Export your unified customer profile
Amazon Connect Customer Profiles provides real-time data export of unified customer profiles to an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream. You can enable data streaming and automatically receive data for new profiles and updates to existing profiles into your Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.
You can keep your source systems data, such as CRMs and marketing automation tools, up-to-date with the latest information from Amazon Connect Customer Profiles. For example, when a customer calls your contact center to update their address, an agent can make the change to add the new customer address, and the updated profile information is sent to a Kinesis Data Stream in real-time.
To set this up, you need to enable Data export in the Customer Profiles console.
Enable real-time export
To enable data streaming for your domain
Open the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles console.
Select the Data export tab and choose Enable data streaming
Choose Enable data streaming and select an existing Kinesis data stream from the drop-down menu, or choose create a new Kinesis data stream to open the Kinesis console and create the stream. For more information, see Creating and Managing Streams.
Choose the Enable data streaming button to save your settings.
Enable real-time export
To disable data streaming for your domain
Open the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles console.
Select the Data export tab and choose Disable data streaming.
Real-time export Kinesis
Sample output event in JSON
"SchemaVersion": 0,
"EventId": "eventId",
"EventTimestamp": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"EventType": "CREATED",
"DomainName": "domainName",
"ObjectTypeName": "objectTypeName",
"AssociatedProfileId": "associatedProfileId",
"ProfileObjectUniqueKey": "profileObjectUniqueKey",
"Object": {
"map": {
"k1": [
"IsMessageRealTime": true
- SchemaVersion
The current version of the schema.
- EventId
The unique event ID.
- EventTimestamp
Timestamp of the event using the ISO8601 standard.
- EventType
The type of event exported.
CREATED: The export event was for CreateProfile.
UPDATED: The export event was for a UpdateProfile.
HEALTH_CHECK: The export event was for a HealthCheck event to make sure Customer Profiles could successfully
in Kinesis Stream.
- DomainName
The domain the event belongs to.
of the event - ObjectTypeName
Object type of the event
. You can also use predefined template name such asSalesforce-Account
or a custom defined object name that you can create using the PutProfileObjectType API. - AssociatedProfileId
ID of the Standard Profile that the Object is associated to. It is only present if the object type is not
- ProfileObjectUniqueKey
The unique identifier of the ProfileObject generated by the service.
Type: String
- Object
The Standard Profile or Standard Profile Object itself.
- IsMessageRealTime
Flag to inform if the message is real-time or was re-driven.
Sample payload in JSON
"SchemaVersion": 0,
"EventId": "6049bf39-0000-0000-0000-b75656dd51a8",
"EventTimestamp": "2023-02-24T07:17:05.356Z",
"EventType": "UPDATED",
"DomainName": "SampleDomain",
"ObjectTypeName": "Salesforce-Account",
"AssociatedProfileId": "5ffcee99ab0000000000b3ae01225e40",
"ProfileObjectUniqueKey": "cNo77ZI0000000000pCPB7RQcqfeBaRfBwrzW2MMbws=",
"Object": {
"Id": "0012v00002kVKVuAAO",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Name": "Company A",
"Phone": "+12065551234",
"PhotoUrl": "/services/images/photo/0012v00002kVKVuAAO",
"OwnerId": "0052v00000fmQ7sAAE",
"CreatedDate": "2019-12-13T07:56:04.000+0000",
"CreatedById": "0052v00000fmQ7sAAE",
"LastModifiedDate": "2023-02-22T20:29:43.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById": "0052v00000fmQ7sAAE",
"SystemModstamp": "2023-02-22T20:29:43.000+0000",
"LastActivityDate": "2020-03-18",
"LastViewedDate": "2023-02-23T00:09:49.000+0000",
"LastReferencedDate": "2023-02-23T00:09:49.000+0000",
"CleanStatus": "Pending"
"IsMessageRealTime": true