Amazon Connect Document history - Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect Document history

The following table describes important changes in each release of the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. For notification about updates to this documentation, subscribe to the RSS feed.


Added new configuration capabilities to metrics dashboards

Three configuration capabilities have been added to the Amazon Connect metrics dashboards:

  • Changing Metrics

  • Color coded performance thresholds

  • Customizing Service Level and other metrics

For more information, see Dashboards for getting contact center performance data.

October 4, 2024

Send message flow block to initiate outbound SMS contacts

Amazon Connect supports the ability to initiate outbound SMS contacts, enabling businesses to help increase customer satisfaction by engaging customers on their preferred communication channel. For more information, see the Send message flow block and the StartOutboundChatContact API.

September 30, 2024

Updated AmazonConnectSynchronizationServiceRolePolicy service-linked role managed policy

Updated the service-linked role managed policy with additional permissions to support the launch of the HoursOfOperationOverride attribute. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

September 25, 2024

Enhancements for automated evaluations

You can use automated evaluations with optional questions. In addition, you can use automated evaluations with additional contact metrics. For more information, see Create a rule that submits an automated evaluation.

September 4, 2024

View the Intraday forecast performance dashboard

Use the Intraday forecast performance dashboard to view forecasts that are updated every 15 minutes for queues that have a minimum of 5000 unique contacts per week, per queue-channel for last 4 weeks. For more information, see Intraday forecast performance dashboard.

August 30, 2024

View the Intraday forecast performance dashboard

Use the Intraday forecast performance dashboard to view forecasts that are updated every 15 minutes for queues that have a minimum of 5000 unique contacts per week, per queue-channel for last 4 weeks. For more information, see Intraday forecast performance dashboard.

August 29, 2024

View an audit trail for changes to an agent performance evaluation

You can review the changes made to an agent performance evaluation when it is re-submitted. Previously the audit trail was available in an S3 bucket. Now it's available in the Amazon Connect admin website. For more information, see View an evaluation audit trail.

August 22, 2024

Specify a flow that runs when a callback is created

You can specify a flow that runs when a callback is created for customers who want to maintain their position in queue. For example, you can specify a flow that sends an advance SMS to notify the customer, updates contact attributes with the latest customer data for reference on the call, or terminate the callback if the issue has already been resolved. For more information, see the Set creation flow parameter on the Transfer to queue block.

August 16, 2024

Updates to filter comparison operator and metric results dimension for the GetMetricDataV2 API

You can now use metric threshold comparison operator such as LTE (less than equal) and LT (less than) to explicitly include the threshold boundary value. The metric results empty dimension values were also updated to be consistent in returning null. Previously empty String was returned in some scenarios when the request contained groupings attributes that were not defined in the filters. For more information, see the GetMetricDataV2 API documentation.

August 12, 2024

Programmatically set routing criteria on a contact via the UpdateContactRoutingData API

You can now use the UpdateContactRoutingData API to programmatically update the routing criteria on a contact. Previously, you could only set the routing criteria on a contact using the Set routing criteria flow block in the Amazon Connect admin website. For more information, see the UpdateContactRoutingData API documentation.

August 9, 2024

Guidance on troubleshooting audio quality issues

Published a topic on how to troubleshoot audio quality issues. For more information, see Troubleshoot audio quality issues by using QualityMetrics in the contact record.

August 5, 2024

Amazon Connect supports audio optimization for Amazon WorkSpaces cloud desktops

You can deliver high-quality voice experiences in Amazon WorkSpaces Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments. Amazon Connect automatically optimizes audio by redirecting media from your agent’s local desktop to Amazon Connect, simplifying the agent experience and improving audio quality by reducing network hops. For more information, see Optimize Amazon Connect audio for Amazon WorkSpaces cloud desktops.

August 5, 2024

Configure when whisper flows are used

You can configure when whisper flows are used during a contact. For example, you can choose to turn off whisper flows during an outbound or callback scenario to save time when the agent and customer are expecting the contact. This helps you optimize the performance of your flows and reduce the duration of a contact. For more information, see Flow block: Set whisper flow.

July 31, 2024

Download screen recordings from the Contact details page

You can download screen recordings from the Contact details page in the Amazon Connect admin website. This enables you to evaluate contact quality and agent performance by using offline reviews, as well as review downloaded screen recordings with agents for coaching. This release also provides a new security profile permission—Screen recording - Enable download button—to manage who can download screen recordings. For more information, see Review agent screen recordings.

July 26, 2024

Updated AmazonConnectSynchronizationServiceRolePolicy service-linked role managed policy

Updated the service-linked role managed policy with additional permissions for Managed Synchronization. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

July 24, 2024

Dashboard and metrics for outbound campaigns

You use the outbound campaigns performance dashboard to understand the performance of your outbound campaigns across voice contacts. For a list of new outbound campaigns historical metrics, see the Release notes for Amazon Connect.

July 24, 2024

Faster generative AI-powered post-contact summaries for agents ACW

Enhancements to generative AI-powered post-contact summaries enable your users to access them within seconds after a contact ends. For example, agents can access post-contact summaries on the CCP and use them to quickly complete after contact work (ACW). These faster summaries are available by using APIs and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, enabling you to integration with third-party agent workspace or CRM systems. For more information, see View generative AI-powered post-contact summaries.

July 22, 2024

Amazon Connect Client Application v2.0.1 is available

Released Amazon Connect Client Application v2.0.1. This version includes bug fixes and enhancements to improve the stability and monitoring of the application. To download the latest version, see Amazon Connect Client Application.

July 22, 2024

Automated rotation of agent shifts

You can create a pattern of shifts that agents will repeatedly rotate through (for example, morning shift, afternoon shift, night shift). You can define how many weeks each shift should be scheduled before moving to the next one in the rotation. This feature makes it easier to administrate schedules and ensure that agents receive a business-defined sequence of shifts. For more information, see Set up shift rotation patterns.

July 10, 2024

Updates to Routing Profiles and Queues Search APIs

You can search for routing profiles by associated queues, and search for queues based on the routing profile they are assigned to by using the SearchRoutingProfile and SearchQueues APIs. These search APIs allow you to query by both name and ID, and support granular access controls (using tags) over the associated resources. For more information, see the SearchRoutingProfile and SearchQueues API documentation.

June 30, 2024

Route contact within a queue to a specific agent

You can now offer a contact in a queue to a specific agent or set of agents based on user ID; if the agent is not available within a given period of time, you can expire off the routing criteria to instead offer the contact to any available agent in queue. For more information, see Routing using agent proficiencies.

June 28, 2024

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns performance dashboard

You can use the outbound campaigns performance dashboard to understand the performance of your outbound campaigns across voice contacts. For more information, see Outbound campaigns performance dashboard.

June 28, 2024

Amazon Q in Connect recommends step-by-step guides

Amazon Q in Connect, a generative-AI powered assistant for contact center agents, recommends step-by-step guides in real-time. Agents use step-by-step guides to quickly take action to resolve customer issues. For more information, see Integrate Amazon Q in Connect with step-by-step guides. In addition, see the following new APIs that are part of this release: CreateContentAssociation, DeleteContentAssociation, GetContentAssociation, ListContentAssociations

June 27, 2024

Updated AmazonConnectReadOnlyAccess managed policy

Updated the managed policy due to the renaming of the Amazon Connect action connect:GetFederationTokens to connect:AdminGetEmergencyAccessToken. This change is backwards compatible and the use of either action name will continue to work in your policies. For more information, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

June 15, 2024

Updated look and feel for the Amazon Connect agent workspace

you can also easily build and embed third-party applications that have a consistent look and feel with the agent workspace by using Cloudscape Design System components. For more information, see Access third-party applications in the agent workspace.

June 3, 2024

Set the forecast time zone

You can generate, view, and download forecasts in the time zone where your business operates. Amazon Connect automatically adjusts forecasts to account for daylight saving changes. For example, if your contact center receives contacts from 8AM-8PM US Eastern time, then forecasts will automatically switch from 8AM-8PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) to 8AM-8PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) on November 3, 2024. Time zone support in forecasts simplifies the day-to-day experience for managers. For more information, see Set the forecast time zone.

May 29, 2024

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy service-linked role managed policy

Updated the service-linked role managed policy with Amazon Cognito user pools permissions to use select read operations and Amazon Connect Customer Profiles permissions to put data into Customer Profiles . For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

May 23, 2024

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy service-linked role managed policy

Updated the service-linked role managed policy with the Amazon Q in Connect API action wisdom:ListContentAssociations. For a description of the additional action, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

May 20, 2024

New flow and flow module analytics

Added the following historical metrics for flows and flow modules: Average flow time, Flows started, Flows outcome, Flows outcome percentage, Maximum flow time, and Minimum flow time. For a description of each metric, see Historical metrics definitions. Added the flows dashboard. Added the ability to create a rule when a flow or flow module breaches a rule you define.

May 15, 2024

New metrics available on the Historical metrics page

The following metrics are available on the Historical metrics page in the Amazon Connect admin website: Abandonment rate, Agent non-response without customer abandons, Average contact duration, Average conversation duration, Average customer hold time all contacts, Average agent greeting time, Average agent interruptions, Average holds, Average agent interruption time, Average non-talk time, Average resolution time, Average talk time, Average agent talk time, Average customer talk time, Agent talk time percent, Customer talk time percent, Talk time percent, Non-talk time percent, Contacts handled (connected to agent timestamp), Contacts queued (enqueue timestamp), Callback attempts, Contacts abandoned in X, Contacts answered in X, Contacts resolved in X. For a description of each metric, see Historical metrics definitions.

May 2, 2024

Voice contacts rejected by an agent have a state of REJECTED

Voice contacts rejected by an agent used to have a state of ERROR for Contact State in the Agent Event Stream. Now they have a state of REJECTED, which is the same as chat and task contacts. This is also reflected on Real-time metrics for the agent.

April 2, 2024

Combined Amazon Connect API reference guides

Combined all the API reference guides for Amazon Connect services (for example, Amazon Q in Connect, Cases, Outbound Campaigns, Voice ID) into the main Amazon Connect API reference guide. Published redirects so existing bookmarks continue to work. See the Amazon Connect API Reference.

March 27, 2024

GA for generative AI-powered post-contact summaries

Released generative AI-powered post-contact summaries for general availability. This feature summarizes long customer conversations into succinct, coherent, and context rich contact summaries. For example, a summary might say "The customer didn't receive a reimbursement for a last minute flight cancellation and the agent didn't offer a partial reimbursement as per the SOP." For more information, see View generative AI-powered post-contact summaries.

March 25, 2024

Historical metrics for case management

Amazon Connect Cases provides the following metrics for case management: Average case resolution time, Average contacts per case, Cases created, Cases reopened, Cases resolved, Cases resolved on first contact, Current cases.

February 29, 2024

Added topic on best practices for outbound campaigns

For more information, see Best practices for Amazon Connect outbound campaigns.

February 19, 2024

Amazon Connect Cases provides audit history on cases

For information on how to enable the feature for your users, see Assign permissions. Also, see GetCaseAuditEvents in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

February 2, 2024

Added topic on managing chat across Regions

For more information, see Manage chat across Regions.

