Security profile permissions for Voice ID - Amazon Connect

Security profile permissions for Voice ID

  • To enable users to search for contacts by their Voice ID status, assign the following Analytics and Optimization permission to their security profile:

    • Voice ID - attributes and search: Enables users to search for and view Voice ID results on the Contact detail page.

  • To grant agents access to Voice ID in the Contact Control Panel, assign the following permission in the Contact Control Panel group:

    • Voice ID - Access: Enables controls in the Contact Control Panel so agents can:

      • View authentication outcomes.

      • Opt-out or re-authenticate a caller.

      • Update SpeakerID.

      • View fraud detection results, rerun fraud analysis (fraud detection decision, fraud type and score).


      The functionality to enter or update the SpeakerID is not available with the default Voice ID widget in the CCP. To include the option for updating the SpeakerID, implement the updateVoiceIdSpeakerId Amazon Connect Streams API in your custom CCP.

The following image shows an example of these controls on the CCP:

The CCP, the enroll and opt out controls.

For information about how to add more permissions to an existing security profile, see Update security profiles.

By default, the Admin security profile already has permissions to perform all Voice ID activities.