Queue.ARN |
Queue outbound number |
The Outbound caller ID number for the selected queue. This attribute is only available in outbound whisper flows. |
System |
Text to speech voice |
The name of the Amazon Polly voice to use for text-to-speech in a contact flow. |
System |
$.TextToSpeechVoiceId |
Contact id |
The unique identifier of the contact. |
System |
$.ContactId |
Initial Contact id |
The unique identifier for the contact associated with the first interaction between the customer and your contact center. Use the initial contact ID to track contacts between flows. |
System |
$.InitialContactId |
Task Contact id |
The unique identifier for the task contact. Use the task contact ID to track tasks between flows. |
System |
$.Task.ContactId |
Previous Contact id |
The unique identifier for the contact before it was transferred. Use the previous contact ID to trace contacts between flows. |
System |
$.PreviousContactId |
Channel |
The method used to contact your contact center: VOICE, CHAT, TASK, EMAIL. |
System |
$.Channel |
Instance ARN |
The ARN for your Amazon Connect instance. |
System |
$.InstanceARN |
Initiation method |
How the contact was initiated. Valid values include: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, TRANSFER, CALLBACK, QUEUE_TRANSFER, EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND, MONITOR, DISCONNECT, WEBRTC_API, and API. For more information, see InitiationMethod in the Contact records data model topic. |
System |
$.InitiationMethod |
AWS Region |
System |
$. |
Name |
The name of the task. |
System |
$.Name |
Description |
A description of the task. |
System |
$.Description |
References |
Links to other documents that are related to a contact. |
System |
$.References. |
Language |
The language of content. Use the standard java.util.Locale. For example, en-US for United States English, jp-JP for Japanese, etc. |
System |
$.LanguageCode |
System Endpoint Type |
The type of the system endpoint. Valid value is TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
System |
$.SystemEndpoint.Type |
Customer Endpoint type |
The type of the customer endpoint. Valid value is TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
System |
$.CustomerEndpoint.Type |
Queue Outbound Caller ID number |
The outbound caller ID number defined for the queue. This can be useful for reverting the caller ID after setting a custom caller ID. |
System |
$.Queue.OutboundCallerId.Address |
Queue Outbound Caller ID number type |
The type of the outbound caller ID number. Valid value is TELEPHONE_NUMBER. |
System |
$.Queue.OutboundCallerId.Type |
Tags |
The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For more information about tags, see Add tags to resources in Amazon Connect and Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage. |
System |
$.Tags |
Segment attributes
Segment attributes are a set of system defined key-value pairs stored on individual contact segments using an attribute map.
Attribute | Description | Allowed values | Type | JSONPath Reference |
connect:Subtype |
Represents the subtype of the channel used for the contact. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:Subtype'] |
connect:Direction |
Represents the direction of the contact. For example, inbound or outbound. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:Direction'] |
connect:CreatedByUser |
Represents the user's ARN who created the task. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:CreatedByUser'] |
connect:AssignmentType |
Represents how a task is assigned. |
"SELF" |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:AssignmentType'] |
connect:EmailSubject |
Represents the subject of an email contact. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:EmailSubject'] |
connect:ScreenSharingDetails |
The The |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:ScreenSharingDetails'] |
connect:ContactExpiry |
Contains the details of contact expiry such as
valueMap |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:ContactExpiry'] |
connect:CustomerAuthentication |
The chat contact's authentication details. |
ValueMap |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:CustomerAuthentication'] |
Client Id |
The Amazon Cognito app client identifier. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:CustomerAuthentication']['ClientId'] |
Identify Provider |
The identity provider used to authenticate the customer. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:CustomerAuthentication']['IdentityProvider'] |
Status |
The status of the authentication process. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:CustomerAuthentication']['Status'] |
Associated Customer Id |
The customer's identifier number. This is either a custom identifier or a Customer Profile identifier. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:CustomerAuthentication']['AssociatedCustomerId'] |
Authentication Method |
An Amazon Connect-managed authentication workflow or customer-managed authentication workflow. |
ValueString |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:CustomerAuthentication']['AuthenticationMethod'] |