February 2, 2024

Added topic on opt out of using your data for service improvement

Learn which Amazon Connect services use your customer's content that you provide to train models and continuously improve your experience, and how to opt out if desired. For more information, see Opt out of using your data for service improvement.

January 19, 2024

Added topic on best practices for using PutDialRequestBatch for outbound campaign calling

For more information, see Best practices for using PutDialRequestBatch for outbound campaign calling.

January 19, 2024

GA for Amazon Connect outbound campaigns voice dialing API

Released the PutDialRequestBatch for general availability. This API enables you to use your own list management capability to set up the contact strategy (for example, campaign start and end times, do-not-call times, maximum contact attempts) while programmatically using Amazon Connect predictive dialer with machine learning (ML)–powered answering machine detection. This helps increase live-party connections.

January 12, 2024

Barge for chat: Managers can join ongoing chats between agents and customers

Managers can join and participate in ongoing chats between agents and customers, ensuring that even the most complex customer issues are resolved quickly and accurately. For more information, see Barge live voice and chat conversations . Also see updates to the MonitorContact and SendEvent APIs.

January 12, 2024

High-quality voice experiences for agents using Citrix Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments.

Your agents can leverage the Citrix remote desktop application to offload audio processing to their local device and to automatically redirect audio to Amazon Connect. For more information, see Citrix VDI with Amazon Connect audio optimization.

January 10, 2024

GetRecommendations and QueryAssistant APIs will be discontinued starting June 1, 2024

Two Amazon Q in Connect APIs—GetRecommendations and QueryAssistant—will be discontinued starting June 1, 2024. To receive generative responses after March 1, 2024, you will need to create a new Assistant in the Amazon Connect console and integrate the Amazon Q in Connect JavaScript library (amazon-q-connectjs) into your applications.

January 10, 2024

Granular access controls using resource tags for historical metrics reports

You can apply granular permissions to resource metrics that are included in historical metrics reports. For more information, see Apply tag-based access control to historical metrics reports.

January 3, 2024

Pause and resume tasks

You can pause and resume all tasks that aren't expired, disconnected, or scheduled for a later time. This enables agents to free up an active slot so they can receive more critical tasks when their current task is stalled, for example, because of a missing approval or waiting on an external input. For more information, see Concepts: Pause and resume tasks. Also see the PauseContact and ResumeContact APIs.

December 15, 2023

More granular billing reports

Apply contact tags to obtain more detailed billing reports in AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Cost & Usage Reports. For more information, see Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage. Also see TagContact and UntagContact in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

December 15, 2023

New metrics: Contacts Answered/Abandoned in X

On the Real-time metrics page, you can define custom thresholds for Contacts abandoned in X and Contacts answered in X, where X is a time range that you specify.

December 4, 2023

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy service-linked role managed policy

Updated the service-linked role managed policy to use Amazon Pinpoint phone numbers to allow Amazon Connect to send SMS. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

November 28, 2023

No-code UI builder for step-by-step guides

This feature allows you to create and manage the UI pages shown to agents in step-by-step guides. Using a drag-and-drop interface you are able to define static and dynamic content for the agent’s UI. This includes layouts, styles, and dynamic data, which enables you to control the look and feel of your agent’s experience. With this capability, you are able define what gets displayed in your agent’s UI during the step-by-step guided experience. For more information, see the No-code UI builder documentation.

November 28, 2023

Customer Profiles provides a generative AI powered customer data mapping capability

Customer Profiles provides a generative AI powered customer data mapping capability that significantly reduces the time needed to create unified profiles, which allows you to create more personalized customer experiences more efficiently. For more information, see Generative AI powered data mapping.

November 28, 2023

Analytics data lake (Preview)

You can use Analytics data lake as a central location to query various types of data from Amazon Connect. This data includes contact records and Contact Lens conversational analytics. Data is refreshed around every 24 hours. You can use the Analytics data lake to create custom reports or run SQL queries. For more information, see Access Analytics data lake. For a list of new actions, see the Analytics data lake actions topic in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

November 28, 2023

Amazon Connect supports two-way SMS

Amazon Connect supports two-way Short Messaging Service (SMS) capabilities, making it easy for you to resolve customer issues by text messaging. SMS offers a ubiquitous and convenient channel for customers to get help, while enabling you to deliver personalized experiences at a lower cost. For more information, see Set up SMS messaging. For a list of new actions, see the Release notes.

November 28, 2023

Amazon Connect provides in-app, web, and video calling

The Amazon Connect in-app, web, and video calling capabilities enable your customers to contact you without ever leaving your web or mobile application. You can use these capabilities to pass contextual information to Amazon Connect. This enables you to personalize the customer experience based on attributes such as the customer's profile or other information, like actions previously taken within the app. For more information, see Set up in-app, web, and video calling capabilities and the StartWebRTCContact action in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

November 28, 2023

Amazon Connect Contact Lens provides real-time conversational analytics for chat

Contact Lens provides real-time conversational analytics for chat, extending the machine learning-powered post-contact analytics (for example, sentiment analysis, automated contact categorization, and more) to real-time contact scenarios. For more information, see Analyze conversations using conversational analytics and the ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2 action in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

November 28, 2023

Amazon Connect Contact Lens provides generative AI-powered post-contact summaries (Preview)

Contact Lensprovides generative AI-powered post-contact summaries, enabling contact center managers to more efficiently monitor and help improve contact quality and agent performance. For more information, see View generative AI-powered post-contact summaries (Preview).

November 28, 2023

Added Amazon Q in Connect

Amazon Q in Connect is a generative AI–customer service assistant. It is an LLM-enhanced evolution of Amazon Connect Wisdom that delivers real-time recommendations to help contact center agents resolve customer issues quickly and accurately. For more information, see Use Amazon Q in Connect for generative AI– powered agent assistance in real-time and the Amazon Q in Connect API Reference.

November 28, 2023

Create quick responses

Quick responses provide pre-written answers to common customer inquiries during a chat conversation. The responses can save time and reduce customer frustration. For more information, see Create quick responses for use with chat contacts and Search for quick responses in CCP.

November 17, 2023

View and manage applied service quotas for Amazon Connect using AWS Service Quotas

Service Quotas allows you to view both default and applied quota values for resources used by each of your Amazon Connect instances. When requesting a quota increase, Service Quotas allows you to indicate both the Amazon Connect quota and desired value. For quotas that support resource level adjustability you can also specify your Amazon Connect instance. For more information, see Amazon Connect service quotas

November 16, 2023

Added an action to AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy with an action for Amazon Q in Connect. For a description of the additional action, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

November 15, 2023

Amazon Connect prompts configuration page provides CloudTrail coverage

The prompts configuration user interface has been updated to make it more efficient for you to manage prompts. In addition, when you add, update or delete a prompt from the Amazon Connect admin website, a record of that activity is available in AWS CloudTrail for visibility, reporting, and compliance. For more information about the new prompts page, see Create prompts.

November 10, 2023

Amazon Connect enables integration with your preferred file scanning application to detect malware

You can integrate Amazon Connect with your preferred file scanning application to detect malware or other unwanted content in attachments before they can be shared in a chat or uploaded to a case. This capability provides an additional layer of protection for your customers and organization by preventing malicious files from being shared and downloaded. For more information, see Set up attachment scanning.

November 9, 2023

Updated AmazonConnectCampaignsServiceLinkedRolePolicy service-linked role managed policy

Updated the service-linked role managed policy for outbound campaigns. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

November 8, 2023

Amazon ConnectAmazon Connect outbound campaigns voice dialing API

Amazon Connect outbound campaigns supports high-volume voice outreach by using the BatchPutContact API. You can use your own list management capability to set up the contact strategy (for example, campaign start and end times, do-not-call times, maximum contact attempts), while programmatically using the Amazon Connect predictive dialer with machine learning (ML)–powered answering machine detection. This increases live-party connections and reduces the amount of time agents waste with unanswered calls. You can also track outcomes of all campaign calls using the Amazon Connect contact record.

November 8, 2023

Amazon Connect Cases supports author name on comments

You can programmatically add and view author comments by using the CreateRelatedItem and SearchRelatedItems APIs.

November 8, 2023

Added new service-linked role policy and service-linked role

Added AmazonConnectSynchronizationServiceRolePolicy service-linked role policy and AWSServiceRoleForAmazonConnectSynchronization service-linked role for managed synchronization. The policy and role provide access to read, create, update, and delete Amazon Connect resources and is used to automatically synchronize AWS resources across AWS regions. For more information, see AWS managed policy: AmazonConnectSynchronizationServiceLinkedRolePolicy and Using service-linked roles for Amazon Connect Managed Synchronization.

November 3, 2023

Added Create persistent chat association flow block and new API

You can set up a chat to be persistent either when the chat session is initially created or at any time during the lifetime of the chat. To set up persistent chat after the chat session has started, use the new CreatePersistentContactAssociation API or include the new Create persistent contact association block in your flow.

November 3, 2023

Added configuration management across AWS Regions for Amazon Connect Global Resiliency customers

Amazon Connect Global Resiliency customers can use the ReplicateInstance API to copy configuration information for resources such as users, routing profiles, queues, and flows across AWS Regions. The API also automatically matches the service quotas for these resources across AWS Regions as part of the replication process. For more information, see Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance. Added the BatchGetFlowAssociation API. Use this API to obtain a list of flow-associations for the resource identifiers provided in the API request. For example, you can list which phone numbers are associated with which flows in an Amazon Connect instance.

November 2, 2023

Added Contact Lens conversational analytics metrics in the API

You can analyze aggregate agent and contact performance using Contact Lens conversational analytics metrics in the GetMetricDataV2. The following new metrics were added: non-talk time percent, talk time percent, talk time agent percent, and talk time customer percent. For descriptions of these metrics, see Historical metrics definitions.

November 2, 2023

Added actions to AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy with actions for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

October 30, 2023

Increased quota for GetProfileObjectType

Changed default limit for GetProfileObjectType from 5 to 10.

October 28, 2023

Third-party applications preview

You can integrate third-party applications into the agent workspace. For more information, see Third-party applications (3p apps) in the agent workspace (Preview) and the Amazon Connect agent workspace third-party developer guide.

October 27, 2023

Added actions to AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy with actions for Amazon Connect Wisdom. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

October 25, 2023

Updated the definition of Contact handle time

Contact handle time includes the time agents spend in an Offline status making outbound calls.

October 23, 2023

Added UpdatePhoneNumberMetadata API

Use the UpdatePhoneNumberMetadata to update the metadata for a phone number, such as the phone number description.

October 23, 2023

Outbound calling restrictions

Added a new topic that explains restrictions that are in place for outbound calling with Amazon Connect: Outbound calling restrictions.

October 16, 2023

Add as many as four access control tags to a single security profile

Adding additional access control tags will make a given security profile more restrictive. For example, if you add four access control tags like BPO:AcmeCorp, Specialty:Claims, Department:Billing, and City:NewYork, the user would only be able to see resources containing all four of these tags. For more information, see Tag-based access control configuration limitations.

October 16, 2023

Updated default rate limit for GetContactAttribute and UpdateContactAttribute

For new Amazon Connect instances, the default rate limit for GetContactAttribute and UpdateContactAttribute has been updated. For more information, see API throttling quotas.

October 6, 2023

Added actions to AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy with actions for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

October 6, 2023

Create and customize up to 15 communications widgets

You can create and customize up to 15 communications widgets per Amazon Connect instance. For more information, see Add a chat user interface to your website.

