Amazon Connect feature specifications
You can't increase the feature specifications listed here.
The following tables list the various Amazon Connect feature specifications.
Item | Feature Specification |
Agent activity retention |
24 months from the time the event occurred |
File types supported for attachments to emails, cases, or chats |
.csv, .doc, .docx, .heic, .jfif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp4, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .txt, .wav, .xls, .xlsx For more information about supported file types for WhatsApp business messaging, see WhatsApp business messaging feature specifications later in this topic. |
Maximum file size for an attachment to an email, case, or a chat |
20MB For more information about supported file sizes for WhatsApp business messaging, see WhatsApp business messaging feature specifications later in this topic. |
Maximum timeout for an attachment scanner |
60 seconds |
Maximum size of a real-time metrics report |
200KB |
When the Multi-Party Calls and Enhanced Monitoring for Voice capability is enabled, voice supports 6 participants. Two supervisors can monitor the call. |
6 For example, you can have a group of 6 participants in the call at the same time. Two supervisors can monitor the call. The two supervisors can do two silent monitor sessions, or one silent monitor and one barge-in session. The total number of participants on a call would look like this:
When the Multi-Party Calls and Enhanced Monitoring for Voice capability is not enabled, voice supports 3 participants on the call, and 5 supervisors monitoring the call. |
3 There can be 3 participants in total:
Quick connects you can assign to a queue |
700 |
Participants on a conference call |
6 The participants are the customer, agent, and others who can be agents or external third-parties. |
Contact record retention for all channels and subtypes (voice, email, tasks, and chat, including SMS, WhatsApp, and Apple Messages for Business). |
24 months from the time the associated contact was initiated. You can choose to stream contact records to Kinesis so you can manage retention and perform advanced analysis. |
Email addresses per instance |
100 email addresses |
Email message and attachment retention |
This is defined by your S3 lifecycle configuration. For more information, see Managing your storage lifecycle in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide. |
Maximum email message body size |
5 MB |
Maximum email message body plus attachments size |
35 MB |
Maximum size of the contact record attributes section |
32KB |
Maximum size of the returned data in a Lambda function |
Less than 32KB of UTF-8 data |
Limit on creating and deleting instances |
100 instances can be created or deleted in 30 days Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create and delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account. For example, if you create 80 instances and delete 20 over the course of 30 days, you must wait an additional 30 days before you can create or delete any more instances. If you create and delete the same instance 100 times in 30 days, the limit also applies. |
Searchable custom contact attributes |
50 |
Replica instances (created by using the ReplicateInstance API) |
5 per account |
Traffic distribution groups |
8 per replicated instance |
Chat feature specifications
Item | Feature Specification |
Attachments per chat conversation |
35 |
Active chats per agent |
10 |
Participants on a conference chat |
6 The participants are the customer, agent, and others who can be agents. |
Custom participants (such as a custom bot) on a contact |
1 |
Chat contacts that a supervisor can monitor concurrently |
Depends on the number of concurrent chats limit set in the supervisor's routing profile |
People who can monitor the same agent chat at the same time regardless of whether the Enable Multi-Party Chats and Enhanced Monitoring for Chat capability is enabled for an instance |
5 For example, you can have a group of 5 people monitor a chat at the same time, and then a different group of 5 people monitor a different chat at the same time, and so on. The total number of participants on the chat would look like this:
Supervisors who can barge in on a chat between an agent and a customer when the Enable Multi-Party Chats and Enhanced Monitoring for Chat capability enabled for an instance |
1 Only 1 supervisor can be in barged in mode for a given chat. |
Total duration per chat |
Up to 7 days, including wait time
Characters per chat message |
1024 |
Open websocket connections per chat participant |
5 |
Chat Amazon Lex bot integration timeout |
10 seconds The maximum time within which the Amazon Lex bot must respond to the chat customer's prompt. |
Past chat transcript file size. This applies to persistent chat. |
5MB |
Past contacts that can be traversed by Amazon Connect chat. This applies to persistent chat. |
100 |
Communications widgets that can be created and customized per instance |
20 |
File types supported for attachments to cases or chats | .csv, .doc, .docx, .heic, .jfif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp4, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .txt, .wav, .xls, .xlsx |
Maximum file size for an attachment to a case or a chat | 20MB |
WhatsApp business messaging feature specifications
The following table ists the specifications for WhatsApp business messaging
Media type | Supported file types | Maximum file size |
Image | .jpeg, .jpg, .jfif, .png | 5MB |
Video | .mp4, .3gp | 16MB |
