Enable screen recording - Amazon Connect

Enable screen recording

Step 1: Enable screen recording for your instance


If your Amazon Connect instance was created before October, 2018, and you don't have service-linked roles set up, follow the steps in Use service-linked roles, in this guide, to migrate to the Connect service-linked role.

The steps in this section explain how to update your instance settings to enable screen recording, and how to encrypt recording artifacts.

  1. Open the Amazon Connect console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/connect/.

  2. Choose your instance alias, then choose Data storage.

    You are prompted to create or choose an Amazon S3 bucket. After the bucket is created, you can store screen recordings and export them.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Data storage, scroll down to Screen recordings and choose Edit.

  4. Choose Enable screen recording, then choose Create a new S3 bucket (recommended) or Select an existing S3 bucket.

  5. If you chose to create an Amazon S3 bucket, enter a name in the Name box. If you chose to use an existing bucket, select it from the Name list.

  6. (Optional) To encrypt the recording artifacts in your Amazon S3 bucket, select Enable encryption, then choose a KMS key.


    When you enable encryption, Amazon Connect uses the KMS key to encrypt any intermediate recording data while the service processes it.

  7. When finished, choose Save.

For more information about instance settings, see Update instance settings.

Step 2: Download and install the Amazon Connect Client Application

In this step you install the Amazon.Connect.Client.Service file onto the agent's desktop, or into the virtual environment that the agent uses. This is the Amazon Connect Client Application. It records the agent's open applications.

For version 2.xxx

  1. Download the latest version of the Amazon.Connect.Client.Service.Setup file. This is an .MSI file.

  2. Use your organization's software distribution mechanism, such as Software Center, to install the Amazon.Connect.Client.Service client app on agent desktops.

  3. To verify the app is installed on the agent's desktop, navigate to C:\Program Files\Amazon\Amazon.Connect.Client.Service. Verify that the Amazon.Connect.Client.Service executable program is present.

  4. Restart the agent's desktop to start Amazon.Connect.Client.Service in the background. Or, navigate to the installation location of Amazon.Connect.Client.Service and double-click to start it.


In case of Windows multi-session OS, the installer needs to be run only once.

For version 1.xxx

  1. Download the latest version of the Amazon.Connect.Client.Service.Setup file. This is an .MSI file.

  2. Use your organization's software distribution mechanism, such as Software Center, to install the Amazon.Connect.Client.Service client app on agent desktops.

  3. To verify the app is installed on the agent's desktop, navigate to C:\Program Files\Amazon\Amazon.Connect.Client.Service. Verify that the Amazon.Connect.Client.Service executable program is present.

  4. Restart the agent's desktop to start Amazon.Connect.Client.Service in the background. Or, navigate to the installation location of Amazon.Connect.Client.Service and double-click to start it.

(Optional) Step 3: Verify the Amazon Connect Client Application is running and functioning correctly

For version 2.xxx

To verify that the application is running:
  1. In Windows Task Manager, check for a background process named Amazon.Connect.Client.Service. This is the Amazon Connect Client Application.

  2. In Windows Task Manager, under Users processes, check for another process named Amazon.Connect.Client.RecordingSession after the user accepts the very first contact where screen recording is enabled. The following image shows Amazon.Connect.Client.RecordingSession in Task Manager.

    Windows Task Manager, the Amazon.Connect.Client.RecordingSession process.
To verify that the application is functioning correctly and creating log files:
  1. Navigate to the following directory:


    1. Open log files that are present in the directory.

    2. In a successful installation the log files contain the following line:

      Checking that services are still running, result : true

  2. Navigate to the following directory:


    1. Open log files that are present in the directory.

    2. In a successful installation the log files contain the following line:

      Session initiation completed with result: True

For version 1.xxx

  1. To verify that the application is running, check the Windows Task Manager for a background process named Amazon.Connect.Client.Service. This is the Amazon Connect Client Application.

  2. To verify that the application is functioning correctly and creating log files, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Amazon\Amazon.Connect.Client.Service\logs.

    1. Open log files that are present in the directory.

    2. In a successful installation the log files contain the following line:

      Checking that services are still running, result : true

Step 4: Configure the Set recording and analytics behavior block

Configuration tips

  • To enable supervisors to search for contacts that have screen recordings, add a Set contact attributes block before Set recording and analytics behavior. Add a custom attribute called something like screen recording = true. Supervisors can search on this custom attribute to find those that have screen recordings.

  • You may want to add a Distribute by percentage block before Set recording and analytics behavior. This enables you to use screen recording for some but not all contacts.

  • You may want to leverage the SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording APIs to prevent sensitive information from being captured in the screen recording.

Next steps

  • Assign supervisors the required security profile permission: Analytics and optimization - Screen recording - Access.

  • Show supervisors how to review screen recordings.