Listen to live conversations or read live
chats in Amazon Connect
Before you can listen to live conversations or read live chats, the Amazon Connect admin needs to enable the feature, and assign you permissions. After that's done, you can do these steps.
For information about how many people can listen in to a conversation or follow a chat, see Amazon Connect feature specifications.
Log in to Amazon Connect with a user account that is assigned the CallCenterManager security profile, or that has the Real-time contact monitoring security profile permission.
Open the Contact Control Panel (CCP) by choosing the phone icon in the top-right corner of your screen. You'll need the CCP open to connect to the conversation.
To choose the agent conversation you want to monitor, in Amazon Connect choose Analytics and optimization, Real-time metrics, Agents. The following image shows the Real-time metrics page, with an arrow pointing to the Agents option.
To monitor voice conversations: Next to the names of agents in a live voice conversation, there is an eye icon. Choose the icon to start monitoring the conversation. The following image shows the eye icon next to the Voice channel.
Firefox users: When using the Firefox browser to monitor and barge, you need to switch to the CCP tab after starting to monitor. The CCP conforms to Firefox microphone usage guidance, and only has access to connect to your microphone when CCP tab is in focus.
When you're monitoring a conversation, the status in your CCP changes to Monitoring.
To monitor chat conversations: For each agent you'll see the number of live chat conversations they're in. Click on the number. Then choose the conversation you want to start monitoring.
When you're monitoring a conversation, the status in your CCP changes to Monitoring.
To stop monitoring the conversation, in the CCP choose End call or End chat.
When the agent ends the conversation, monitoring stops automatically.