October 5, 2023

Access trailing 90 days of historical agent and contact metrics

You can access the trailing 90 days of historical agent and contact metrics (for example, Service level, Average handle time by using the GetMetricDataV2 API. You can also make requests spanning up to 35 days with data categorized by customizable time intervals such as 15 minutes, hourly, or weekly. Also added five new metrics to the GetMetricDataV2 API. They are not available in the Amazon Connect admin website. For a list, see the Release notes.

October 3, 2023

Amazon Connect Client Application v1.0.2.38 is available

Released Amazon Connect Client Application v1.0.2.38. This version contains minor fixes and improvements. For more information, see Amazon Connect Client Application.

September 29, 2023

Added actions to AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy

Updated AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy with actions for Amazon Connect Wisdom. For a description of the additional actions, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

September 29, 2023

Added "View my contacts" permission

Added a new security profile permission: View my contacts. On the Contact search page, agents who have this permission can access the contacts that they've handled. If you're using Contact Lens, agents can also review the analyzed recording and transcripts of the contact. For more information, see Security profile permissions for Contact Lens.

September 25, 2023

Streams API upgrade for third-party cookies

This upgrade prevents the blocking of third-party cookies from impacting Amazon Connect across Chrome and all supported browsers. For more information, see Use Amazon Connect Streams API for third-party cookies.

September 22, 2023

Create alerts on real-time metrics

You can create rules that automatically send emails or tasks to managers based on the values of real-time metrics. This enables you to alert managers on contact center operations that could potentially impact the end-customer experience. For more information, see Create alerts on real-time metrics.

September 20, 2023

"Maximum contacts in queue" includes all channels

If you have a queue that combines more than one channel, and you set a custom value for Maximum contacts in queue, the queue stops accepting new contacts after that number is reached, regardless of the distribution of contacts. For example, if you set the value to 50, and the first 50 contacts are chats, then voice calls are not routed to this queue. For more information, see Set the Maximum contacts in queue limit.

September 15, 2023

Manage contacts from the Contact details page

On the Contact details page of an in-progress contact, you can manage a contact by transferring, rescheduling, or ending the contact. For more information, see Manage contacts from the Contact details page.

September 14, 2023

Upload file attachments to cases

Agents can upload file attachments to cases. For more information, see Enable attachments. For a list of supported file types, see Feature specifications.

September 11, 2023

Subscribe to the CONTACT_DATA_UPDATED event type in the contact event stream

You can subscribe to an event type called CONTACT_DATA_UPDATED. The Contact object includes an UpdatedProperties field. This enables you to monitor for changes to scheduled timestamp for tasks, and changes to user-defined attributes on the contact record. In addition, hierarchy groups information in the AgentInfo object is included for CONTACT_DATA_UPDATED, CONNECTED_TO_AGENT, and DISCONNECTED event types. For more information, see Contact events data model.

September 11, 2023

Search for in-progress contacts

You can search for in-progress contacts on the Contact search page. For more information, see Search for in-progress contacts.

September 11, 2023

APIs to programmatically configure views in step-by-step guides

Amazon Connect provides APIs to programmatically create and manage view resources used in step-by-step guides. View resources define what gets displayed in your agent’s UI during a step-by-step guide. For more information, see the View resource documentation.

September 7, 2023

Support for UIFN in more than 60 countries

Amazon Connect supports Universal International Freephone number (UIFN) in more than 60 countries that are registered with the International Telecommunications Union, an organization that supports the administration of the UIFN service. Amazon Connect allows you to enable UIFNs in as many countries as you need, with a requirement of at least 5 countries. For more information, see UIFN service.

September 1, 2023

Voice dialing for outbound campaigns, no agents required

You can use Amazon Connect outbound campaigns for high-volume outreach with no agents required. A new dialer type called "Agentless" makes it easier to proactively communicate with your customers for use cases such as personalized voice notifications and appointment reminders. For more information, see Create an outbound campaign and the CreateCampaign API.

August 31, 2023

Amazon Connect Cases supports nine additional languages

For more information, see Amazon Connect Cases in the Languages supported by Amazon Connect topic.

August 28, 2023

Granular access controls using resource tags for the agent activity audit report

You can apply granular permissions to the agent activity audit report in the Amazon Connect historical metrics UI using resource tagging and tag-based access controls. For more information, see tag-based access controls for agent activity audit and tag-based access controls in Amazon Connect.

August 25, 2023

Enhanced user bulk edit

You can now update up to 100 user records on the Amazon Connect admin website in less than half the time it used to take to make bulk updates. This enhancement is especially useful during contact surges when you may need to change the routing profile for many agents. For more information, see Edit users in bulk.

August 24, 2023

Amazon Connect scheduling supports agent group activities

Amazon Connect scheduling allows contact center managers to more efficiently create and manage activities for groups of agents. For more information, see Add shift activities in draft or published schedules.

August 24, 2023

GA for global sign-in and agent distribution capabilities

Released the following Amazon Connect Global Resiliency capabilities for general availability: global sign-in and agent distribution across Amazon Connect Regions. For more information, see Set up your agent's experience with Amazon Connect Global Resiliency. For a list of new APIs associated with this release, see the Release notes for Amazon Connect.

August 10, 2023

Sorting on column header names

You now have the ability to sort by choosing a column header, rather than choosing the smaller arrow next to the header text. For more information about real-time metrics, see Real-time metrics reports.

August 8, 2023

100 rows on real-time metrics tables

You can now view up to 100 rows in the real-time metrics tables on the Real-time metrics page. Previously, the maximum was 50 rows. For more information about real-time metrics, see Real-time metrics reports.

August 8, 2023

Route based on time since last inbound contact

Added an option to specify that selected agents with this routing profile will not have their routing order impacted by outbound contacts. For more information, see Create a routing profile.

August 4, 2023

Use the mini-map to navigate a flow

On the flow designer, the mini-map view to helps you easily navigate the flow. The drag-to-move mini-map has visual highlights that enable you to quickly move to any point in the flow. For more information, see Use the mini-map to navigate a flow.

July 31, 2023

Undo and redo actions in the flow designer

For more information, see Undo and redo actions in the flow designer.

July 31, 2023

Restrict attributes to specific flows

Released a new type of attributes called a flow attribute. Flow attributes are restricted to the flow in which they are configured. They are useful in situations where you don't want to persist the data throughout the contact, such as when you need to use sensitive information like the customer's credit card number to do a Lambda data dip. For more information, see Flow attributes.

July 31, 2023

Customize the names of flow blocks

To help you distinguish blocks in a flow, you can customize the names of blocks. For example, you might rename a Play Prompt flow block to Welcome message or a Get customer input flow block to Hotel booking Lex bot. For more information, see Set custom flow block name.

July 31, 2023

Archive, restore, and delete flows and modules

You can archive, restore, and delete flows and modules by using the Amazon Connect admin website. This makes it easier to manage flows and modules that are not in use or no longer needed. For example, flows used only during certain times of the year can be archived when not in use and then unarchived when needed. When a flow has been archived, you can then permanently delete the flow so it is no longer available within your list of flows. For more information, see Archive, restore, and delete flows and modules.

July 31, 2023

Add notes to a block

For more information, see Add notes to a block.

July 31, 2023

Added permissions for using Wisdom page in console

For more information, see Required permissions for using custom IAM policies to manage access to the Amazon Connect console.

July 28, 2023

Streamlined the left nav in the documentation

Streamlined the left navigation menu in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide to make it easier to navigate.

July 27, 2023

Schedule flexible days and shift activities based on shift length

You can generate agent schedules that have the appropriate number of activities, such as breaks or meals, depending on the duration of the shift. The required number of breaks and meals are automatically placed in schedules that are compliant to various regional labor laws. You can generate agent schedules that include flexible days, that is, days that will be optionally scheduled if there's a need. Amazon Connect can automatically generate flexible schedules that are compliant to agent's contracts and regional labor laws, thereby saving time for schedulers. For more information, see Create shift profiles.

July 27, 2023

Import time off balances

You can import time off balances for your users. You can also set the group allowance for time off by hour, for each calendar day, for specific time off activities. Amazon Connect uses the time off balance to automatically approve or decline time off requests based on the agent's available net balance and the group allowance for time off. For more information, see Import an agent's time off balance in a .csv file and Set group allowance for time off.

July 27, 2023

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles supports rule-based matching and merging

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles supports rule-based resolution to match and merge similar profiles into unified ones. This enables you to enhance customer service by granting agents and automated systems access to relevant customer information. As a result, interactions become faster and more personalized for customers. For more information, see Use Identity Resolution to consolidate similar profiles.

July 27, 2023

Amazon Connect Client Application v1.0.1.33 is available

Released Amazon Connect Client Application v1.0.1.33. With this newer version you no longer need to restart your desktop after installing the client application. For the download location, see the Amazon Connect Client Application topic.

July 21, 2023

Amazon Connect Cases provides case assignment

Case assignment helps organizations reduce the time to resolve customer issues by clearly tracking case activities and resolution ownership. Agents can associate a case with a queue or an individual agent for resolution. Agents can view and filter cases assigned to their queue, and managers can directly assign cases to individual agents. For more information, see Set up case assignment.

July 20, 2023

Updated ordering and porting numbers in Brazil

Process and ID requirements have changed. For more information, see Brazil in the Region requirements for ordering and porting phone numbers topic.

July 19, 2023

Contact Lens Conversational Analytics metrics in the API

You can analyze aggregate agent and contact performance using Contact Lens Conversational Analytics metrics in the GetMetricDataV2 API. The list of metrics include Average contact duration, Average conversation duration, Average greeting time agent, Average holds, Average interruptions agent, Average interruption time agent, Average non-talk time, Average talk time, Average talk time agent, and Average talk time customer. For more information, see Historical metrics definitions and GetMetricDataV2.

July 18, 2023

Amazon Connect Wisdom supports real-time recommendations for chat conversations

Amazon Connect Wisdom delivers ML-powered, real-time recommended information to help chat agents quickly solve customer needs.

July 17, 2023

Delete queues and routing profiles programmatically

You can delete queues and routing profiles programmatically. For more information, see the following topics in the Amazon Connect API Reference: DeleteQueue and DeleteRoutingProfile. Or see the following CLI topics: delete-queue and delete-routing-profile. To create an AWS CloudFormation template for queues and routing profiles, see the following topics: AWS::Connect::Queue and AWS::Connect::RoutingProfile.

July 13, 2023

Agents can change their audio device settings in the CCP and agent workspace

You can configure the Contact Control Panel (CCP) or agent workspace to enable agents to select their preferred device for microphone input and audio output, such as voice media and new contact notifications. For more information, see How to use the CCP to change your audio device settings.

June 30, 2023

New interactive message types

Amazon Connect Chat supports new interactive message types: quick replies and carousels. With quick replies, customers are presented with a list of response options (for example, Yes, No) that they can easily click to reply. Carousels present a set of interactive messages in a horizontally-scrolling format. Your customers can scroll through them and select the best option. For more information, see Add interactive messages to chat.

June 29, 2023

Search for existing tags within an Amazon Connect instance

Amazon Connect provides the ability to search for existing tags within an instance, both programmatically via API and within the UI. When tagging resources, you can search from pre-existing key:value pairs before creating new ones. For more information, see the SearchResourceTags API.