Email Subject |
The email subject in the email that the customer sent to your contact center. This useful in case you want to look at the email subject for certain keywords. |
Segment attribute |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:EmailSubject'] |
Amazon SES Spam Verdict |
When the email comes into your contact center, Amazon SES scans it for spam. You can check for the FAILED condition and then either drop the email or put it in a special queue for supervisors to review it. |
Segment attribute |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:X-SES-SPAM-VERDICT'] |
Amazon SES Virus Verdict |
When the email comes into your contact center, Amazon SES scans it for viruses. You can check for the FAILED condition and then either drop the email or put it in a special queue for supervisors to review it. |
Segment attribute |
$.SegmentAttributes['connect:X-SES-VIRUS-VERDICT'] |
Views attributes
The following table lists the Views attributes available in Amazon Connect.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference |
Action |
Views |
$. |
View result data |
Views |
$. |
Capabilities attributes
The following table lists the Capabilities attributes available in Amazon Connect. These attributes support the screen and video sharing capabilities. For more information, see Set up in-app, web, video calling, and screen sharing capabilities.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference |
Agent screen share capability |
The screen sharing capability that is enabled for the participant. |
Capabilities |
$.Capabilities.Agent.ScreenShare |
Agent video capability |
The video sharing capability that is enabled for the participant over the call. |
Capabilities |
$.Capabilities.Agent.Video |
Customer screen share capability |
The screen sharing capability that is enabled for the participant. |
Capabilities |
$.Capabilities.Customer.ScreenShare |
Customer video capability |
The video sharing capability that is enabled for the participant over the call. |
Capabilities |
$.Capabilities.Customer.Video |
Agent attributes
The following table lists the agent attributes available in Amazon Connect.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference |
Agent User name |
The user name an agent uses to log in to Amazon Connect. |
System |
$.Agent.UserName |
Agent First name |
The agent’s first name as entered in their Amazon Connect user account. |
System |
$.Agent.FirstName |
Agent Last name |
The agent’s last name as entered in their Amazon Connect user account. |
System |
$.Agent.LastName |
Agent ARN |
The ARN of the agent. |
System |
$.Agent.ARN |
When you use an agent contact attribute in a Transfer to agent flow, the agent attributes reflect the target agent, not the one who initiated the transfer.
Agent attributes are available only in the following types of flows:
Agent whisper
Customer whisper
Agent hold
Customer hold
Outbound whisper
Transfer to agent. In this case, the agent attributes reflect the target agent, not the one who initiated the transfer.
Agent attributes are not available in the following flow types:
Customer queue
Transfer to queue
Inbound flow
Queue attributes
These system attributes are returned when you use a Get queue metrics block in your flow.
If there is no current activity in your contact center, null values are returned for these attributes.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference |
Queue name |
The name of the queue for which metrics were retrieved. |
System |
$.Metrics.Queue.Name |
Queue ARN |
The ARN of the queue for which metrics were retrieved. |
System |
$.Metrics.Queue.ARN |
Contacts in queue |
The number of contacts currently in the queue. |
System |
$.Metrics.Queue.Size |
Oldest contact in queue |
For the contact that has been in the queue the longest, the length of time that the contact has been in the queue, in seconds. |
System |
$.Metrics.Queue.OldestContactAge |
Agents online |
The number of agents currently online, which means logged in and in any state other than offline. |
System |
$.Metrics.Agents.Online.Count |
Agents available |
The number of agents whose state is set to Available. |
System |
$.Metrics.Agents.Available.Count |
Agents staffed |
The number of agents currently staffed, which is agents logged in and in Available, ACW, or Busy states. |
System |
$.Metrics.Agents.Staffed.Count |
Agents in After contact work |
The number of agents currently in the ACW state. |
System |
$.Metrics.Agents.AfterContactWork.Count |
Agents busy |
The number of agents currently active on a contact. |
System |
$.Metrics.Agents.Busy.Count |
Agents missed count |
The number of agents in the Missed state, which is the state an agent enters after a missed contact. |
System |
$.Metrics.Agents.Missed.Count |
Agents in non-productive state |
The number of agents in a non-productive (NPT) state. |
System |
$.Metrics.Agents.NonProductive.Count |
Telephony call metadata attributes (call attributes)
Telephony metadata provides additional information related to call origination from telephony carriers.
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
JSONPath Reference |
P-Charge-Info |
The party responsible for the charges associated with the call. |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.P-Charge-Info |
From |
The identity of the end user associated with the request. |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.From |
To |
Information about the called party or the recipient of the request. |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.To |
Originating Line Indicator (OLI). Shows the type of line placing call (for example, PSTN, 800 service call, wireless/cellular PCS, payphone). |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.ISUP-OLI |
Jurisdiction Indication Parameter (JIP). Indicates geographic location of caller/switch. Example value: 212555 |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.JIP |
Hop-Counter |
Hop Counter. Example value: 0 |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.Hop-Counter |
Originating-Switch |
Originating Switch. Example value: 710 |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.Originating-Switch |
Originating-Trunk |
Originating Trunk. Example value: 0235 |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.Originating-Trunk |
Call-Forwarding-Indicator |
Call Forwarding Indicators (for example, Diversion header). Indicates domestic or international origin of call. Example value:;reason=unconditional |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.Call-Forwarding-Indicator |
Calling-Party-Address |
Calling Party Address (number). NPAC dip shows true line type and native geographic switch. Example value: 15555555555;noa=4 |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.Calling-Party-Address |
Called-Party-Address |
Called Party Address (number). Example value: 15555555555;noa=4 |
System |
$.Media.Sip.Headers.Called-Party-Address |
SIPREC metadata |
SIPREC metadata XML received by Amazon Contact Lens connector |
System |
$.Media.Sip.SiprecMetadata |
The availability of telephony metadata is not consistent across all telephony providers and may not be available in all cases. This may result in empty values.
Chat initial message attributes
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
JSONPath Reference |
InitialMessage |
The initial message supplied by the customer on a web chat or SMS. |
System |
$.Media.InitialMessage |
Media streams attributes
The following table lists the attributes that you can use to identify the location in the live media stream where the customer audio starts and stops.
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
JSONPath Reference |
Customer audio stream ARN |
The ARN of the Kinesis Video stream used for Live media streaming that includes the customer data to reference. |
Media streams |
$.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StreamARN |
Customer audio start timestamp in the Kinesis video stream used for Live media streaming. |
When the customer audio stream started. |
Media streams |
$.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StartTimestamp |
Customer audio stop timestamp |
When the customer audio stream stopped the Kinesis video stream used for Live media streaming. |
Media streams |
$.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StopTimestamp |
Customer audio start fragment number |
The number that identifies the Kinesis Video Streams fragment, in the stream used for Live media streaming, in which the customer audio stream started. |
Media streams |
$.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StartFragmentNumber |
Amazon Lex contact attributes
The following table lists the attributes that are returned from Amazon Lex bots. These are also know as session attributes.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference |
Alternate Intents |
List of alternate intents available from Amazon Lex. Each intent has a corresponding confidence score and slots to fill. |
Lex |
$.Lex.AlternativeIntents. $.Lex.AlternativeIntents. $.Lex.AlternativeIntents. $.Lex.AlternativeIntents. $.Lex.AlternativeIntents. $.Lex.AlternativeIntents. $.Lex.AlternativeIntents.
$.Lex.AlternativeIntents. $.Lex.AlternativeIntents. Where |
Intent Confidence Score |
The intent confidence score returned by Amazon Lex. |
Lex |
$.Lex.IntentConfidence.Score |
Intent name |
The user intent returned by Amazon Lex. |
Lex |
$.Lex.IntentName |
Sentiment Label |
The inferred sentiment that Amazon Comprehend has the highest confidence in. |
Lex |
$.Lex.SentimentResponse.Label |
Sentiment scores |
The likelihood that the sentiment was correctly inferred. |
Lex |
$.Lex.SentimentResponse.Scores.Positive $.Lex.SentimentResponse.Scores.Negative $.Lex.SentimentResponse.Scores.Mixed $.Lex.SentimentResponse.Scores.Neutral |
Session attributes |
Map of key-value pairs representing the session-specific context information. |
Lex |
$.Lex.SessionAttributes.attributeKey |
Slots |
Map of intent slots (key/value pairs) Amazon Lex detected from the user input during the interaction. |
Lex |
$.Lex.Slots.slotName |
Dialog state |
The last dialog state returned from an Amazon Lex bot. The value is 'Fulfilled' if an intent was returned to the flow. |
N/A (no type appears in the UI) |
$.Lex.DialogState |
Case contact attributes
The following table lists the attributes that are used with Amazon Connect Cases.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference | Where the data comes from |
Case ID |
Unique Identifier of the case in UUID format (for example, 689b0bea-aa29-4340-896d-4ca3ce9b6226) | text |
$.Case.case_id |
Amazon Connect |
Case Reason |
The reason for opening the case |
single-select |
$.Case.case_reason | Agent |
Customer |
The API is a customer profile ID. On the Cases: Fields page, the customer's name is displayed. |
text |
$.Case.customer_id | Amazon Connect |
Date/Time Closed |
The date and time the case was last closed. It does not guarantee that a case is closed. If a case is reopened, this field contains the date/time stamp of the last time the status was changed to closed. |
date-time |
$.Case.last_closed_datetime | Amazon Connect |
Date/Time Opened |
The date and time the case was opened. |
date-time |
$.Case.created_datetime | Amazon Connect |
Date/Time Updated |
The date and time the case was last updated. |
date-time |
$.Case.last_updated_datetime | Amazon Connect |
Reference number |
A friendly number for the case in 8-digit numeric format. Reference numbers (unlike the Case ID) are not guaranteed to be unique. We recommend that you identify the customer and then collect the reference number to correctly find the right case. |
text |
$.Case.reference_number | Agent |
Status |
Current status of the case |
text |
$.Case.status | Agent |
Summary |
Summary of the case |
text |
$.Case.summary | Agent |
Title |
Title of the case |
text |
$.Case.title | Agent |
Lambda contact attributes
Lambda attributes are returned as key-value pairs from the most recent invocation of an Invoke AWS Lambda function block. External attributes are overwritten with each invocation of the Lambda function.
