Set up contact transfers - Amazon Connect

Set up contact transfers

Amazon Connect enables you to set up different kinds of transfers:

  • Agent-to-agent transfers: For example, if you want agents to be able to transfer calls or tasks to other agents.

  • Transfers to a specific agent: For example, if you want to route contacts to the last agent the customer interacted with, or route contacts to agents who have specific responsibilities.

  • Transfers to queues: For example, if you want to transfer the contact to a sales, support, or escalation queue. To do this, create a queue quick connect. This works with voice, chat, and task contacts.

  • Transfers to phone numbers: For example, if you want to transfer the contact to a phone number, such as an on-call pager. To do this, create an phone number quick connect.

Overview of steps

To set up call transfers and quick connects
  1. Choose a flow type based on what you want to do: Transfer to agent or Transfer to queue. Phone number transfers do not require a specific type of contact flow.

  2. Create and publish the flow.

  3. Create a quick connect for the type of transfer to enable: Agent, Queue, or Phone number.

    When you create the Agent or Queue quick connect, select a flow that matches the type of transfer to enable. Phone number quick connects require only a phone number, and do not allow you to set a queue or flow.

  4. Add the quick connect that you created to any queue used in a flow for which to enable contact transfer, such as the queue used in the flow for incoming contacts.

  5. Make sure the queue is in a routing profile assigned to the agents who transfers contacts.