Create staff rules for scheduling in Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Create staff rules for scheduling in Amazon Connect

Use staff rules to specify optional details for individual agents and supervisors, such as their local time zone, start and end dates, and contract details.

  • The individual staff rules you specify here override any staffing group rules when their schedule is generated.

For example, you might set up the staffing group to generate a schedule where everyone works 40 hours per week. In the staff rules, you can choose specific employees to schedule for 20 hours per week.

Create staff rules for individuals

  1. Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website with an account that has security profile permissions for Scheduling, Schedule manager - Edit.

    For more information, see Assign permissions.

  2. On the Amazon Connect navigation menu, select Analytics and optimization, Scheduling.

  3. On the Scheduling page, choose the Staff Rules tab, and then search and choose one or more staff from the list. Every time a staff is selected, the staff count is displayed in the Apply to Staff button.

  4. Specify optional details such as:

    • Time zone: Render schedules in the local time zone of the agent.

    • Shift start and end dates: Schedule specific agent shifts based on start or end dates.

    • Working hours and minutes: Define the minimum and maximum working hours per day and per week. Working hours should include non-productive time, such as breaks and meals.

      For example:

      • If you want to generate agent schedules that are 8 hours and 30 minutes long each day, then specify 8 hours and 30 minutes in both min and max working hour fields.

      • If you want to allow the system to generate more efficient schedules, you may provide a min and max working hours window. The system will generate the most optimal schedule duration based on forecasts and agent availability.

    • Consecutive days worked or days off: Schedule shifts based on the allowed range of consecutive days worked or days off.

    • Associate to shift profile: You can assign a shift profile to individual agents. This is useful to do when, for example, you have part-time agents who are in the same staffing group as your full-time agents, but they require their own shift profile.

      The following image shows the location of the Associate to shift profile dropdown menu on the Staff rules tab.

      The staff rules tab, the associate to shift profile dropdown menu.
  5. Choose Apply to Staff. This saves the rules, and ensures they are applied during the next scheduling cycle.

Import time off balance for individuals

For the maximum file size that you can upload, see File size per upload of agent time off data in Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling feature specifications.

  1. Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website with an account that has security profile permissions for Scheduling, Schedule manager - Edit.

    For more information, see Assign permissions.

  2. On the Amazon Connect navigation menu, select Analytics and optimization, Scheduling.

  3. On the Scheduling page, choose the Staff Rules tab.

  4. Choose Download template and store the .csv file on your desktop. It looks similar to the following image.

    The timeoff balance file for individuals.
  5. Add data or make changes to the .csv file as needed and then save to your desktop with a new file name.

  6. Choose Upload data to upload the .csv file. Amazon Connect does the following:

    • Validates the data and provides details if there are errors.

    • Prompts you for confirmation that you want to upload the data.

    • Uploads the file and displays a confirmation message when complete.

After the .csv file is successfully uploaded, Amazon Connect checks the available time off balance when time off requests are submitted. If there is enough time off balance it approves the request. Otherwise, the request is declined.

  • The time off balance for the requested time off type must be equal to or greater than the duration of the requested time off.