Best practices for Amazon Connect outbound campaigns using
The topics in this section explain best practices for outbound calling campaigns using Pinpoint. These practices can increase agent productivity, help you comply with regulations, and help protect the integrity of your phone numbers.
Amazon Connect outbound campaigns work in concert with Amazon Pinpoint journeys. Journeys have their own best practices. The topics in this section describe some of those practices, but for more information, see Tips and best practices for journeys, in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.
Choose the right campaign
Amazon Connect provides several types of dialing campaigns. The following sections describe each type so that you can implement the campaign that best meets your needs.
Predictive campaigns
When agent productivity, cost per calls, or contact center efficiency are critical metrics, use predictive dialers. Predictive dialers anticipate that many calls won't be answered. They counterbalance that by dialing as many phone numbers in a list as possible during an agent's shift by making predictions about agent availability.
The predictive algorithm calls ahead based on certain performance metrics. This means that calls can be connected before an agent becomes available, and a customer is connected to the next available agent. The predictive algorithm constantly analyzes, evaluates, and makes agent availability predictions in real-time so that agent productivity and efficiency can improve.
Progressive campaigns
When you need to reduce answer speeds, use progressive dialers. A progressive dialer dials the next phone number in a list after an agent completes the previous call. The dialer only makes as many outbound calls as there are agents available.
You can use integrated answering machine detection to help identify a live customer pickup or a voicemail, and customize your contact strategy accordingly. For example, if a person answers a call, you can present options for them to select. If a call goes to voicemail, you can leave a message.
You can also manage pacing by specifying dial capacity for each campaign. For example, you can send more voice notifications faster by setting a higher dial capacity for a given agentless campaign compared to other dialer campaigns.
Agentless campaigns
You use agentless campaigns to send high-volume personalized voice notifications, appointment reminders, or to enable self-service using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) with no agents needed.
Agent staffing best practices
When call recipients answer a call and hear silence in return, they often hang up. For predictive campaigns, use the following best practices to help reduce that silence:
Ensure that you have enough agents logged in to your call queue. For more information about staffing, see Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling in Amazon Connect.
Consider using Amazon Connect's machine learning services.
Forecasting. Analyze and predict contact volume based on historical data. What will future demand—the contact volume and handle time—look like? Amazon Connect forecasting provides accurate and auto-generated forecasts that are automatically updated daily.
Capacity planning. Predict how many agents your contact center will require. Optimize plans by scenarios, service level goals, and metrics, such as shrinkage.
Scheduling. Generate agent schedules for day-to-day workloads that are flexible, and meet business and compliance requirements. Offer agents flexible schedules and work-life balance. How many agents are needed in each shift? Which agent works in which slot?
Schedule adherence. Enable contact center supervisors to monitor schedule adherence and improve agent productivity. Schedule adherence metrics are available after the agent schedules are published.
Connection latency best practices
Successful outbound calling campaigns avoid silent calls, the period of silence after a person answers a call and before an agent comes on the line. Legal requirements to limit the number of silent or abandoned calls and keep the called party informed may also apply. You can configure Amazon Connect in different ways to reduce call connection delays.
Pinpoint segment attributes
When creating an Amazon Pinpoint segment file, add the data (attributes) required for
routing logic, custom greetings, or agent screen pop. Do not use Lambda functions in the flow to
extract additional information, such as EffectiveDate
, or User.UserId
before connecting to
an agent.

For more information, see Supported attributes in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.
Outbound agent-staffed calling
When using the Check call progress flow block:
Call Answered branch - Remove all flow blocks between the Check call progress and Transfer to queue blocks. This minimizes delay between the dialed party saying hello, and the agent answer time.
Not Detected branch - This branch should be treated in the same manner as a Call Answered with routing to a Transfer to queue block. This branch is used when the ML-model was not able to classify the answer type. Since this could be a voicemail or a live person, you can play a message before to the Transfer to queue block in the event that there is a voicemail answering a message can be left.
For example, "This is Example Corp. calling to confirm your appointment. We couldn't tell if you or your voicemail answered this call. Please stay on the line while we connect you with an agent."
Outbound agentless calling
Outbound campaigns often use custom greetings and self service functions. Do not use Lambda functions to get contact attributes. Instead, provide customer data (attributes) via the campaign segment. Use these attributes from the campaign segment to play custom greetings.