June 27, 2023

Added screen recording capabilities

Amazon Connect Contact Lens provides screen recording capabilities, making it easy for you to help agents improve their performance. With screen recording, you can identify areas for agent coaching (for example, long contact handle duration or non-compliance with business processes) by not only listening to customer calls or reviewing chat transcripts, but also watching the agent's actions while they are handling a contact. For more information, see Set up and review agent screen recordings.

June 16, 2023

Amazon Connect scheduling allows agents to manage time off requests

Amazon Connect scheduling now allows contact center agents to manage their time off requests in a self-serve manner. For more information, see Create time off.

June 15, 2023

Real-time data export of unified customer profiles to an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles supports real-time data export of unified customer profiles to an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream. Companies can enable data streaming and automatically receive data for new profiles and updates to existing profiles into their Amazon Kinesis Data Stream. For more information, see Set up real-time export.

June 8, 2023

GetMetricDataV2 API: Region availability and new functionality

The GetMetricDataV2 API is available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region. GetMetricDataV2 is now available in all AWS Regions where Amazon Connect is offered. This API enables you to access the trailing 35 days of historical agent and contact metrics (for example, service level, average handle time) with customizable filters and groupings. You can use GetMetricDataV2 to build custom dashboards to measure queue and agent performance over time. For example, you can identify the number of contacts that were disconnected by an agent versus disconnected by a customer hanging up. For more information, see GetMetricDataV2.

June 6, 2023

Contact Lens theme detection

Contact Lens provides a machine learning powered capability for businesses to help identify top contact drivers by grouping customer conversations into themes. For more information, see Use theme detection to discover issues.

May 24, 2023

Troubleshoot monitoring agent conversations

Added feature specifications for monitoring agent conversations. Added when the multi-party calls and enhanced monitoring feature is and is not enabled on your instance, the number of people who can be on the same agent call at the same time. Added a new topic to help you troubleshoot problems that may occur when supervisors monitor live agent conversations. For more information, see Troubleshoot monitoring agent conversations with Amazon Connect.

May 18, 2023

New APIs for managing prompts

You can programmatically create and manage prompts using APIs, for example, to extract prompts stored in Amazon Connect and add them to your Amazon S3 bucket. AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudFormation, and tagging are supported. For more information, see Prompt actions in the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide. Also see AWS::Connect::Prompt in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

May 18, 2023

Added security information for forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling capabilities

For more information, see Data protection in Amazon Connect.

May 16, 2023

Updated GetMetricDataV2

GetMetricDataV2 API supports metric data up to the last 35 days. For more information, see GetMetricDataV2.

May 11, 2023

Rich formatting in chat titles and subtitles

You can add rich formatting to the titles and subtitles of your chat messages. For example, you can add links, italics, bold, numbered lists, and bulleted lists. You use markdown to format your text. For more information, see Rich formatting in titles and subtitles in the Add interactive messages to chat topic.

May 2, 2023

GA for Amazon Connect evaluation capabilities

Released Amazon Connect evaluation capabilities for general availability. This release includes the capabilities to create rules based on evaluation results, and search for evaluations and evaluation forms. For more information, see Evaluate agent performance. To manage evaluation forms programmatically, see the Evaluation actions in the Amazon Connect API Reference. To create a shared template for evaluation forms, see the AWS::Connect::EvaluationForm resource in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

April 25, 2023

Added new CreateParticipant API

Added the CreateParticipant API which you can use to customize chat flow experiences. You use it to integrate custom participants. For more information, see Customize chat flow experiences by integrating custom participants.

April 21, 2023

Customer Profiles displays case information in the agent workspace

Using Amazon Connect Customer Profiles inside the agent workspace, agents can see cases from third-party case management solutions and Amazon Connect Cases inside a particular customer profile. For more information, see Use Customer Profiles and Access Customer Profiles in the agent workspace.

April 19, 2023

Updated Set recording and analytics flow block topic

Added information that explains how to disable Contact Lens conversational analytics. See Configuration tips in the Flow block: Set recording and analytics behavior topic.

April 14, 2023

Updated Service quotas page

Clarified how long it takes for quota increases to be processed. Corrected Scheduled reports per instance to indicate it is not adjustable. For more information, see Amazon Connect service quotas.

April 13, 2023

Added Wisdom support for Microsoft SharePoint Online

You can choose Microsoft SharePoint Online as knowledge base for Wisdom articles.

April 12, 2023

Update to Set Voice ID block

Updated the Set Voice ID block so it supports fraud watchlist ID for fraud detection.

April 10, 2023

Added Cross-channel concurrency

You can configure an agent’s routing profile to receive contacts from multiple channels at the same time. For example, while an agent is on a voice contact, they can be offered contacts from any other channels enabled in the routing profile, such as chats and tasks. For more information, see Create a routing profile. Also see the CrossChannelBehavior API.

April 10, 2023

Search, sort, and filter published agent schedules

Schedulers can quickly search, sort, and filter agent schedules from within the published schedule calendar. For more information, see Search and sort a schedule.

April 4, 2023

Added staff level shift profile

You can assign a shift profile to individual agents. This is useful to do when, for example, you have part-time agents who are in the same staffing group as your full-time agents, but they require their own shift profile. For more information, see the Associate to shift profile option described in Create staff rules for scheduling.

March 31, 2023

Updated Set up outbound caller ID

As of March 31, 2023, Amazon Connect no longer sets CNAM configurations. For more information, see CNAM in the Set up outbound caller ID topic.

March 30, 2023

Create step-by-step guides for your agents

Inside the out-of-the-box Amazon Connect agent workspace, you can create workflows that walk agents through custom UI pages that suggest what to do at a given moment during a customer interaction. You can create guides that help agents identify customer issues and recommend subsequent actions, as well as surface screen-pops and forms for submitting transactions and disposition codes. For more information, see Agent Workspace guided experience.

March 27, 2023

Added support for nested JSON in Invoke AWS Lambda function flow block

The Invoke AWS Lambda function flow block supports JSON responses. For more information, see Flow block: Invoke AWS Lambda function.

March 27, 2023

Added support for multiple fraudster watchlists

Every domain has a default watchlist where all existing fraudsters are placed by default. You can create and manage custom watchlists to be evaluated against for known fraudster detection. For more information, see Known fraudster detection, and see new actions in the Amazon Connect Voice ID API Reference.

March 27, 2023

Added Show View flow block

This block is used to configure UI based workflows that you can surface to users in front end applications. For more information, see Flow block: Show view.

March 27, 2023

Search and sort schedules in the Schedule Manager

Schedulers can quickly search for schedule names using partial keywords or sort the schedule list based on start date, end date, creation date, or updated date. For more information, see Search and sort a schedule.

March 24, 2023

Configure multiple IAM roles that can be assigned to a single user when using SAML 2.0

You can configure multiple IAM roles that can be assigned to a single user when using SAML 2.0 which enables you to support user access from multiple identity providers simultaneously. For example, if you are migrating identity providers, you can configure multiple IAM roles associated to a single user and that user will be able to access Amazon Connect from either provider. To learn more about configuring IAM roles for SAML 2.0 in Amazon Connect, see the Configure SAML with IAM for Amazon Connect documentation.

March 17, 2023

Panel template for interactive chat messages

With a panel template, you can present customers with up to 10 choices under one question in a chat message. For more information, see Add interactive messages to chat.

March 10, 2023

Added GetMetricDataV2 API

Added the GetMetricDataV2 API to the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide. This API enables you to programmatically access trailing 14 days of historical agent and contact metrics data. It extends the capabilities of the GetMetricData API, provides new historical metrics (for example, the number of contacts disconnected, and the number of callback attempts), and provides the ability to filter metrics with more granularity.

March 8, 2023

Added permission for managing Amazon Connect Customer Profiles Service Linked Roles

Added iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole which allows you to create service-linked roles for Customer Profiles.

March 7, 2023

Updated Set up US emergency calling

Updated the steps involved in setting up US emergency calling. For more information, see Set up US emergency calling in Amazon Connect.

March 6, 2023

Added the DeleteDomain API for Cases

For more information, see the DeleteDomain API in the Amazon Connect Cases API Reference Guide.

February 24, 2023

Added new attribute type ENHANCED_CONTACT_MONITORING to Describe, List and Update Instance Attribute APIs

This release updates the APIs: DescribeInstanceAttribute, ListInstanceAttributes, and UpdateInstanceAttribute. You can use it to programmatically enable/disable enhanced contact monitoring using attribute type ENHANCED_CONTACT_MONITORING on the specified Amazon Connect instance. For more information, see DescribeInstanceAttribute, ListInstanceAttributes, and UpdateInstanceAttribute.

February 24, 2023

Added RelatedContactId to StartTaskContact API

You can link together an unlimited number of task contacts using the RelatedContactID parameter supported in the StartTaskContact API. For more information, see Linked tasks and the StartTaskContact API in the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide.

February 24, 2023

Amazon Connect Cases integrates with AWS PrivateLink

For more information, see Amazon Connect and interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink).

February 20, 2023


In the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide, added CONTACT_EVALUATIONS as a valid value to the ResourceType parameter. This affects the following APIs: AssociateInstanceStorageConfig, DescribeInstanceStorageConfig, DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig, ListInstanceStorageConfig, and UpdateInstanceStorageConfig.

February 20, 2023

Added support to provide visibility into an agent’s next activity

You can view an agent’s next activity in the real-time metrics agent table in the Amazon Connect real-time metrics UI and by using the public API. For more information, see the NextStatus API reference.

February 17, 2023

Added support to provide more granular permissions to metrics reports, including new permissions for real-time metrics, historical metrics, and agent activity audit

You can configure more granular permissions to metrics and reports from within security profiles in the Amazon Connect admin website. For more information, see Permissions required to view real-time metrics reports and Agent activity audit permissions.

February 17, 2023

Added support for more granular access controls (using resource tags) to view real-time metrics for agents, queues, and routing profiles

You can enable more granular access controls for real-time metrics by configuring resource tags and access control tags within security profiles in the Amazon Connect admin website. For more information, see Real-time tag-based access control and Tag based access control in Amazon Connect.

February 17, 2023

S3 Object Lock for the call recordings bucket

You can use Amazon S3 Object Lock in combination with your call recording bucket to help prevent call recordings from being deleted or overwritten for a fixed amount of time, or indefinitely. For more information, see How to set up S3 Object Lock for immutable call recordings.

February 3, 2023

CloudFormation templates for instance management

You can use CloudFormation templates to manage Amazon Connect instances for associating Amazon Lex and Lex V2 bots, Lambda functions, security keys, and approved origins—along with the rest of your AWS infrastructure—in a secure, efficient, and repeatable way. For more information, see Amazon Connect resource type reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

February 2, 2023

Added information about key highlights

To learn about the agent's key highlights experience in the Contact Control Panel, see Design a flow for key highlights.

January 30, 2023

Updated Concurrent post-chat analytics jobs quota

Changed Concurrent post-chat analytics jobs quota from 100 to 200. For more information, see Contact Lens service quotas.

