Contact attributes for live media streaming - Amazon Connect

Contact attributes for live media streaming

The attributes are displayed when you select Media streams for the Type in a flow block that supports attributes, such as the Start media streaming block. They include the following:

Customer audio stream ARN

The ARN of the Kinesis video stream that includes the customer data to reference.

JSONPath format: $.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StreamARN

Customer audio start timestamp

The time at which the customer audio stream started.

JSONPath format: $.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StartTimestamp

Customer audio stop timestamp

The time at which the customer audio stream stopped.

JSONPath format: $.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StopTimestamp

Customer audio start fragment number

The number that identifies the Kinesis Video Streams fragment in which the customer audio stream started.

JSONPath format: $.MediaStreams.Customer.Audio.StartFragmentNumber

For more information about Amazon Kinesis Video Streams fragments, see Fragment in the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Developer Guide.