Example - Call Answered or Not Detected: "Hello,
. This is$.Attributes.CallerIdentity
calling to confirm your upcoming appointment on$.Attributes.AppointmentDate
. If this is still a good time and date for you, just say, "Confirm". If you would like to use our self service system to modify your appointment, just say, "self service" or stay on the line and we will connect you with the next available agent." -
Example - Voicemail with or without beep: "Hello,
. This is$.Attributes.CallerIdentity
calling to confirm your upcoming appointment on$.Attributes.AppointmentDate
. If this is still a good time and date for you, we will see you then. If you would like to modify your appointment, please call us back at$.SystemEndpoint.Address
to reschedule your appointment" -
Error branch - Occasionally there could be an issue that causes a call to follow the Error branch. As a best practice, use a Play prompt block with a message that applies to the contact that was dialed, with instruction to "Please call us at
to confirm or reschedule your appointment." Do this before the Disconnect / hang up block in case the call recipient answered, but an error occurred in the processing.

Whisper and queue flow best practices
Remove the Loop prompts from the Default customer queue flow and replace them with End flow / Resume.
If agents don't answer within 2 seconds of calls going to queue, you can minimize silent calls by using Loop prompts and play a message for the customer. The following image shows a typical flow block with a Loop prompt.
Use the Disable agent whisper and Disable customer whisper options on the Set whisper flow block. This is so customers perceive less connection latency as part of an outbound campaign. The following image shows the location of the Disable agent whisper setting on the block's properties page.
User administration best practices
We recommend setting the following options for your users to reduce connection times. To access these settings, in the Amazon Connect admin website navigate to Users, User management, Edit.
These options apply to soft phones only.
Enable the Auto-accept calls. It reduces the potential for call connection latency/delay after a dialed party answers.
Set After Contact Work (ACW) timeout to 30. Minimizing the ACW time will optimize the dialing algorithm when using Predictive dialing campaigns.
Enable persistent connection. This maintains agent connection after a call ends. It enables subsequent calls to connect faster.
The following image shows the Settings section of the Edit user page.

Workstation and network best practices
The following best practices can help optimize agent efficiency by ensuring adequate hardware and network resources.
Ensure that agent workstations meet the minimum requirements. For more information, see Agent headset and workstation requirements for using the Contact Control Panel (CCP).
Ensure that the agent has the CCP or agent workspace open and present on their desktop. This reduces the time spent bringing the screen to the front before greeting the caller.
On the local network, ensure that the agents are connected to a LAN. This mitigates potential wireless network latency
If possible, minimize the geographic distance between the AWS Region that hosts your Amazon Connect instance and the agents that interact with the outbound campaigns. The greater the geographic distance between your agents and the hosting Region, the higher the possible latency.
Outbound campaigns have limitations on the numbers that agents can dial, depending on the
origin of the Amazon Connect instance. For more information, see the Amazon Connect
Telecoms Country Coverage Guide
Testing best practices
As a best practice, run tests at scale. To achieve the lowest call connection latency, use outbound campaigns to make hundreds of thousands of continuous calls to mimic your production environment. Call connection latency can be relatively high when making a handful of campaign calls.
Best practices for answering machine detection
To use Answering Machine Detection (AMD) in a campaign, use the Check call progress flow block. It provides call progress analysis. This is an ML-model that detects an answered call condition so that you can provide different experiences for calls answered by people and calls answered by machine, with or without a beep. The flow block also provides a branch for routing calls when the ML-model can't distinguish between people and voicemail, or when errors occur in call processing.
AMD uses the following criteria to detect live calls:
Background noise associated with a pre-recorded message.
Long strings of words such as "Hello, I am sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message at…"
A live caller saying something similar to "Hello, hello?" followed by a post-greeting silence.
Forty to 60-percent of calls to consumers go to voicemail. AMD helps eliminate the number of voicemail calls over live calls. However, the detection accuracy has limitations.
If the voicemail greeting is a short "Hello" or includes a pause, AMD detects it as a live customer (a false negative).
Sometimes a long greeting by a live customer is incorrectly detected as a voicemail (a false positive).
There is a small delay while the system connects the call to an agent, which could result in the customer possibly hanging up.
PBX (private branch exchange) numbers with multiple levels of voicemail prompts are not supported.
The pros, cons, and best uses of Answering Machine Detection
The use of Answering Machine Detection (AMD) may not comply with telemarketing laws. You are responsible for implementing AMD in a manner that is compliant with applicable laws, and you should always consult your legal advisor regarding your specific use case.
Use case 1: AMD is on and leaving automatic voicemails
Pros – Agents primarily interact with live calls 95-percent of the time, maximizing talk time. AMD can leave automatic voicemails if a voicemail is detected.
