How Amazon Connect uses routing profiles
A routing profile determines what types of contacts an agent can receive and the routing priority.
Each agent is assigned to one routing profile.
A routing profile can have multiple agents assigned to it.

Amazon Connect uses routing profiles to allow you to manage your contact center at scale. To quickly change what a group of agents does, you only need to make an update in one place: the routing profile.
Default routing profile: Basic
routing profile
Amazon Connect includes a default routing profile named Basic routing profile. Along with the default flows and default queue (named BasicQueue), it powers your contact center so you don't need to do any customization. This is what enables you to get started quickly.
Routing Profiles Link Queues and
When you create a routing profile, you specify:
The channels the agents will support.
The queues of customers that the agents will handle. You can use a single queue to handle all incoming contacts, or you can set up multiple queues. Queues are linked to agents through a routing profile.
Priority and delay of the queues.
The following image shows a graphic of a group of agents mapped to a routing profile. The routing profile specifies multiple channels and queues for the agents.