January 27, 2023

Added persistent chat

Customers often start a chat, then leave the conversation and return later to continue chatting. This may happen many times over the course of several days, months, or even years. To support long running chats like these, you enable persistent chat. For more information, see Enable persistent chat. Also see changes to StartChatContact in the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide, and see the GetTranscript API the Amazon Connect Participant Service API Reference Guide.

January 20, 2023

Added documentation requirements Brazil, Caribbean, Iceland, and other numbers

Updated documentation requirements for Austria, France, and Japan as well. For more information, see Region requirements for ordering and porting phone numbers.

January 13, 2023

Added documentation requirements for porting Argentina numbers

For more information, see Region requirements for ordering and porting phone numbers.

January 9, 2023

Updates to GetCurrentMetricData and GetCurrentUserData

For the GetCurrentMetricData API, added support for routing profile filter, sort criteria, and grouping by routing profiles. For the GetCurrentUserData API, added support for routing profiles, user hierarchy groups, and agents as filters, and next status and agent status name. For both APIs, added ApproximateTotalCount.

December 23, 2022

Added message receipts feature for chat messages

The message receipts feature allows customers to receive Message delivered and Read receipts after they send a chat message. For more information, see Enable message Delivered and Read receipts in your chat user interface. Also see the SendEvent action, and the Item, MessageMetadata, and Receipt data types in the Amazon Connect Participant Service API Reference Guide.

December 23, 2022

Microsoft Edge Chromium support

Amazon Connect now supports Microsoft Edge Chromium. For more information about supported browsers, see Browsers supported by Amazon Connect.

December 22, 2022

Added chat timeouts for chat participants

When a chat conversation between an agent and a customer has been inactive (no messages sent) for a certain amount of time, you may want to consider a chat participant to be idle, and you may even want to automatically disconnect an agent from the chat. To set up chat timeout timers, see Set up chat timeouts for chat participants.

December 22, 2022

Updated definition of DequeueTimestamp

For the updated definition, see Contact records data model.

December 21, 2022

Amazon Connect supports JSON as a content type for chat messages

By supporting JSON as a content type, Amazon Connect provides you with a way to pass additional information over chat to provide rich personalized experiences. For example, rendering updates to a custom UI, customer-built interactive messages, language translation capabilities, and passing customer metadata to a third party bot. For more information, see StartChatContact in the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide, and SendMessage in the Amazon Connect Participant Service API Reference Guide.

December 21, 2022

Added feature availability by Region

Added Amazon Connect features (such as Agent workspace, Tasks, and Wisdom), and the Regions where they are available. For more information, see Availability of Amazon Connect services by Region.

December 20, 2022

Added topic on Amazon Connect availability by Region

For more information, see Availability of Amazon Connect services by Region.

December 16, 2022

Contact Lens granular data redaction

When you set up Contact Lens sensitive data redaction, you can choose which entities you want to redact, and how you want the redaction to appear in the transcript. For more information, see Enable redaction of sensitive data.

December 15, 2022

Released Barge to allow contact center managers to join ongoing calls

Barge allows managers to join and participate in an ongoing customer service call between a contact center agent and customer. After joining the call, a manager can speak with the customer, add participants, and even choose to remove an agent if needed. For more information, see Barge live conversations.

December 14, 2022

Additional Contact Lens language support and Region availability

Documented that Contact Lens supports the following languages: English - New Zealand, English - South Africa. It is also available in the following Regions: Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore).

December 14, 2022

Added user hierarchy to bulk user upload

You can assign the user hierarchy in the .csv file when you add users in bulk. For more information, see Add users in bulk.

December 13, 2022

Granular access controls using resource tags for users, security profiles, routing profiles, and queues

You can now enable more granular access controls for security profiles, users, routing profiles, and queues by configuring resource tags within the Amazon Connect console. You can add resource tags to filter and organize these resources logically, and configure access control tags within security profiles to enforce granular permissions. For more information, see Tagging resources in Amazon Connect and Tag based access controls in Amazon Connect.

December 9, 2022

Bulk user import now includes agent hierarchy and tags

Amazon Connect now allows you to configure hierarchies and resource tags for users in bulk. You can now assign agent hierarchies and resource tags to each agent using the CSV bulk upload template which is available on the user management page. For more information, see Tagging resources in Amazon Connect.

December 9, 2022

Rules Function language

The Rules Function language is a JSON-based representation of a series of rule conditions. Use it to programmatically add conditions to rules. For more information, see Amazon Connect Rules Function language in the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide.

December 7, 2022

Search contacts by agent's first or last name is available in AWS GovCloud

For more information, see Search contacts by agent's first or last name.

December 5, 2022

GA for Rules APIs

Released a set of Rules APIs that enable you to programmatically create and manage rules. For more information, see Rules actions in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

December 5, 2022

GA for Forecasting, scheduling, and capacity planning

Released Forecasting, scheduling, and capacity planning for General Availability. These features help you have the right number of agents working at the right times to achieve your operational goals. For more information, see Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling.

November 29, 2022

Create step-by-step guides for your agents

Inside the out-of-the-box Connect agent workspace, you can now create workflows that walk agents through custom UI pages that suggest what to do at a given moment during a customer interaction. You can create guides that help agents identify customer issues and recommend subsequent actions, as well as surface screen-pops and forms for submitting transactions and disposition codes. For more information, see Agent Workspace guided experience.

November 29, 2022

Contact Lens supports chat

Amazon Connect Contact Lens provides conversational analytics capabilities for Amazon Connect chat, extending the machine learning powered analytics to better assess chat contacts. For more information, see Analyze conversations using Amazon Connect Contact Lens.

November 29, 2022

Added evaluation form features to Contact Lens (Preview)

You can create evaluation forms, and then make them available to managers to review conversations along side contact details, recordings, transcripts, and summaries, without the need to switch applications. Conversational analytics automatically pre-populates evaluation scores for criteria like script adherence, sensitive data collection, and customer greetings. For more information, see Evaluate performance (Preview).

November 29, 2022

Added configurable Lex timeouts in chat

You can configure how long to wait for a response from a customer in a chatbot conversation before the session expires. For more information, see Configurable time-outs for chat input in the Get customer input topic.

November 22, 2022

Create rules that send email notifications

You can create Contact Lens rules that send email notifications to people in your organization. For more information, see Create Contact Lens rules that send email notifications.

November 17, 2022

Added MonitorContact API

Added a new API for programmatically initiating monitoring of ongoing contacts. For more information, see MonitorContact API.

November 17, 2022

Search for profiles using multiple search keys

In addition to searching for profiles with a single search key (i.e., a key-values(s) pair), the SearchProfiles API has been enhanced to support searching for profiles using multiple keys and logical operators. This new functionality allows you to use between 1 and 5 search keys with AND or OR logic to find profiles with attributes that match the search criteria.. For more information, see the SearchProfiles API reference.

November 14, 2022

Increased Cases domain quota from 2 to 5

Increased the default maximum number of Cases domains per AWS account from 2 to 5. For more information, see Amazon Connect Cases service quotas.

November 9, 2022

Added new fields to the GetFederationToken response payload

Added SignInUrl, UserArn, and UserId to the GetFederationToken response payload.

November 9, 2022

Added ability to disable case templates through the UpdateTemplate API

Disabling templates prevents users from creating cases by using the template. For more information, see the Amazon Connect Cases API Reference.

November 9, 2022

Renamed external quick connects to phone number quick connects

For more information, see Types of quick connects.

November 8, 2022

Delete quick connects using the Amazon Connect console

For more information, see Delete quick connects.

November 4, 2022

Added DismissUserContact API

Added a new API for programmatically clearing the notifications agents receive after they have missed or rejected a contact, making them eligible to be routed new contacts. This API can also be used to clear similar notifications when an agent encounters an error with accepting the contact or is handling After Contact Work. For more information, see the DismissUserContact API reference.

November 1, 2022

Added secondary email address and mobile number to user account

You can now add a secondary email address and mobile number to a user account. For more information, see Add users to Amazon Connect.

October 28, 2022

Enhanced 911 (E911)

Enhanced 911 (E911) enables location information to be sent to 911 dispatch when a 911 call is placed. In addition to connecting a user with 911 emergency services, customers in the United States can build E911 capabilities to automatically provide the caller's address information to 911 dispatchers. For more information, see Set up US emergency calling in Amazon Connect.

October 21, 2022

GA for Amazon Connect Global Resiliency

Released Amazon Connect Global Resiliency for General Availability. It enables you to provide customer service anywhere in the world with the highest reliability, performance, and efficiency, while meeting international regulatory requirements. For more information, see Set up Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.

October 19, 2022

Corrected Wisdom service quota

The originally published quota for Content per knowledge base was incorrect. Corrected the documentation to indicate the quota is 5,000.

October 17, 2022

Feature specifications for the integration association resource

For more information, see Integration association resource feature specifications.

October 13, 2022

Added Ctrl+Shift+F to search flow block titles and metadata

For more information, see the Release notes.

October 10, 2022

GA for Amazon Connect Cases

We've released Amazon Connect Cases for General Availability. Amazon Connect Cases allows your agents to quickly track and manage customer issues that require multiple interactions, follow-up tasks, and teams in your contact center. For more information, see Amazon Connect Cases and Amazon Connect Cases API Reference.

October 3, 2022

Updated flow designer

We've released a number of improvements to the flow designer experience to make building and editing flows easier. For a detailed list of changes, see Updated flow designer in the Release notes.

September 24, 2022

Search for Amazon Connect users by first name, last name, and more

You can search for Amazon Connect users by first name, last name, user login, agent hierarchy, security profile, and routing profile. For example, you can search for all Amazon Connect users who have the first name "Jane."

September 22, 2022

Visualize historical queue data

You can now visualize historical queue data by using time series graphs to help identify patterns, trends, and outliers specifically for Service Level, Contacts Queued, and Average Handle Time. For more information, see Visualize: Queue dashboard.

September 21, 2022

Voice spoofing

Use Voice ID to evaluate calls for voice spoofing. For more information, see Voice spoofing detection and the Amazon Connect Voice ID API Reference.

August 29, 2022

Released SearchSecurityProfiles API

Added a new API for programmatically searching security profiles. For more information, see SearchSecurityProfiles.

August 19, 2022

Released Schedule Adherence (Preview)

Contact center supervisors or managers track schedule adherence to understand when agents are following the schedule that you have created. This helps ensure you achieve your service level targets, while improving agent productivity and customer satisfaction. For more information, see Schedule Adherence.

August 1, 2022

Attachments per chat conversation now at 35

Updated the limit for attachments per chat conversations from 5 to 35. See Feature specifications.

July 20, 2022

Added Voice ID Flow language actions

Added topics for the following Voice ID Flow language actions: CheckOutboundCallStatus, CheckVoiceId, and StartVoiceIdStream.

July 19, 2022

Search for contacts by using the agent's first or last name

You can search for contacts using the agent's first or last name. The filter name is Agent.

July 15, 2022

Released updates for rich text format rendering

On the Contact Search and Contact Detail pages, you can now view chat transcripts that have rich text formatting, such as bold or italic font, bullet points, numbered lists, and hyperlinks. For more information about getting started with Amazon Connect Chat, see Set up your customer's chat experience.

July 13, 2022

View call transcript in CCP or agent application

For more information, see View a call transcript during ACW.