To reference external attributes in JSONPath, use:
where AttributeName
is the attribute name, or the key of the key-value pair
returned from the function.
For example, if the function returns a contact ID, reference the attribute with
. When referencing a contact ID returned from Amazon Connect, the
JSONPath is $.ContactId
Note the inclusion of .External
in the JSONPath reference when the
attribute is external to Amazon Connect. Make sure to match the case for attribute names returned
from external sources.
For more information about using attributes in Lambda functions, see Grant Amazon Connect access to your AWS Lambda functions.
These attributes are not included in contact records, not passed to the next Lambda invocation, and not passed to the CCP for screenpop information. However, they can be passed as Lambda function inputs on an Invoke AWS Lambda function block, or copied to user-defined attributes using the Set contact attributes block. When used in Set contact attributes blocks, the attributes that are copied are included in contact records, and can be used in the CCP.
User-defined attributes
For all other attributes Amazon Connect defines the key and value. For user-defined attributes, however, you provide a name for the key and the value.
Use user-defined attributes in situations where you want to store values in a contact flow, and then refer to those values later. For example, if you integrate Amazon Connect and a CRM or other system, you might want to get input from the customer such as their member number. Then you can use that member number retrieve information about the member from the CRM, and/or use the member number throughout the flow, etc.
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
JSONPath Reference |
Any name you choose |
A user-defined attribute has two parts:
User-defined |
$.Attributes.name_of_your_destination_key |
To create user-defined attributes, use the Set contact attributes block.
Flow attributes
Flow attributes are like a type user-defined attribute, however, they are restricted to the flow where they are set.
Flow attributes are useful in situations where you don't want to persist the data throughout the contact, such as when you need to use sensitive information like the customer's credit card number to do a Lambda data dip.
Flow attributes are temporary variables stored locally and only used in the flow. They aren't visible anywhere outside the flow, not even when the contact is transferred to another flow.
They can be up to 32 KB (the maximum size of the contact record attributes section).
They aren't passed to a Lambda unless they are explicitly configured as parameters: in the Invoke AWS Lambda function block, choose Add a parameter.
They aren't passed to modules. You can set a flow attribute within a module, but it won't be passed out of the module.
They don't appear in the contact record.
They don't appear to the agent in the CCP.
API can't expose them. -
If you have logging enabled on the flow, the key and value appear in the Cloudwatch log.
