Security profile permissions for
forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling in Amazon Connect
Assign the following security profile permissions as needed to use forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling.
Analytics and Optimization permissions
Forecasting: Grants permission to view and edit in forecasting pages. For example, you can:
Create forecast groups - Edit permission is required.
Import historical data - Edit permission is required.
Create forecasts - Edit permission is required.
Inspect a forecast - Edit permission is required.
Download a forecast - Edit permission is required.
Override a forecast - Edit permission is required.
Publish a forecast - Publish permission is required.
Capacity planning: Grants permission to view and edit in capacity planning pages, including scenario and capacity plans. It also grants permission to import future estimated shrinkage and available FTEs. For example, you can:
Create capacity planning scenarios - Edit permission is required.
Import estimated future shrinkage and available full-time employees - Edit permission is required.
Create capacity plans using forecasts and scenarios - Edit permission is required.
Review capacity plan output - Edit permission is required.
Override a capacity plan - Edit permission is required.
Download a capacity plan - Edit permission is required.
Publish a capacity plan - Publish permission is required.
Forecast and schedule interval: Grants permission to:
Set the forecast and scheduling interval. Grants access to the Forecast and schedule interval tab on the Forecasting page.
Set the forecast and scheduling interval. Grants access to the Forecast timezone tab on the Forecasting page.
Schedule manager. Grants permission to view, edit, and publish generated schedules from the Schedule manager. You can also import an agents time off balance to Amazon Connect
You need the View permission and the Analytics and Optimization - Historical metrics - Access permission to view historical Schedule Adherence metrics.
Published schedule calendar:
View - This option also enables the Time off requests - View option.
Edit - This option also enables the Time off requests - View Edit, and Approve options.
Time off requests - View. Grants permissions to agents to view time off requests in the Time off Requests drawer. Users with the View permission can not create or approve time off requests.
Time off balance. Grants permission to agents to view and upload time off balances. Supervisors do not require this permission.
Agent Applications
Agent application schedule calendar. Grants permission to agents to View or Edit their schedule in their agent application.
They can accept or decline VTO
For information about how to add more permissions to an existing security profile, see Update security profiles in Amazon Connect.
By default, the Admin security profile already has permissions to perform all forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling activities.