Use service-linked roles and role permissions for Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Use service-linked roles and role permissions for Amazon Connect

What are service-linked roles (SLR) and why are they important?

Amazon Connect uses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service-linked roles. A service-linked role is a unique type of IAM role that is linked directly to an Amazon Connect instance.

Service-linked roles are predefined by Amazon Connect and include all the permissions that Amazon Connect requires to call other AWS services on your behalf.

You need to enable service-linked roles so you can use new features in Amazon Connect, such as tagging support, the new user interface in User management and Routing profiles, and queues with CloudTrail support.

For information about other services that support service-linked roles, see AWS services that work with IAM and look for the services that have Yes in the Service-Linked Role column. Choose a Yes with a link to view the service-linked role documentation for that service.

Service-linked role permissions for Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect uses the service-linked role with the prefix AWSServiceRoleForAmazonConnect_unique-id – Grants Amazon Connect permission to access AWS resources on your behalf.

The AWSServiceRoleForAmazonConnect prefixed service-linked role trusts the following services to assume the role:


The AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy role permissions policy allows Amazon Connect to complete the following actions on the specified resources:

  • Action: all Amazon Connect actions, connect:*, on all Amazon Connect resources.

  • Action: IAM iam:DeleteRole to allow deletion of the service-linked role.

  • Action: Amazon S3 s3:GetObject, s3:DeleteObject, s3:GetBucketLocation, and GetBucketAcl for the S3 bucket specified for recorded conversations.

    It also grants s3:PutObject, s3:PutObjectAcl, and s3:GetObjectAcl to the bucket specified for exported reports.

  • Action: Amazon CloudWatch Logs logs:CreateLogStream, logs:DescribeLogStreams, and logs:PutLogEvents to the CloudWatch Logs group specified for flow logging.

  • Action: Amazon Lex lex:ListBots, lex:ListBotAliases for all bots created in the account across all Regions.

  • Action: Amazon Connect Customer Profiles

    • profile:SearchProfiles

    • profile:CreateProfile

    • profile:UpdateProfile

    • profile:AddProfileKey

    • profile:ListProfileObjects

    • profile:ListAccountIntegrations

    • profile:ListProfileObjectTypeTemplates

    • profile:GetProfileObjectTypeTemplate

    • profile:ListProfileObjectTypes

    • profile:GetProfileObjectType

    • profile:ListCalculatedAttributeDefinitions

    • profile:GetCalculatedAttributeForProfile

    • profile:ListCalculatedAttributesForProfile

    • profile:GetDomain

    • profile:ListIntegrations

    • profile:CreateCalculatedAttributeDefinition

    • profile:DeleteCalculatedAttributeDefinition

    • profile:GetCalculatedAttributeDefinition

    • profile:UpdateCalculatedAttributeDefinition

    • profile:PutProfileObject

    to use your default Customer Profiles domain (including profiles and all object-types in domain) with the Amazon Connect flows and agent experience applications.


    Each Amazon Connect instance can be associated with only one domain at a time. However, you can link any domain to an Amazon Connect instance. Cross-domain access within the same AWS account and region is automatically enabled for all domains that start with the prefix amazon-connect-. To restrict cross-domain access, you can either use separate Amazon Connect instances to logically partition your data or use Customer Profiles domain names within the same instance that do not start with the amazon-connect- prefix, thereby preventing cross-domain access.

  • Action: Amazon Connect Amazon Q in Connect

    • wisdom:CreateContent

    • wisdom:DeleteContent

    • wisdom:CreateKnowledgeBase

    • wisdom:GetAssistant

    • wisdom:GetKnowledgeBase

    • wisdom:GetContent

    • wisdom:GetRecommendations

    • wisdom:GetSession

    • wisdom:NotifyRecommendationsReceived

    • wisdom:QueryAssistant

    • wisdom:StartContentUpload

    • wisdom:UntagResource

    • wisdom:TagResource

    • wisdom:CreateSession

    • wisdom:CreateQuickResponse

    • wisdom:GetQuickResponse

    • wisdom:SearchQuickResponses

    • wisdom:StartImportJob

    • wisdom:GetImportJob

    • wisdom:ListImportJobs

    • wisdom:ListQuickResponses

    • wisdom:UpdateQuickResponse

    • wisdom:DeleteQuickResponse

    • wisdom:PutFeedback

    • wisdom:ListContentAssociations

    with resource tag 'AmazonConnectEnabled':'True' on all Amazon Connect Amazon Q in Connect resources associated with your Amazon Connect instance.

