Outbound campaigns performance dashboard
You can use the outbound campaigns performance dashboard to understand the performance of your outbound campaigns across your email, SMS, and telephony delivery modes. You can view and compare campaigns performance over a configurable period of time using key metrics such as delivery attempts, delivered rate, human answered rate, campaign contact abandoned rate, spam, bounces and more.
Enable access to the dashboard
Ensure users are assigned the appropriate security profile permissions:
Access metrics - Access permission or the Dashboard - Access permission. For information about the difference in behavior, see Assign security profile permissions for dashboards in Amazon Connect.
Outbound Campaign - Campaigns - View permission: This permission is required to view outbound campaigns data on the dashboard.
Campaign performance overview chart
The Campaign performance overview chart provides aggregated metrics based on your filters. Each metric within the chart is compared to your "compare to" benchmark time range filter.
The following image shows an example chart for a telephony campaign. It shows the following information:
Delivery attempts during your time range selection was 35,600 which is down 1% compared to your benchmark of Prior day same time range and time with 36,000
The percentages are rounded up or down.
The colors that appear for the metrics indicate positive (green) or negative (red) compared to your benchmark.

The following image shows an example chart for an SMS campaign.

The following image shows an example chart for an email campaign.

The charts include the following metrics:
Delivery attempts: The count of outbound campaign contacts dialed by the Amazon Connect dialer.
Human answer rate: The count of outbound campaign calls that were connected to a live customer divided by total dials attempted. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Voicemail with beep rate: The count of outbound voice campaign contacts that were answered by a voicemail with a beep divided by total Dials attempted. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Voicemail rate: The count of outbound campaign calls that were answered by a voicemail divided by total dials attempted. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Campaign contacts abandoned after 2 seconds rate: The percentage of outbound campaign calls that were connected to a live customer but did not get connected to an agent within 2 seconds, divided by the count of outbound campaign calls that were connected to a live customer. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Avg. dials per minute: The average of outbound campaign contacts dialed per minute by the Amazon Connect dialer.
Send attempts: The count of outbound campaign send requests sent by Amazon Connect for delivery. A campaign send request represents an attempt made to reach out to an recipient by email, SMS, or a telephony dial.
Delivered rate: The percentage of delivered and successful messages over the total number of outbound campaign send attempts.
Spam: The count of SMS messages identified as spam by the mobile carrier.
Complaint: The count of email messages reported as spam or unsolicited email by the recipients.
By default, data for deleted campaigns won't appear in the dashboard. The Performance overview chart includes data from deleted campaigns when there is no campaign filter selected. You can apply a campaign filter to filter out deleted campaign data.
Campaign progress over time chart
The Campaign progress chart is a time-series chart that displays the Dials attempted metric per campaign over a specific time period broken down by intervals (15min, daily, weekly, monthly).
To configure different time range intervals, choose Interval, as shown in the following image.

The available intervals depend on the page-level time range filter at the top of the page. For example:
If you have a Trailing time range filter at the top of your dashboard, you can only see an interval of 15min for the last 24 hours.
If you have a Day time range filter at the top of your dashboard, you can see a trailing 8 day interval trend, or a 15min interval trend for the trailing 24 hours.
You can use the Subtype filter to select the type of campaign delivery mode you want to track. This filter applies only to the widget.
This widget holds up to 5 campaigns sorted in alphabetical order. If you are filtering for more than 5 campaigns, additional campaigns will not display in the visualization. You can select specific campaign(s) you want to see in this visual by using the campaign filter.
Campaign progress comparison chart
The Campaign progress comparison chart shows the Send attempts metric in its current period broken down by campaign, compared to the Prior send attempted metric from the "compare to" benchmark time range selected. You can use the Subtype filter to select the type of campaign delivery mode you want to track. This filter applies only to the widget. This chart is sorted by Send attempts in descending order from left to right.
This widget holds up to 10 campaigns. If you are filtering for more than 10 campaigns, additional campaigns will not display in the visualization. You can select specific campaign(s) you want to see in this visual by using the campaign filter.