Document | .txt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx | 20MB |
Audio | .aac, .m4a, .mp3, .amr, .ogg | 16MB |
Sticker | Not supported | Not supported |
Task feature specifications
Item | Feature Specification |
Task templates per instance |
50 |
Task template customized fields per instance |
50 |
Maximum duration of a task |
Default is 7 days, extensible up to 30 days |
Maximum number of transfers for a task |
11 transfers |
Maximum number of linked tasks on an existing contact |
11 |
Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling feature specifications
Item | Feature Specification |
Agents per schedule generation run |
800 |
Agents per staffing group |
80 |
Capacity plans per instance |
500 |
Capacity scenarios per instance |
500 |
Capacity plan user data uploads per instance |
500 |
Capacity plan override uploads per instance |
5000 |
Concurrent uploads per instance |
20 |
File size per upload of agent time off data |
1GB |
File size per upload of time off group allowance data |
1GB The .csv file can cover up to 13 months. |
File size per upload of capacity plan user data |
1GB |
File size per upload of capacity plan overrides |
250MB |
File size per upload of forecast overrides |
250MB |
File size per upload of historical actuals |
1GB |
Forecast groups per instance |
500 |
Forecast override uploads per instance |
500 |
Historical actuals uploads per instance |
50 |
Queues per forecast group |
200 |
Schedules per instance |
600 |
Shift activities per instance |
300 |
Shift activities per shift profile |
10 |
Shift profiles per instance |
1800 |
Shift rotation steps per pattern |
52 |
Shift rotation weeks per pattern |
52 |
Shift rotations associated with a single shift profile |
650 |
Shift rotations per instance |
650 |
Staffing groups per forecast group |
100 |
Staffing groups per instance |
1300 |
Staffing groups per supervisor/manager |
250 |
Supervisors/managers per staffing group |
100 |
Integration association resource feature specifications
The following table lists feature specifications for the integration association resource. It lists how many of each type of integration association resource can be ingested.
Item | Feature Specification |
Attachment scanner |
1 |
Voice ID domain |
1 |
Amazon Pinpoint app |
1 |
Event |
10 The event integration resource is used for task triggers. |
Amazon Q in Connect assistant |
1 |
Amazon Q in Connect knowledge base |
10 |
Cases domain |
1 |
Amazon Q in Connect knowledge base |
10 |
Amazon Connect Contact Lens feature specifications
Item | Feature Specification |
Custom vocabularies |
20 |
Contact Lens rules for post-call |
500 |
Contact Lens rules for post-chat |
500 |
Contact Lens rules for real-time |
500 |
Evaluation forms feature specifications
Item | Feature Specification |
Maximum number of evaluation forms per instance Historical versions are not counted, only form names are counted. |
50 |
Maximum number of versions per form |
50 |
Maximum number of sections per form |
100 |
Maximum number of questions per form |
100 |
Maximum nesting level of sections |
2 (sections can have sub-sections, but sub-sections cannot have sub-sub-sections) |
Definition title length |
1-128 characters |
Section title length |
1-128 characters |
Question title length |
1-350 characters |
Section instructions length |
up to 1024 characters |
Number of answer options for single select questions |
2-256 answer options |
Answer option text length for single select questions |
1-128 characters |
Amazon Connect Rules feature specifications
The following table lists feature specifications for Amazon Connect Rules.
Item | Feature Specification |
Conditions in a rule |
20 |
Rules with Natural Language condition |
15 |
Rules for OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable event
source |
500 |
Rules for OnRealTimeCallAnalysisAvailable event
source |
500 |
Rules for OnRealTimeChatAnalysisAvailable event
source |
500 |
Rules for OnZendeskTicketCreate event source |
500 |
Rules for OnZendeskTicketStatus event source |
500 |
Rules for OnSalesforceCaseCreate event
source |
500 |
Rules for OnContactEvaluationSubmit event
source |
500 |
Rules for OnCaseUpdate event source |
500 |
Rules for OnCaseCreate event source |
500 |
Rules for OnMetricDataUpdate event source |
100 |
Condition type | Number of entries or selections | Post-call | Post-chat | Real-time |
Evaluation - Form score |
20 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Evaluation- Section score |
20 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Evaluation- Question score |
20 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Evaluation - Results available |
20 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Words or phrases - Exact match |
100 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Words or phrases - Semantic match |
4 |
Yes |
Yes |
Not supported |
Words or phrases - Pattern match |
100 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Natural Language - Semantic match |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Queue condition |
100 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Agent condition |
100 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Custom attributes |
5 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sentiment - Time period |
5 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sentiment - Entire contact |
5 |
Yes |
Yes |
Not supported |
Interruptions |
5 |
Yes |
Yes |
Not supported |
Response time |
4 hours |
Not supported |
Yes |
Not supported |
Non-talk time |
5 hours |
Yes |
Not supported |
Not supported |