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
JSONPath Reference |
Any name you choose |
A flow attribute has two parts:
Flow |
$.FlowAttributes.name_of_your_destination_key |
Apple Messages for Business attributes
Use the following contact attributes to route Apple Messages for Business customers. For example, if you have different lines of business using Apple Messages for Business, you can branch to different flows based on the AppleBusinessChatGroup contact attribute. Or, if you want to route Apple Messages for Business messages differently from other chat messages, you can branch based on MessagingPlatform.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSON |
MessagingPlatform |
The messaging platform from where the customer request originated. Exact value: AppleBusinessChat |
User-defined | $.Attributes.MessagingPlatform |
AppleBusinessChatCustomerId |
The customer’s opaque ID provided by Apple. This remains constant for the AppleID and a business. You can use this to identify if the message is from a new customer or a returning customer. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleBusinessChatCustomerId |
AppleBusinessChatIntent |
You can define the intent or purpose of the chat. This parameter is included in a URL that initiates a chat session in Messages when a customer chooses the Business Chat button. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleBusinessChatIntent |
AppleBusinessChatGroup |
You define the group which designates the department or individuals best qualified to handle the customer’s particular question or problem. This parameter is included in a URL that initiates a chat session in Messages when a customer chooses the Business Chat button. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleBusinessChatGroup |
AppleBusinessChatLocale |
Defines the language and AWS Region preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface. It consists of a language identifier (ISO 639-1) and a Region identifier (ISO 3166). For example, en_US. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleBusinessChatLocale |
AppleFormCapability |
Whether the customer device supports forms. If true, the customer device is supported. If false, the device is not supported. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleFormCapability |
AppleAuthenticationCapability |
Whether the customer device supports Authentication (OAuth2). If true, the customer device is supported. If false, their device is not supported. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleAuthenticationCapability |
AppleTimePickerCapability |
Whether the customer device supports time pickers. If true, the customer device is supported. If false, the device is not supported. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleTimePickerCapability |
AppleListPickerCapability |
Whether the customer device supports list pickers. If true, the customer device is supported. If false, the device is not supported. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleListPickerCapability |
AppleQuickReplyCapability |
Whether the customer device supports quick replies. If true, the customer device is supported. If false, the device is not supported. |
User-defined | $.Attributes.AppleQuickReplyCapability |
Customer Profiles attributes
The following table lists the attributes that are used with Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.
The total size of Customer Profiles contact attributes is limited to 14,000 (56 attributes assuming max size of 255 each) characters for the entire flow. This includes all values persisted as Response fields in Customer Profiles blocks during the flow.
Attribute | Description | Type | JSONPath Reference |
profileSearchKey |
The name of the attribute you want to use to search for a profile. |
User-defined |
Not applicable |
profileSearchValue |
The value of the key you want to search for, such as customer name or account number. |
User-defined |
Not applicable |
Profile ID |
The unique identifier of a customer profile. |
text |
$.Customer.ProfileId |
Profile ARN |
The ARN of a customer profile. |
text |
$.Customer.ProfileARN |
First Name |
The customer's first name. |
text |
$.Customer.FirstName |
Middle Name |
The customer's middle name. |
text |
$.Customer.MiddleName |
Last Name |
The customer's last name. |
text |
$.Customer.LastName |
Account Number |
A unique account number that you have given to the customer. |
text |
$.Customer.AccountNumber |
Email Address |
The customer's email address, which has not been specified as a personal or business address. |
text |
$.Customer.EmailAddress |
Phone Number |
The customer's phone number, which has not been specified as a mobile, home, or business number. |
text |
$.Customer.PhoneNumber |
Additional Information |
Any additional information relevant to the customer's profile. |
text |
$.Customer.AdditionalInformation |
Party Type |
The customer's party type. |
text |
$.Customer.PartyType |
Business Name |
The name of the customer's business. |
text |
$.Customer.BusinessName |
Birth Date |
The customer's birth date. |