July 7, 2022

Added feature specifications for Contact Lens

For more information, see Amazon Connect Contact Lens feature specifications.

July 1, 2022

Support for Lex intent confidence scores and sentiment analysis

You can further personalize the automated self-service customer experience using Amazon Lex intent confidence scores and sentiment analysis as a branch within your flows. For more information, see the Get customer input block. For a list of new contact attributes see Amazon Lex contact attributes.

June 29, 2022

GA for Amazon Connect Outbound Campaigns

Released Amazon Connect Outbound Campaigns, formally known as High-volume outbound communications, for General Availability. This release includes a set of APIs for creating and managing outbound campaigns. For more information, see Enable Amazon Connect outbound campaigns and Amazon Connect Amazon Connect Outbound Campaigns API Reference.

June 20, 2022

Amazon Connect Cases (Preview)

Amazon Connect Cases (Preview) allows your agents to quickly track and manage customer issues that require multiple interactions, follow-up tasks, and teams in your contact center. For more information, see Amazon Connect Cases (Preview) and Amazon Connect Cases API Reference (Preview).

June 20, 2022

Updated Amazon Lex bot per instance quota

Updated the Amazon Lex bot per instance quota from 50 to 70. For more information, see Amazon Connect service quotas.

June 7, 2022

New GetCurrentUserData API

Released the GetCurrentUserData API. It enables you to return the real-time active user data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

June 6, 2022

Released task templates

You can now create custom task templates, making it easy for agents to consistently capture the relevant and required information to create or complete tasks. For more information, see Create task templates. For information about using the API to programmatically create and manage task templates, see the Amazon Connect API Reference and the Amazon Connect Resource Type Reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

June 2, 2022

New API to transfer contacts

Added a new API that you can use to transfer contacts from one agent or queue to another agent or queue at any point after a contact is created. For information, see TransferContact in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

June 2, 2022

Updated workflow for outbound campaigns

Updated the workflow for onboarding to outbound campaigns using the Amazon Connect and Amazon Pinpoint user interface. For more information, see Enable outbound campaigns.

May 27, 2022

Voice ID expires speakers

For BIPA Compliance, Amazon Connect Voice ID automatically expires speakers that have not been accessed for enrollment, re-enrollment, or successful authentication for three years. You can see a speaker's last access time by looking at the lastAccessedAt attribute returned by the DescribeSpeaker and ListSpeakers APIs, and the What data is stored? section of the Amazon Connect Admin Guide.

May 25, 2022

Search Voice ID results

Added topic Search and review Voice ID results.

April 28, 2022

New API to change agent's current status

Amazon Connect provides an API to programmatically change the current status of an agent. Agent statuses are used to determine when an agent is Available to be routed contacts in Amazon Connect, versus when they are set to Offline or a custom status such as Lunch or Break and should not be routed contacts. For more information, see PutUserStatus in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

April 28, 2022

New APIs

Added API to search for user records by first name, last name, username, routing profile, security profile, agent hierarchies or tags. Added API to claim new phone numbers and configure them programmatically. For more information, see the Amazon Connect API Reference.

April 25, 2022

Multi-party calls

You can enable Amazon Connect to allow up to six parties on a call: the agent, the caller, and four more participants. For more information, including a comparison of how multi-party calling differs from the default three-party calling, see Telephony: Multi-party calls.

April 6, 2022

Play prompts from an Amazon S3 bucket

Added the ability to source prompts from an Amazon S3 bucket. This enables you to store as many voice prompts as needed in Amazon S3 and access them in real time using contact attributes in the following flow blocks that play prompts: Get customer input, Loop prompts, Play prompt, and Store customer input.

April 5, 2022

Real-time contact analysis segment streams

Added support for accessing Contact Lens analytics in near real-time. For more information, see Use streaming for real-time contact analysis.

March 28, 2022

Rich messaging for chat

Added support for rich messaging for your customer's chat experience. Agents and customers can use bold, italic, bulleted lists, numbered list, hyperlinks, and attachments. For more For more information, see Enable text formatting for your customer's chat experience.

March 13, 2022

Object type mapping user interface

Added a user interface for creating object type mapping by using the Amazon Connect admin console. For more information, see Create an object type mapping.

March 8, 2022

Updates to AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy

Added actions for Amazon CloudWatch metrics. For more information, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

February 22, 2022

Added bulk ingestion of data for Customer Profiles

For more information, see Bulk ingestion of data in the Set up integration for Salesforce, ServiceNow, Marketo, or Zendesk topic.

February 21, 2022

New quotas for APIs

For StartChatContact , StartContactStreaming , StopContactStreaming , a RateLimit of 5 requests per second, and a BurstLimit of 8 requests per second.

February 11, 2022

New CloudWatch metrics for chat

Added the following Amazon CloudWatch metrics for chat: ConcurrentActiveChats, ConcurrentActiveChatsPercentage, ChatBreachingActiveChatQuota, and SuccessfulChatsPerInterval. For more information, see Monitoring your instance using CloudWatch.

February 11, 2022

Documented Rules feature specifications

Documented the feature specifications for Amazon Connect Rules. For more information, see Amazon Connect Rules feature specifications.

January 28, 2022

Documented Identity Resolution quotas

Documented three quotas for Identity Resolution. For more information, see Customer Profiles quotas.

January 28, 2022

Configure maximum chat duration

You can configure the total duration per chat to be up to 7 days, including wait time. For more information, see the ChatDurationInMinutes parameter in the StartChatContact API.

January 27, 2022

Contact Lens supports custom vocabularies

For more information, see Add custom vocabularies.

January 25, 2022

Released tagging support for UserHierarchyGroup resource

For more information, see CreateUserHierarchyGroup.

January 20, 2022

Communications widget supports browser notifications

For more information, see Browser notifications.

December 21, 2021

Integrate Customer Profiles with Segment and Shopify

For more information, see Set up integration for Segment and Set up integration for Shopify.

December 20, 2021

Updated compliance for tasks

Tasks is in compliance with GDPR, and is approved for SOC, PIC, HITRUST, ISO, and HIPAA.

December 17, 2021

Released unified agent application

Amazon Connect released the unified agent application to improve the agent experience and customer interactions. For more information, see Agent training guide.

November 30, 2021

Released key highlights

Amazon Connect Contact Lens provides the option for you to view key highlights. The key highlights show only those lines where Contact Lens has identified an issue, outcome, or action item in the transcript. For more information, see View key highlights.

November 30, 2021

Documented Average API Connecting Time

Documented the real-time metric Average API Connecting Time. For more information, see Average API Connecting Time.

November 26, 2021

Released Identity Resolution to consolidate similar profiles

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles offers Identity Resolution, a feature that is designed to automatically detect similar customer profiles by comparing name, email address, phone number, date of birth, and address. For more information, see Use Identity Resolution to consolidate similar profiles and the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles API Reference.

November 24, 2021

Updated Customer Profiles service quotas

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now supports 1000 objects per profile (increased from 100), and 50MB Maximum size of all objects for a profile (increased from 5MB). For more information, see Amazon Connect Customer Profiles service quotas.

November 23, 2021

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles stores contact history at no charge

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now provides contact history and customer information together in unified customer profiles at no charge, helping contact center managers personalize the contact center experience. In new instances, Customer Profiles is enabled by default. For more information, see Step 4: Data Storage in the Create an Amazon Connect instance topic.

November 23, 2021

New APIs to archive/unarchive and delete flows

Added new APIs that provide a programmatic and flexible way to manage your library of flows at scale. For example, flows used only during certain times of the year can be archived when not in use and then unarchived when needed. You can now also delete a flow so it is no longer available for use. For more information, see the Amazon Connect API Reference.

November 22, 2021

Added modular flows to help you create common functions

Flow modules are reusable sections of a flow. You can create them to extract repeatable logic across your flows, and create common functions. For more information, see Flow modules for reusable functions.

November 22, 2021

Search contacts by custom contact attributes

Added support for searching contacts by custom contact attributes (also called user-defined attributes). For more information, see Search by custom contact attributes.

November 15, 2021

Added Customer profiles block

Added the Customer profiles block. It enables you to retrieve, create, and update a customer profile.

November 15, 2021

Updated AmazonConnect_FullAccess

Added permissions for managing Amazon Connect Customer Profiles. See Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

November 12, 2021

Released security profiles APIs

Added APIs so you can create and manage security profiles programmatically. For more information, see the Amazon Connect API Reference.

November 12, 2021

Released scheduled tasks

Added the ability to schedule tasks up to six days in the future to follow-up on customer issues when promised. You can also update the scheduled date and time using the UpdateContactSchedule API. For more information, see the Create task block and the Create a task topic in the Agent training guide.

November 12, 2021

Released Contact APIs

Added APIs so you can get and update contact details programmatically. For example, you can describe contact details such as queue information, chat attachments, task references, and update contact information such as task name. For more information, see DescribeContact, UpdateContact, and ListReferences in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

November 12, 2021

Changes to real-time metrics agent tables

We are rolling out a new service to maintain the high availability from metrics that you expect from Amazon Connect. Due to this change, the agent tables are sorted by agent status instead of by agent login. Additionally, the queues and routing profiles table are sorted by agents online instead of by queue or routing profile name.

November 12, 2021

Added actions to AmazonConnectServiceLinkedRolePolicy

Added actions for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles. See Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

November 12, 2021

Added new metrics

Added following new historical metrics: Contacts transferred in by agent and Contacts transferred out by agent. Added new real-time metrics: Transferred in by agent and Transferred out by agent. See Historical metrics definitions and Real-time metrics definitions.

November 9, 2021

Released real-time chat message streaming

You can subscribe to a real-time stream of chat messages. For more information, see Enable real-time chat message streaming.

October 29, 2021

Cross-service confused deputy prevention for Customer Profiles

Updated Cross-service confused deputy prevention with more sample policies you can apply for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles.

October 26, 2021

GA for HoursOfOperation APIs

Released the Amazon Connect HoursOfOperation APIs for general availability (GA). Also launched AWS CloudFormation support for Users, User Hierarchies, and Hours of Operation. For more information, see the Amazon Connect API Reference and the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

October 22, 2021

Example: Programmatically integrate S3 with Customer Profiles

Added a topic that shows how to programmatically integrate S3 with Customer Profiles.

October 21, 2021

Cross-service confused deputy prevention

Added a topic with example policies you can apply for Cross-service confused deputy prevention.

October 18, 2021

How long unanswered callbacks stay in queue

In the Set up queued callback topic, clarified that unanswered queued callbacks stay in queue at least 7 days and up to 14 days before Amazon Connect automatically removes them.

October 13, 2021

Updated endpoint for client-side metrics

In the Set up your network topic, changed the endpoint for client-side metrics from *.execute-api.{region} to *.telemetry.connect.{region}

October 11, 2021

Corrected errors in Service quota topic

Corrected errors in the Service quotas topic: For Amazon Connect Wisdom, Maximum size per document is 1MB not 10MB. For Amazon Connect Customer Profiles, the name of the quota is Object Types per domain not Objects per domain. Updated the Amazon Connect Voice ID quotas table with correct information.

October 8, 2021

Preview release of outbound campaigns

Added content for the preview release of outbound campaigns. By using Amazon Pinpoint Journeys and Amazon Connect, you can now create outbound campaigns for voice, SMS, and email. For more information, see Enable outbound campaigns.

September 27, 2021

New Amazon AppIntegrations Service APIs

New DataIntegration APIs for the Amazon AppIntegrations Service: CreateDataIntegration, DeleteDataIntegration, GetDataIntegration, ListDataIntegrationAssociations, ListDataIntegrations, UpdateDataIntegration. For more information, see Amazon AppIntegrations Service API Reference.

September 27, 2021

Amazon Connect Wisdom - General Availability

In November 2023 we released Amazon Q. It includes real-time agent assist functionality formerly known as Amazon Connect Wisdom, along with generative AI-powered recommended responses, actions, and links to more information.

September 27, 2021

Amazon Connect Voice ID - General Availability

For more information, see Use real-time caller authentication with Voice ID and the Amazon Connect Voice ID API Reference.

September 27, 2021

Added new service-linked role policy

Added AmazonConnectVoiceIDFullAccess. Use this AWS managed policy so you can set up your users to use Voice ID. This policy provides full access to Amazon Connect Voice ID through the AWS console, SDK, or other means. For more information, see AWS managed policy: AmazonConnectVoiceIDFullAccess.

September 27, 2021

Added new service-linked role policy

Added AmazonConnectCampaignsServiceLinkedRolePolicy, a new service-linked role policy for outbound campaigns. The policy provides access to retrieve all the outbound campaigns. For more information, see Enable outbound campaigns.

September 27, 2021

Display name and contact attributes in chat

You can now personalize the chat experience, as you can specify the name of your customer that interacts using the chat user interface. You can also securely pass the contact attributes to capture information about the contact which can be used in the flow to further personalize the experience. For more information, see Pass the customer display name when a chat initializes and Pass contact attributes when a chat initializes.

September 17, 2021

Preview of agent application

Launched an updated UI for the agent application preview that combines Customer Profiles and the Contact Control Panel (CCP). For more information, see Access Customer Profiles in the agent application.

September 16, 2021

Added Create task block

Added the Create task block. It creates a new task, sets the tasks attributes, and initiates a flow to start the task. For more information, see Flow block: Create task.

September 16, 2021

More languages for Contact Lens

Contact Lens now supports the following languages for post-call and real-time analytics: Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin. The following languages are supported for real-time analytics: French (Canada), French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), German (Germany), and Italian (Italy). For more information, see Contact Lens for Amazon Connect in the Languages supported by Amazon Connect topic.

September 13, 2021

Updated historical metrics definitions

Updated the definitions of Contacts transferred in and Contacts transferred out. For more information, see Historical metrics definitions.

September 10, 2021

Improved user interface for Amazon Connect console

Released a redesigned user interface for the Amazon Connect console, making it easier and faster to manage Amazon Connect instances. For more information, see Create an Amazon Connect instance.

August 27, 2021

Customer Profiles is HIPAA compliant

Customer Profiles is now HIPAA compliant. Removed note stating it is not.

August 23, 2021

Porting numbers in Singapore

Updated documentation requirements. For more information, see Singapore in the Region requirements for ordering and porting phone numbers topic.

August 10, 2021

APIs for hours of operation and agent status

Released for ungated preview new APIs for managing hours of operation and agent status. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service API Reference.

August 6, 2021

Contant Lens rules create tasks and EventBridge events

Contact Lens rules now allow you to generate tasks and EventBridge events based on uttered keywords, sentiment scores, customer attributes, and other criteria. For more information, see Build rule with Contact Lens.

August 5, 2021

Countries you can call by default

We have updated the list of countries you can call by default when you create a new instance in a given Region. For more information, see Countries you can call.

August 4, 2021

Add AWS Global Accelerator to your allowlist

When using SAML Sign-In to your Amazon Connect instance, you now need to add the AWS Global Accelerator domain, *., to your allowlist. For more information, see Set up your network.

August 3, 2021

New "Next status" feature

To help agents manage their time, we have released a feature that lets agents pause new contacts being routed to them while they finish their current contacts. For more information, see "Next status" feature for the CCP.

July 30, 2021

Update to Contact search functionality

To use the Agent filter on the Contact search page, in your Amazon Connect security profile you must have Users - View permissions. For more information, see Contact search: To search contacts by Agent login requires Users - View permissions in your security profile.

July 23, 2021

Added two task metrics sent to CloudWatch

Amazon Connect sends the following two new metrics to CloudWatch: ConcurrentTasks and ConcurrentTasksPercentage. For more information, see Monitoring your instance using CloudWatch.

July 7, 2021

Updated required permissions for custom IAM policies

Added permissions for Amazon Lex. For more information, see Amazon Connect updates to AWS managed policies.

June 29, 2021

Apple Messages for Business GA

Released Apple Messages for Business for general availability (GA). For more information, see Enable Apple Messages for Business.

June 28, 2021

Quick connects management API GA

Released Amazon Connect quick connects management API for general availability (GA). For more information, see Amazon Connect Service API Reference. The quick connects API also supports AWS CloudFormation. For more information, see Amazon Connect Resource Type Reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

June 24, 2021

Added service quota for Amazon Lex V2 bot aliases per instance = 100

For more information about service quotas, see Amazon Connect service quotas.

June 17, 2021

Support for Amazon Lex V2 console and APIs

For information on using the Amazon Lex V2 console, see Add an Amazon Lex bot. Added these three APIs: AssociateLexBot, DisassociateLexBot, and ListLexBots. See the Amazon Connect Service API Reference.

June 15, 2021

Coming soon: Faster load times for Real-time metrics page

Rollout to all Regions July 19, 2021, to September 19, 2021, subject to change. For more information, see Upcoming change: Faster reload times for the Real-time metrics page.

June 11, 2021

Coming soon: New DataIntegration APIs

On May 20, 2021, we published that new DataIntegration APIs were added to the Amazon AppIntegrations service. These APIs are not yet available.

June 8, 2021

Chat agent concurrency increased

Increased chat agent concurrency from 5 to 10. For more information, see Create a routing profile.

June 7, 2021

Object type mapping for Customer Profiles

Added object type mapping for the Customer Profiles standard profile. For more information, see the Object type mapping for the standard profile.

June 1, 2021

Channels supported by blocks

Added a topic that lists all the blocks and which channels each one supports. For more information, see the Channels each block supports.

May 18, 2021

Added contact events

For more information, see the Amazon Connect contact events.

May 12, 2021

Announced upcoming change to Agent audit report

In a future release, you'll be able to download the Agent audit report. For more information, see the Upcoming changes: Download the Agent audit report.

May 4, 2021

Added identity resolution APIs (preview) to Customer Profiles.

For more information, see the GetMatches and MergeProfiles APIs in the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles API reference.

April 30, 2021

Added topic on how to apply permissions that restrict which AWS resources can be associated with Amazon Connect.

For more information, see Restrict AWS resources that can be associated with Amazon Connect.

April 28, 2021

Added chapter on architectural guidance, authored by AWS Solution Architects

For more information, see Architectural guidance for Amazon Connect.

April 28, 2021

Announced upcoming fix to agent event stream

For more information, see Upcoming change: Fix for agent event stream.

April 27, 2021

Revised the topics on porting phone numbers

For more information, see Port your phone number.

April 24, 2021

Using Customer Profiles with CCP out-of-the-box is in ungated preview

For more information, see Access the Customer Profiles Agent UI.

April 22, 2021

Announced upcoming changes for Contact search

For more information, see Upcoming changes: Contact search.

April 20, 2021

Added NLB endpoint for Canada (Central) Region

Updated Set up your network with the NLB endpoint for Canada (Central) Region.

April 15, 2021

Amazon Connect is now available in the Canada (Central) Region

You can claim toll-free and local telephone numbers from Canadian telephony suppliers. For a list of countries that support the Canada (Central) Region, see Region requirements for phone numbers. Also see Availability of Contact Lens features by Region.

March 31, 2021

Announced upcoming fixes for chat metrics

Currently Amazon Connect incorrectly reports that chat contacts that were created from disconnect flows were created from transfer flows. When the fixes are released, Amazon Connect will correctly reflect in the contact records and agent event stream that these chat contacts were created from disconnect flows. For more information, see Upcoming change: Fixes for chat metrics in the Release notes.

March 25, 2021

Completed release of new domain name

The domain for the Amazon Connect access URL has changed to For more information, see March 2021 Updates in the Release notes.

March 22, 2021

Default service quota for reports per instance

Updated the default service quota for reports per instance to 2000. This default applies to accounts created in October, 2020 or later. For more information, see Amazon Connect service quotas.

March 16, 2021

Identification requirements for ordering and porting phone numbers

Added identification requirements for ordering phone numbers. Added requirements for ordering and porting phone numbers from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Puerto Rico. For more information, see Region requirements for phone numbers.

March 11, 2021

Use the Amazon Connect Endpoint Test Utility

To help you validate connectivity to Amazon Connect, or troubleshoot when your agents are experiencing problems with the Contact Control Panel (CCP), we added the Amazon Connect Endpoint Test Utility. For more information, see Use the Endpoint Test Utility.

March 5, 2021

Add a chat user interface to your website.

Added a communications widget that you can customize and add to your website. Also provided an open source example to help you get started with adding chat to your website. For more information, see Set up your customer's chat experience.

March 5, 2021

Content Lens real-time analytics is available in Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), and Asia (Tokyo).

For more information, see Availability of Contact Lens features by Region.

February 26, 2021

Added ability to create and ingest data into Customer Profiles from Amazon S3

For more information, see Create and ingest data into Customer Profiles from Amazon S3.

February 25, 2021

Added DisconnectReason to the contact record stream

The Amazon Connect contact records stream now includes DisconnectReason for voice calls and tasks. For more information, see ContactTraceRecord.

February 19, 2021

Added custom service levels

Added the ability to create custom service levels, and update the metrics user interface. For details, see New metric groups and categories.

February 16, 2021

Queue APIs (Preview)

Added APIs so you can programmatically create and manage queues. Queue APIs (Preview).

January 29, 2021

Amazon AppIntegrations APIs - GA

Released Amazon AppIntegrations APIs for general availability (GA). For more information, see Amazon AppIntegrations APIs - GA.

January 29, 2021

New Contact search page

Updated the Contact search page. For more information, see Search for contacts.

January 5, 2021

Amazon Connect Service API Reference

Added APIs so you can programmatically create and manage quick connects. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service API Reference.

December 22, 2020

Chat: Support for sharing attachments

Added support for sharing chat attachments. For more information, see Chat: Support for attachments.

December 21, 2020

Configurable DTMF timeouts for Lex bots

Added support for configurable DTMF timeouts for Lex bots. For more information, see Configurable DTMF timeouts for Lex bots.

December 4, 2020

Amazon Connect with Apple Messages for Business (Preview)

Added support for using Amazon Connect with Apple Messages for Business. For more information, see Amazon Connect with Apple Messages for Business (Preview)

December 3, 2020


Added support for tasks, allowing you to prioritize, assign, track, and even automate tasks across the disparate tools agents use to support customers. For more information, see Tasks.

December 1, 2020

Real-time analytics using Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Added real-time analytics for Contact Lens so you can detect and resolve customer issues more proactively while the call is in progress. For more information, see Analyze Conversations with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.