Delivery classification stacked bar charts
The Telephony, SMS, and Email classification by campaign charts drill down into the delivery outcomes of each delivery attempt for each campaign delivery mode. The charts show the count of each delivery classification across a campaign.
Telephony classification stacked bar chart
This chart shows the telephony classifications that include the following AMD (Answering Machine Detection) statuses:
Human answered
Voicemail with beep
Voicemail with no beep
AMD unanswered
AMD unresolved
AMD not applicable
Any remaining classifications grouped under Other
For the full list of available telephony classifications, see DisconnectReason for outbound campaigns and AnsweringMachineDetectionStatus in the ContactTraceRecord. This chart is most effective with answering machine detection enabled.
The following image shows a sample Telephony classification stacked bar chart.

SMS classification stacked bar chart
This chart shows the following delivery outcomes:
Any remaining classifications—such as Invalid message, Blocked, and Spam—are grouped under Other.
For the full list of available SMS events, see
in the Outbound campaign events table.
The following image shows a sample SMS classification stacked bar chart.

Email classification stacked bar chart
The Email classifications displayed include the following delivery outcomes:
any remaining classifications grouped under Other
For the full list of available email events, see
in the Outbound campaign events table.
The following image shows a sample Email classification stacked bar chart.

Campaign metrics table
A detailed view of outbound campaigns metrics aggregated over the selected time range.

This table includes the following metrics.
Campaign send attempts: The count of outbound campaign send requests sent by Amazon Connect for delivery. A campaign send request represents an attempt made to reach out to an recipient using email, SMS, or a telephony dial.
Human answered: The count of outbound campaign calls that were connected to a live customer. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Voicemail: The count of outbound campaign calls that reached a voicemail. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Voicemail with beep: The count of outbound voice campaign contacts that reached a voicemail with beep. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Voicemail with no beep: The count of outbound voice campaign contacts that reached a voicemail with no beep. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Campaign contacts abandoned after 2 seconds: The count of outbound voice campaign contacts that were connected to a human but did not get connected to an agent within 2 seconds. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
Avg. dials per minute: The average of outbound voice campaign contacts dialed per minute by the Amazon Connect voice dialer within the selected time range filter.
Campaign contacts abandoned after 2 seconds: The count of outbound voice campaign calls that were connected to a human but did not get connected to an agent within 2 seconds. This metric is only available with answering machine detection enabled.
SMS successful: The count of SMS messages successfully accepted by the recipient's carrier.
SMS delivered: The count of SMS messages delivered to the specified location.
SMS delivered total: The total count of SMS messages delivered to the specified location and successfully accepted by the recipient's carrier. Whether a message results in a "delivered" or a "successfully" outcome depends on the country where the delivery is taking place. It is not possible to have both a delivered and successfully outcome for the same message.
SMS spam: The count of sms messages identified as spam by the mobile carrier.
Email delivered: The count of email messages delivered.
Email complaint: The count of email messages reported as spam or unsolicited email by the recipients.
Email rejected: The count of email messages with malware detected and got rejected.
Email opened: The total number of times the email message was opened.
Email clicked: The total number of times the email message was clicked.
Dashboard functionality limitations
The following limitations apply to the Outbound campaigns performance dashboard:
Tag-based access controls are not currently supported by the dashboard. You can restrict access through the Dashboard permissions pertaining to a security profile.
Data for this dashboard is available starting from June 25, 2024 0:00:00 GMT for the Telephony delivery mode and November 6, 2024 0:00:00 GMT for the Email and SMS delivery modes. This may impact dashboard functionalities such as monthly benchmarks where data won't be available prior to June 25, 2024 0:00:00 GMT or November 6, 2024 0:00:00 GMT for comparison.
Saved reports before November 6, 2024 0:00:00 GMT could contain stale data due to newly added feature enhancements. To ensure you have accurate data from the latest features, we recommend replacing any saved dashboards with the most recent version of the Outbound campaigns performance dashboard.