Set up shift rotation patterns in Amazon Connect
Use shift rotation patterns to create a set of shift profiles that are rotated based on sequential order and a defined set of weeks. The shift rotation pattern includes the rotation step, shift profile, the time zone assigned to the shift profile, and a duration defined in weeks.
This topic explains how to:
Set up a shift rotation pattern. In our example, the pattern contains at least 2 shift profiles, a start date, and a duration in weeks.
Assign agents to those shift rotations and to a starting step.
Generate schedules that use the shift rotation patterns assigned to agents.
For the maximum number of shift rotation patterns per instance and other feature specifications, see Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling feature specifications.
Set up shift rotation patterns
Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website with an account that has security profile permissions for Scheduling, Schedule manager - Edit.
On the Amazon Connect navigation menu, select Analytics and Optimization, Scheduling.
On the Scheduling page, choose the Shift rotations patterns tab, and then choose Create shift rotation pattern.
On the Add shift rotation pattern page, complete the following boxes:
Name and Description (optional)
Start date: The start date will be used as the reference point to rotate to the next shift in the pattern.
Define rotation: In this section, choose the shift profile from the dropdown menu, timezone, and duration.
The following image shows an Add shift rotation pattern page. This pattern has two rotation steps, each 1 week long.
For example, if you set the start date to January 1, and the first rotation step is 1 week, the next shift rotation - Rotation step 2 - will take place on January 7. You can add up to 51 additional steps and each step can be up to 51 weeks.
Choose Save.
Assign agents to shift rotation
You assign agents to shift rotation patterns on the Scheduling, Staff rules page. There are two ways you can update the shift rotation pattern of an agent:
Individually, on the Staff rules page. This is a simple way to apply shift rotation patterns or staff rules overrides to up to 50 agents at the same time.
In bulk, by uploading a .csv file.
These options are discussed next.
Assign individual agents to shift rotation patterns
On the Staff rules page, choose Shift Profile override, Enabled, and then select the shift rotation pattern.
Define the agents shift rotation pattern and starting step. The following image shows a pattern of 2 weeks 4-8, 2 weeks 9-5.
When complete, choose Apply to Staff.
Bulk upload shift rotation pattern assignments
When managing a larger number of agents, use the bulk upload option to set the shift profile override, shift rotation pattern, and starting step in a .csv file.
Ensure that your pop-up blocker is off so you can download the .csv file template.
On the Staff rules page, choose one of the following options:
Download snapshot, Shift profile override to download a snapshot of existing shift rotation pattern assignments for your agents.
Download template, Shift profile override to download a blank .csv file.
The following image shows the an example Staff rules page, and the option to download a snapshot of existing shift rotation pattern assignments for your agents.
The .csv templates contain key fields that you can update:
Login name
Shift profile name
Shift rotation pattern name
Shift rotation starting step
In the .csv template, you can't populate column B and column C in the same row. That is, you can't set both the SHIFT_PROFILE_NAME and SHIFT_ROTATION_PATTERN_NAME for an agent in the same .csv file. You can set only one.
To set the shift profile name for the agent, add it to column B and leave columns C and D blank.
To set the shift rotation pattern for an agent, set columns C and D, and leave column B blank, as shown in the following image.

Upload shift rotation and shift profiles
To upload a .csv file that contains shift rotation overrides, on the Staff rules page, choose Upload data, Shift profile override, as shown in the following image.

If there is a problem with your .csv file, Amazon Connect displays an error message that indicates which fields have mismatches. This makes it easier for you to troubleshoot your file uploads. The following image shows example error messages.

After the .csv file is uploaded, a banner is displayed indicating that the data is being loaded into agent scheduling. That process can take up to 10 minutes for thousands of agents. The banner automatically refreshes when the shift profile override data has been successfully processed. This means the data has been loaded into agent scheduling.
Generate schedules that use
shift rotation patterns
On the Scheduling page, choose Schedule manager, Generate schedule.
Enter a name of the schedule, and an optional description.
In the Schedule input section select the forecast group that you want to schedule.
The Generate schedule page is automatically updated with the data for that forecast group. It displays the number of agents, the associated shift profiles, and the shift rotation patterns, as shown in the following image.
Remove a shift rotation
Before you can remove a shift rotation pattern, you must first remove all agents linked to the shift rotation pattern. You can unset up to 50 agents by using the Staff rules page.
You can also use the bulk upload and download to quickly unset hundreds or even thousands of agents.