Cons – The technology leaves a voicemail 50-percent to 60-percent of the time due to false positives due to the large variety of answering machine types. Also, AMD can irritate customers because it adds a short delay to live calls.
Best uses – Calling consumers during the day when you may get a large quantity of answering machines and it’s not urgent to ensure every call receives a voicemail.
Use case 2: AMD is on but not leaving automatic voicemails
Pros – Agents primarily interact with live calls 95-percent of the time, maximizing talk time.
Cons – Cannot leave any voicemails. Adds a delay to live calls which can annoy customers.
Best uses – Calling consumers during the day when you may get a large quantity of voicemails and you don’t want to leave any voicemails.
Use case 3: AMD is off and agents can leave manual voicemails
Pros – Voicemails can be left 100-percent of the time.
Cons – Agents must determine whether they are receiving a live call or voicemail. Must manually leave a voicemail. Most time consuming and can lower the number of calls your agents make in a day.
Best uses – Calling consumers or businesses and leaving customized voicemails.
Use case 4: AMD is off and agents can leave a prerecorded voicemail
Pros – Agents can leave a personalized, pre-recorded voicemail 100% of the time saving significant time by avoiding repeating the same message over and over with 'Voicemail Drop'.
Cons – Agents must determine whether they are receiving a live call or voicemail. More time consuming than AMD but quicker than manually leaving a voicemail.
Best uses – Calling consumers or businesses and leaving generic voicemails.
Journey best practices
As a best practice, create a well-defined scenario for each Amazon Pinpoint journey. Limit the scope of a scenario to a specific aspect of a larger customer experience that enables you to monitor, refine, and manage a customer's specific experience. You can then create a sequence of related journeys.
For example, a journey can welcome new customers and provide recommended first steps during their first seven days as a customer. Based on each customer's actions during the first journey, you can route them to additional journeys tailored to their initial level of engagement. One journey might provide next steps for customers who were highly engaged in the first journey. Another subsequent journey might promote different products or services to customers who were less engaged in the first journey. By creating a sequence of scoped journeys, you can continually refine and manage the customer experience throughout the customer lifecycle.
After you define a scenario, choose journey settings that support your goals for the scenario. The settings define the timing, volume, and frequency with which any part of a journey can engage participants.
The following steps assume that you have at least one project and one journey in Amazon Pinpoint. If not, see Managing Amazon Pinpoint projects, and Create a journey, both in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide
To access journey settings
Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Journeys, then open a journey with a status of Draft or Paused.
You can also choose Stop journey to stop a journey.
Open the Actions list and choose Settings.
Expand the following sections to implement the various best practices.
Time zone detection helps estimate an endpoint's time zone based on
and any combination of Endpoint.Address
and Endpoint.Location.PostalCode
. The endpoint's time zone is used to avoid
calling at inappropriate times of the day, when quiet time is configured, and also when a
journey sends messages based on a local time zone. Time zone estimation is only performed on
endpoints that do not have a value for the Demographic.Timezone
AWS GovCloud (US-West) does not support time zone detection.
If a journey contains endpoints with multiple time zones:
When you enable
Recipient's local time zone
The journey calls or sends a message according to the latest time zone for an endpoint.
The journey stops sending when all messages have been sent, or according to the earliest time zone for an endpoint.
When you enable Quiet time, and you have endpoints on multiple time zones, the journey does not call or send messages to an endpoint during the quiet time of any timezone. The journey only calls and sends messages when all the endpoints can receive them, as controled by the journey's sending rules.
For example, if your journey's quiet time runs from 20:00 (8:00 PM) to 08:00 (8:00 AM), and the journey uses endpoints in UTC-8 America/Los_Angeles and UTC-5 America/New_York, the journey starts sending messages at 08:00 America/Los_Angeles (11:00 America/New_York) and stops sending messages at 17:00 America/Los_Angeles (20:00 America/New_York).
To optimize participant engagement in a journey that has a scheduled start and end time, configure the journey to use each participant's local time zone. This helps to ensure that journey activities occur when a participant is most likely to participate in those activities.
To use recipient time zones
Under When to send, choose the Recipeints local time zone radio button.
That setting's usefulness depends on whether you store local time zone values in the
endpoint definitions for participants. If you use this setting and the endpoint definition
for a participant doesn't specify a time zone, Amazon Pinpoint doesn't include the participant in the
journey. To avoid this issue, use the Demographic.Timezone
attribute to store
time zone information for participants. This is a standard attribute provided by
Amazon Pinpoint.