December 1, 2020

Amazon Connect Wisdom (Preview)

In November 2023 we released Amazon Q. It includes real-time agent assist functionality formerly known as Amazon Connect Wisdom, along with generative AI-powered recommended responses, actions, and links to more information.

December 1, 2020

Amazon Connect Voice ID (Preview)

Added Amazon Connect Voice ID (Preview), which provides for real-time caller authentication. For more information, see Amazon Connect Voice ID (Preview).

December 1, 2020

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles

Added Amazon Connect Customer Profiles, enabling agents to create a customer profile for every new contact that comes in. You can also integrate with external applications that provide customer profile data. For more information, see Amazon Connect APIs.

December 1, 2020

Amazon Connect APIs

Added an Amazon Connect API that provides the ability to create tasks (StartTaskContact), and added a set of preview APIs. For more information, see Amazon Connect APIs.

December 1, 2020

Amazon Connect supports interact messages for chat

Added interactive message templates. For more information, see Add interactive messages to chat.

November 24, 2020

Telephony call metadata attributes

Added call attributes to improve fraud detection and routing. For more information, see Telephony call metadata attributes (call attributes).

November 20, 2020

APIs to manage user hierarchies

Added APIs so you can programmatically manage your agent hierarchies and agent groups. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service API Reference.

November 18, 2020

Service quotas

Noted that up to 700 quick connects can be added to a queue. See Feature specifications. (This update was published erroneously and has since been removed.)

October 5, 2020


Added new topic on Required permissions for managing access to the Amazon Connect console.

September 24, 2020

Quick filters

Added new topic that explains how to use quick filters in real-time metrics reports. For more information, see Use quick filters to drill into Routing profiles and Queues tables.

September 23, 2020

Service quotas

Updated the service quotas for the following Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs: CreateParticipantConnection, DisconnectParticipant, and GetTranscript. For more information, see Amazon Connect Participant Service API throttling quotas.

September 22, 2020

Show agent queues in a Queues table.

By default, agent queues don't appear in a Queues table in a historical metrics report. You can choose to show them. For more information, see Show agent queues in a Queues table.

September 18, 2020

Migrate contact flows to a different instance

You can migrate hundreds of flows using a set of flow APIs. For more information, see Migrate contact flows to a different instance.

September 18, 2020

Languages supported by Amazon Connect

Learn about which languages are supported in the Amazon Connect console, Contact Control Panel, Contact Lens, Amazon Lex, and Amazon Polly. For more information, see Languages supported by Amazon Connect.

September 18, 2020

Amazon Connect Flow language

You can use the Amazon Connect Flow language to efficiently update flows that you're migrating from one instance to another, and Write flows rather than drag blocks onto the flow designer. For more information, see Amazon Connect Flow language in the Amazon Connect API Reference Guide.

September 18, 2020

Option 2 (not recommended): Allow IP address ranges

Removed tip from Option 2: Allow IP address ranges, that said if you don't see an entry for your region, use GLOBAL. For more information, see Option 2 (not recommended): Allow IP address ranges.

September 11, 2020

Option 1 (recommended): Replace Amazon EC2 and CloudFront IP range requirements with a domain allowlist

Updated Option 1, second row of table, with a line break between {myInstanceName} and * For more information, see Option 1 (recommended): Replace Amazon EC2 and CloudFront IP range requirements with a domain allowlist.

September 11, 2020

Amazon Connect resource-level policy examples

Changed title of "Amazon Connect resource-based policy examples" topic to "Amazon Connect resource-level policy examples." For more information, see Amazon Connect resource-level policy examples.

September 8, 2020

Earlier updates

Change Description Date

Updated the Consult and Contact consulted metrics to indicate they were deprecated May 2019.

For more information, see Consult and Contacts consulted.

August 27, 2020

Added topic on setting up agent-to-agent transfers.

For more information, see Set up agent-to-agent transfers in Amazon Connect.

August 19, 2020

Added section on requirements for custom termination points.

For more information, see Request numbers, international numbers, or termination points for Amazon Connect.

August 18, 2020

Removed the "Known differences" section from Upgrade your Contact Control Panel (CCP) when using the Amazon Connect Streams API.

For more information, see Upgrade your Contact Control Panel (CCP) when using the Amazon Connect Streams API.

August 3, 2020

Changed the name of the Metrics chapter to Monitor metrics & run reports.

For more information, see Real-time and historical metrics, dashboards, and reports in Amazon Connect.

July 16, 2020

Clarified that the following metrics are no longer supported in queue grouping: Agent on contact time, Agent idle time, Occupancy. Previously we stated that these metrics had been deprecated.

For more information, see June 2020: Changes for omnichannel support.

July 8, 2020

Updated the Set disconnect flow block, which now supports voice conversations.

For more information, see Set disconnect flow.

June 29 2020

Added upcoming metric changes: new real-time and historical metrics for inbound and outbound contact time

For more information, see Real-time and historical metrics, dashboards, and reports in Amazon Connect.

June 26, 2020

Added how to upgrade CCP

For more information, see Upgrade to the latest Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel (CCP)..

June 16, 2020

Added video on using CCP

For more information, see Training video: How to use the Contact Center Panel (CCP) in Amazon Connect.

June 16, 2020

Deprecated metrics: Agent on contact time, Agent idle time, Occupancy.

For more information, see June 2020: Changes for omnichannel support.

June 12, 2020

Added topic on quick connects work

For more information, see Quick connect scenarios for transferring contacts.

May 21, 2020

Added how to get administrative support, and added a topic on inherited permissions

For more information, see Get administrative support for Amazon Connect and Inherited permissions for Amazon Connect and Contact Control Panel (CCP) security profiles .

April 16, 2020

Added how to customize your CCP to log out agents automatically when they close the CCP window

For more information, see Log out agents automatically when they close their CCP using the Amazon Connect CCPv1.

April 16, 2020

Updated the Get customer input block to support timeout values for voice input

For more information, see Get customer input.

April 8, 2020

Added terminating keypress

For more information, see Store customer input.

March 31, 2020

Added NLB endpoints and required domain for softphones

For more information, see Set up your network to use the Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel (CCP).

March 23, 2020

Announced upcoming changes for metrics

For more information, see June 2020: Changes for omnichannel support.

March 23, 2020

Added topic on region requirements for phone numbers

For more information, see Region requirements for ordering and porting phone numbers in Amazon Connect.

March 11, 2020

Added tutorials

For more information, see Tutorials: An introduction to Amazon Connect.

March 6, 2020

Added topic on emergency admin access

For more information, see Emergency login to the Amazon Connect admin website.

March 3, 2020

Added topics on saving, sharing, and publishing reports

For more information, see Save custom reports in Amazon Connect, Share saved reports in Amazon Connect, View a shared report in Amazon Connect, and Publish reports in Amazon Connect.

January 22, 2020

Updated flow block definitions

For more information, see .

January 17, 2020

Added a section about queued callbacks in metrics reporting.

For more information, see Queued callbacks in real-time metrics in Amazon Connect.

January 17, 2020

Updated networking guidance for the updated CCP (ccp-v2)

For more information, see Set up your network to use the Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel (CCP).

January 15, 2020

Add a topic on logging Amazon Connect API calls with AWS CloudTrail

For more information, see Log Amazon Connect API calls with AWS CloudTrail.

December 13, 2019

Added a section on analyzing conversations

For more information, see Analyze conversations using conversational analytics in Amazon Connect Contact Lens .

December 02, 2019

Added information about live media streaming

For more information, see Set up live media streaming of customer audio in Amazon Connect.

November 21, 2019

Added information about chat

For more information, see Web and mobile messaging.

Also added these topics: Agent status in the Contact Control Panel (CCP), About contact states in Amazon Connect, and Additional resources for Amazon Connect.

November 21, 2019

Added topic on using IAM

For more information, see Identity and access management for Amazon Connect.

November 14, 2019

Added dimensions

Added dimensions to the Amazon Connect metrics sent to CloudWatch. See Monitoring your Amazon Connect instance using CloudWatch.

October 22, 2019

Added a networking topic

Consolidated networking content into Set up your network to use the Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel (CCP). Updated the guidance.

September 30, 2019

Updated metrics topics

Improved the descriptions of the real-time metrics definitions. Added categories to the historical metrics definitions.

August 30, 2019

Updated historical metrics report section

Added categories to the historical metrics definitions.

August 27, 2019

Re-organized the content

Re-organized the content so it's task-based.

July 19, 2019

Added information about the updated Transfer to phone number block

You can use the updated Transfer to phone number block to transfer callers to a phone number external to your Amazon Connect instance, and then optionally resume the flow after the call with the external party ends. For more information, see Set up a flow in Amazon Connect to resume a call with a customer after a transfer.

February 18, 2019

Adding information about live media streaming for customer audio streams

You can capture customer audio during interactions with your contact center and send it to a Kinesis video stream. For more information, see Set up live media streaming of customer audio in Amazon Connect.

December 21, 2018

Added content about agent queues

You can use agent queues to route calls directly to a specific agent. For more information, see Transfer contacts to a specific agent in Amazon Connect.

December 21, 2018

Added information about using Amazon Connect in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region. For more information, Claim phone numbers for Amazon Connect in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region. December 10, 2018
Added information about how to determine agent ACW time from agent event streams For more information, see Determine the contact center agent's ACW (After Contact Work) time. October 30, 2018
Added troubleshooting and best practices Troubleshooting Issues with the Contact Control Panel (CCP) covers best practices for agent connectivity using the CCP and troubleshooting connectivity and call quality issues in Amazon Connect. October 18, 2018
Added information about service-linked roles in Amazon Connect For more information, see Use service-linked roles and role permissions for Amazon Connect. October 17, 2018
Added information about queue to queue transfers You can use the new options of the Transfer to queue block to enable transferring calls that are already in a queue to another queue. For more information, see Set up a flow to manage contacts in a queue in Amazon Connect. July 31, 2018
Added information about the Call phone number block Updated the content about flows to include the new Call phone number block, including how to use the block in a flow. For more information, see Outbound caller ID number. July 2, 1018
Added information about contact attributes and the Get queue metrics block For more information, see Use Amazon Connect contact attributes. June 18, 2018
Added information about new metrics sent to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Monitoring your Amazon Connect instance using CloudWatch includes additional metrics. April 19, 2018
Added information about using SAML for identity management You can configure your instance to use SAML for identity management. You can also use SAML to enable single sign-on. For more information, see Configure SAML with IAM for Amazon Connect. March 30, 2018
Added information about agent call transfers You can enable call transfers from an agent to another agent, to a queue, or to an external number. December 10, 2017
Added information about manager listen-in You can configure and enable a manager to listen in on agent calls. For more information, see Set up live monitoring for voice, chat, or both in Amazon Connect. December 10, 2017
Added information about flow logs For more information, see Enable Amazon Connect flow logs in an Amazon CloudWatch log group. November 16, 2017
Added information about flow import/export For more information, see Import and export flows between flow designers in Amazon Connect. November 16, 2017
Added information about agent event streams For more information, see Amazon Connect agent event streams. November 16, 2017
Added information about porting your current phone number to Amazon Connect For more information, see Port a current phone number to Amazon Connect. November 10, 2017
Added information about Login/Logout reports For more information, see Login/Logout reports for agents in Amazon Connect. November 1, 2017
Initial release Initial release of the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. March 28, 2017