    • wisdom:ListAssistants

    • wisdom:KnowledgeBases

    on all Amazon Connect Amazon Q in Connect resources.

  • Action: Amazon CloudWatch Metrics cloudwatch:PutMetricData to publish Amazon Connect usage metrics for an instance to your account.

  • Action: Amazon Pinpoint sms:DescribePhoneNumbers and sms:SendTextMessage to allow Amazon Connect to send SMS.

  • Action: Amazon Cognito user pools cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool and cognito-idp:ListUserPoolClients to allow Amazon Connect access to select read operations on Amazon Cognito user pools resources that have an AmazonConnectEnabled resource tag.

As you enable additional features in Amazon Connect, the following permissions are added for the service-linked role to access the resources associated with those features by using in-line policies:

  • Action: Amazon Data Firehose firehose:DescribeDeliveryStream and firehose:PutRecord, and firehose:PutRecordBatch for the delivery stream defined for agent event streams and contact records.

  • Action: Amazon Kinesis Data Streams kinesis:PutRecord, kinesis:PutRecords, and kinesis:DescribeStream for the stream specified for agent event streams and contact records.

  • Action: Amazon Lex lex:PostContent for the bots added to your instance.

  • Action: Amazon Connect Voice-ID voiceid:* for the Voice ID domains associated with your instance.

  • Action: EventBridge events:PutRule and events:PutTargets for the Amazon Connect managed EventBridge rule for publishing CTR records for your associated Voice ID domains.

  • Action: outbound campaigns

    • connect-campaigns:CreateCampaign

    • connect-campaigns:DeleteCampaign

    • connect-campaigns:DescribeCampaign

    • connect-campaigns:UpdateCampaignName

    • connect-campaigns:GetCampaignState

    • connect-campaigns:GetCampaignStateBatch

    • connect-campaigns:ListCampaigns

    • connect-campaigns:UpdateOutboundCallConfig

    • connect-campaigns:UpdateDialerConfig

    • connect-campaigns:PauseCampaign

    • connect-campaigns:ResumeCampaign

    • connect-campaigns:StopCampaign

    for all operations related to outbound campaigns.

You must configure permissions to allow an IAM entity (such as a user, group, or role) to create, edit, or delete a service-linked role. For more information, see Service-linked role permissions in the IAM User Guide.

Create a service-linked role for Amazon Connect

You don't need to manually create a service-linked role. When you create a new instance in Amazon Connect in the AWS Management Console, Amazon Connect creates the service-linked role for you.

If you delete this service-linked role, and then need to create it again, you can use the same process to recreate the role in your account. When you create a new instance in Amazon Connect, Amazon Connect creates the service-linked role for you again.

You can also use the IAM console to create a service-linked role with the Amazon Connect - Full access use case. In the IAM CLI or the IAM API, create a service-linked role with the service name. For more information, see Creating a service-linked role in the IAM User Guide. If you delete this service-linked role, you can use this same process to create the role again.

For instances created before October 2018


Having trouble signing in to manage your AWS account? Don't know who manages your AWS account? For help, see Troubleshooting AWS account sign-in issues.

If your Amazon Connect instance was created before October 2018, you don't have service-linked roles set up. To create a service-linked role, on the Account overview page, choose Create service-linked role, as shown in the following image.

The account overview page, the create service-linked role button.

For a list of the IAM permissions required to create the service-linked role, see Overview page in the Required permissions for using custom IAM policies to manage access to the Amazon Connect admin website topic.

Edit a service-linked role for Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect does not allow you to edit the AWSServiceRoleForAmazonConnect prefixed service-linked role. After you create a service-linked role, you cannot change the name of the role because various entities might reference the role. However, you can edit the description of the role using IAM. For more information, see Editing a service-linked role in the IAM User Guide.

Checking a service-linked role has permissions for Amazon Lex

  1. On the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Roles.

  2. Choose the name of the role to modify.

Delete a service-linked role for Amazon Connect

You don't need to manually delete the AWSServiceRoleForAmazonConnect prefixed role. When you delete your Amazon Connect instance in the AWS Management Console, Amazon Connect cleans up the resources and deletes the service-linked role for you.

Supported Regions for Amazon Connect service-linked roles

Amazon Connect supports using service-linked roles in all of the regions where the service is available. For more information, see AWS Regions and Endpoints.