If you configure an activity to send messages at a time that conflicts with the quiet-time settings for the journey, Amazon Pinpoint doesn't send messages until the quiet time ends. If you chose to resume sending messages after quiet time ends, Pinpoint also sends any messages held during quiet time. If not, it drops the held messages.
For certain use cases, such as telemarketing, organizations limit attempts to call an endpoint over a certain number of days. Amazon Pinpoint provides the following ways to configure the number of attempts:
Specify the maximum contact attempts made to an endpoint in a 24 hour period.
Specify the maximum number of times you can reach an endpoint for a particular journey, and across journeys.
Set a rolling limit by specifying the maximum number of times you can reach an endpoint within a certain time period. For example, contact an endpoint at most 2 times over the next 7 days.
The following image shows the various journey limit settings.

Schedule best practices
Amazon Connect outbound campaigns enable you to limit calls to certain times of day and avoid calls during quiet times in the evening or during weekends. You can also set calling exceptions in an Amazon Pinpoint journey. The exceptions overwrite the sending times configured for days of the week.
We recommend using both features. For more information about scheduling in Amazon Connect, see . For more information about scheduling in Amazon Pinpoint, see Step 4: Choose when to send the campaign, in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.
In addition to exceptions, you can:
Stop calls from predictive and progressive campaigns by logging all agents out of the campaign queue.
Use the Amazon Connect console to manually pause a campaign.
Best practices for activity settings
In the Entry activity of your journey, only use the Add participants from a segment option.
Do Not Call best practices
Many countries have created DNC (Do Not Call) lists. These allow telephone subscribers to not receive marketing calls. Companies must check customer phone numbers against such DNC lists, and remove those numbers before placing a call. You use Amazon Pinpoint to manage DNC lists in outbound campaigns.
Journeys allow you to check the status of an endpoint against third-party data sources before sending the messages. You can also add an AWS Lambda function that conducts external DNC checks and does or does not dial based on the response.
The following image shows the suggested DNC flow.

Best practices for managing redials
The following sections provide best practices for managing redials and differentiating your call center from spammers.
Automate workflows and use multiple channels
As a best practice, don't persistently call leads and hope the contact answers. The more you call, the less likely the contact may be to answer. Instead, use automation to move the contact to another list and call back 30 days later, then perhaps 60 days later.
Also, look at the number of times a call goes to voicemail. At some point, you may want to stop calling that lead.
An optimal strategy uses automated workflows with multiple communication channels to build an outreach cadence. For example, you start with a phone call, then send an SMS message, then an email. This can significantly increase the chances of contacting the lead. For more information about setting up multiple channels, see:
Tutorial: Using Postman with the Amazon Pinpoint API, in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide.
Tutorial: Setting up an SMS registration system, in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide.
The next sections provide other tips for managing redials.
Manage your call volume
The following best practices can help differentiate your call center from spammers and help protect the integrity of your phone numbers.
Place no more than 50 calls per area code, per carrier, per day.
To configure how often a number is dialed, use the Send through a contact center activity with a Wait activity in your journey. Amazon Pinpoint supports a maximum of three Send through a contact center activities per journey. Use that activity strategically.
For example, use it when a call is Not answered, but choose another follow up method for Voicemail beep and Voicemail no beep, such as email or SMS. Those channels can still provide in-session engagement with the contact by using hyperlinks in emails, or keyword responses such as YES in SMS, to provide self service or contact an agent. This allows contacts to connect when they want to.
To limit dialing
As needed, create a journey in Amazon Pinpoint.
Set up the journey entry and add the Send through a contact center activity.
For more information about doing that, see Set up the journey entry activity, in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.
After the activity, add a multivariate split.
For more information about doing that, see Set up a multivariate split activity, in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.
Open the split and add Branch B and Branch C.
Edit the branches in the split as follows:
Branch A
Open the Choose a condition list and select Event.
Open the Choose a journey message activity and event list and select the Contact center key.
Open the Event list and select Not answered.
Branch B
Repeat the same steps as Branch A but choose Voicemail beep.
Branch C
Repeat the same steps as Branch A but choose Voicemail no beep.
Add a Wait activity after each branch, then edit each Wait activity as follows:
Branch A
In the Time period section, enter 4.
In the Unit list and select hours.
Select Save.
Branch B
In the Time period section, enter 1.
In the Unit list and select hours.
Select Save.
Branch C
In the Time period section, enter 4.
In the Unit list and select days.
Select Save.
After Branch A, add the Send through a contact center activity. Set the parameters of this activity similar as Lab 2.
After branches B and C, add the Send an email or Send an SMS activities. Set up a message template to complete this activity. For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint message templates.
The following image shows the workflow: