Contact Control Panel (CCP) Issues
This topic is for IT administrators who are experienced with investigating issues with their network. It discusses the most common issues agents may encounter when using the Contact Control Panel (CCP).
For example, the most common issues are typically poor audio quality due to the network, and hardware issues, such as microphone access.
This topic explains how to investigate, diagnose, and fix the most common CCP issues.
CCP browser microphone access
The CCP conforms to microphone usage guidance that's specific to their browser.
The CCP has access to connect to the agent's microphone only when the permission is granted for the current session. The permission is stored in the browser's memory.
In addition, Firefox requires the CCP tab to be in focus in order for microphone and audio to be passed through.
Agents may encounter missed call scenarios when the CCP tab has no microphone access. Missed calls can also happen when the CCP tab is not in focus, for example, when the agent is focused on a different tab or application.
Error message title: Microphone is not accessible
Message: Enable access to the microphone and refresh the page
The following image shows an example of a missed call scenario due to the CCP tab not having access to agent's microphone.

How to fix
If your agents are using Firefox, ensure they know to focus on the CCP tab when they accept and connect to a voice contact.
Use the End Point Connectivity Tool to determine if the browser has appropriate access to media devices such as microphone, speakers, or headset.
CCP initialization issues
Initialization issues are most commonly caused by missing domain or port/IP allowlist entries in your agent environment. This results in missed calls.
The CCP initialization process depends on the API and signalling endpoints. These
are accessed by using the allow-listed domains, such as
, or
subsequent IP addresses.region
Error message title: Initialization Failed
Message: Try fixing your connection by logging out, and then logging on again. If you need help, contact your administrator.
The following image shows an example of a missed call scenario due to missing allowlisted domains.

How to fix
Check that you have added all domains and IP addresses listed in Option 1 of Set up your network.
Use the End Point Connectivity Tool to determine if the browser has appropriate access to all required endpoints.
Because errors can occur due to poor networking conditions, and then result in latency or outages, we recommend also checking your agent networking connections.
CCP WebRTC issues
WebrTC issues occur when a request to Amazon Connect Soft-phone Media
times out and the CCP is unable to collect ICE candidates to establish a connection.
The result is missed calls.region
Error message title: ice_collection_timeout title, WebRTC issue
Messages: ice_collection_timeout message, Call failed due to a browser-side WebRTC issue.
How to fix
Check Firewall and/or NAT settings to see if UDP 3478 outbound traffic to Amazon Connect Softphone Media is allowed. See Set up your network.
Use the End Point Connectivity Tool to determine if agents are able to successfully connect to all the required endpoints.
Because errors can occur due to poor networking conditions, and then result in latency or outages, we recommend also checking your agent networking connections.
CCP audio issues on first
call after system reboot when using Windows 11
Issue Description
After performing a Windows 11 system reboot, your agents may experience complete audio failure ("dead air") during your first call, where neither your agent nor the customer can hear each other.
Root Cause
This issue occurs due to two Windows 11 system behaviors:
The network interface card (NIC) unexpectedly restarts when Chrome/Edge browsers request audio packet prioritization.
Volume control adjustments trigger network-related services, which can cause NIC restarts.
Affected Systems
Windows 11 workstations
Chrome and Edge browsers
Contact Center softphone applications
To prevent this issue, you must modify the startup type of several Windows services from Manual to Automatic:
Required Service Changes:
qWAVE (Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience)
dmwAppushSvc (Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message Routing Service)
SstpSvc (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service)
RasMan (Remote Access Connection Manager)
Contact your IT support team to implement these changes, as they require administrative privileges.
Additional Notes
This solution ensures critical services which could restart the network interface controller (NIC) if launched at run time are launched before the the agent's first call.
No further action is required after these changes are implemented.
If you continue to experience issues after this fix, contact technical support.
CCP outbound configuration issues
Outbound configuration issues often arise when the instance is not enabled for outbound calling, or when there is no outbound caller ID specified for making calls.
Error message title: Invalid outbound configuration
Message: Before you can place an outbound call, you must associate a phone number with this queue. Contact your administrator for further assistance.
The following image shows an example of a invalid outbound configuration message on the CCP.

How to fix
Check that the instance-level setting is enabled for outbound calls. For instructions, see Update telephony and chat options.
Check that outbound caller ID name and number have been set for your default outbound queue. Set the outbound caller ID name and number if they are missing. For instructions, see Set up outbound caller ID.
Ensure agents have the Contact Control Panel (CCP) - Make outbound calls permission in their security profile. For instructions, see Assign a security profile for Amazon Connect to a contact center user.
CCP invalid number issues
Invalid number issues are primarily seen when an agent enters a phone number that
is not in E.164
Error message title: Invalid number
Message: We are unable to complete the call as dialed. Try again, or contact your administrator.
The following image shows an example of a invalid number message on the CCP.

How to fix
Check that the phone number dialed is in E.164
format. -
Check whether the phone number country you are calling is an allowed destination for your Amazon Connect instance. See Countries that call centers using Amazon Connect can call by default.
If the issues persist, contact AWS Support.
One-way audio from customers
If an agent can hear the customer, but the customer can't hear the agent, this may be the result of an application taking exclusive control of agent's mic/speaker.
How to fix
You can search the internet for articles that explain how to turn off exclusive-mode for a Windows audio playback device. For example, Turning off Exclusive Mode in Windows 10 Home Edition
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To fix sound problems on a Mac, see Change the sound input settings on Mac
To troubleshoot call quality issues, see Troubleshoot audio quality issues by using QualityMetrics in the contact record.