text |
$.Customer.BirthDate |
Gender |
The customer's gender. |
text |
$.Customer.Gender |
Mobile Phone Number |
The customer's mobile phone number. |
text |
$.Customer.MobilePhoneNumber |
Home Phone Number |
The customer's home phone number. |
text |
$.Customer.HomePhoneNumber |
Business Phone Number |
The customer's business phone number. |
text |
$.Customer.BusinessPhoneNumber |
Business Email Address |
The customer's business email address. |
text |
$.Customer.BusinessEmailAddress |
Address |
A generic address associated with the customer that is not mailing, shipping, or billing. |
text |
$.Customer.Address1 $.Customer.Address2 $.Customer.Address3 $.Customer.Address4 $.Customer.City $.Customer.County $.Customer.Country $.Customer.PostalCode $.Customer.Province $.Customer.State |
Shipping Address |
The customer's shipping address. |
text |
$.Customer.ShippingAddress1 $.Customer.ShippingAddress2 $.Customer.ShippingAddress3 $.Customer.ShippingAddress4 $.Customer.ShippingCity $.Customer.ShippingCounty $.Customer.ShippingCountry $.Customer.ShippingPostalCode $.Customer.ShippingProvince $.Customer.ShippingState |
Mailing Address |
The customer's mailing address. |
text |
$.Customer.MailingAddress1 $.Customer.MailingAddress2 $.Customer.MailingAddress3 $.Customer.MailingAddress4 $.Customer.MailingCity $.Customer.MailingCounty $.Customer.MailingCountry $.Customer.MailingPostalCode $.Customer.MailingProvince $.Customer.MailingState |
Billing Address |
The customer's billing address |
text |
$.Customer.BillingAddress1 $.Customer.BillingAddress2 $.Customer.BillingAddress3 $.Customer.BillingAddress4 $.Customer.BillingCity $.Customer.BillingCounty $.Customer.BillingCountry $.Customer.BillingPostalCode $.Customer.BillingProvince $.Customer.BillingState |
Attributes |
A key value pair of attributes of a customer profile. |
text |
$.Customer.Attributes.x |
Object Attributes |
A key value pair of custom object attributes of a customer profile. |
text |
$.Customer.ObjectAttributes.y |
Calculated Attributes |
A key value pair of calculated attributes of a customer profile. |
text |
$.Customer.CalculatedAttributes.z |
Asset |
A customer's standard Asset. |
text |
$.Customer.Asset.AssetId $.Customer.Asset.ProfileId $.Customer.Asset.AssetName $.Customer.Asset.SerialNumber $.Customer.Asset.ModelNumber $.Customer.Asset.ModelName $.Customer.Asset.ProductSKU $.Customer.Asset.PurchaseDate $.Customer.Asset.UsageEndDate $.Customer.Asset.Status $.Customer.Asset.Price $.Customer.Asset.Quantity $.Customer.Asset.Description $.Customer.Asset.AdditionalInformation $.Customer.Asset.DataSource $.Customer.Asset.Attributes.x |
Order |
A customer's standard Order. |
text |
$.Customer.Order.OrderId $.Customer.Order.ProfileId $.Customer.Order.CustomerEmail $.Customer.Order.CustomerPhone $.Customer.Order.CreatedDate $.Customer.Order.UpdatedDate $.Customer.Order.ProcessedDate $.Customer.Order.ClosedDate $.Customer.Order.CancelledDate $.Customer.Order.CancelReason $.Customer.Order.Name $.Customer.Order.AdditionalInformation $.Customer.Order.Gateway $.Customer.Order.Status $.Customer.Order.StatusCode $.Customer.Order.StatusUrl $.Customer.Order.CreditCardNumber $.Customer.Order.CreditCardCompany $.Customer.Order.FulfillmentStatus $.Customer.Order.TotalPrice $.Customer.Order.TotalTax $.Customer.Order.TotalDiscounts $.Customer.Order.TotalItemsPrice $.Customer.Order.TotalShippingPrice $.Customer.Order.TotalTipReceived $.Customer.Order.Currency $.Customer.Order.TotalWeight $.Customer.Order.BillingName $.Customer.Order.BillingAddress1 $.Customer.Order.BillingAddress2 $.Customer.Order.BillingAddress3 $.Customer.Order.BillingAddress4 $.Customer.Order.BillingCity $.Customer.Order.BillingCounty $.Customer.Order.BillingCountry $.Customer.Order.BillingPostalCode $.Customer.Order.BillingProvince $.Customer.Order.BillingState $.Customer.Order.ShippingName $.Customer.Order.ShippingAddress1 $.Customer.Order.ShippingAddress2 $.Customer.Order.ShippingAddress3 $.Customer.Order.ShippingAddress4 $.Customer.Order.ShippingCity $.Customer.Order.ShippingCounty $.Customer.Order.ShippingCountry $.Customer.Order.ShippingPostalCode $.Customer.Order.ShippingProvince $.Customer.Order.ShippingState $.Customer.Order.Attributes.y |
Case |
A customer's standard Case. |
text |
$.Customer.Case.CaseId $.Customer.Case.ProfileId $.Customer.Case.Title $.Customer.Case.Summary $.Customer.Case.Status $.Customer.Case.Reason $.Customer.Case.CreatedBy $.Customer.Case.CreatedDate $.Customer.Case.UpdatedDate $.Customer.Case.ClosedDate $.Customer.Case.AdditionalInformation $.Customer.Case.DataSource $.Customer.Case.Attributes.z |
Outbound campaign attributes
You can use data in Amazon Pinpoint
segments list to customize experiences in Amazon Connect flows. To reference
data in a segment list, use $.Attributes.attribute coming in the
. For example, if you have a segment with two columns
"Attributes.FirstName" and "Attributes.ItemDescription, you would refer to them as:
For more information, see Adding personalized content to message templates in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.