Set the forecast time zone - Amazon Connect

Set the forecast time zone

On the Forecasting page, you set the time zone for your forecasts. The following image shows the Forecast time zone tab, and the dropdown menu where you choose the time zone.

The forecasting time zone tab on the Forecasting page.

Important things to know

  • To edit the forecast time zone, you must have security profile permissions for Analytics, Forecast and schedule interval - Edit. For more information, see Security profile permissions for forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling in Amazon Connect.

  • The default value for the forecast time zone is UTC.

  • When you change the forecast time zone, Amazon Connect regenerates both the short-term and long-term forecasts.

    • Updated forecasts in the selected time zone are available within 24 hours.

    • The forecasts are automatically adjusted for daylight savings if the selected time zone observes daylight savings.

Forecast time zones on the Amazon Connect admin website and in downloads

  • Short-term forecasts: You can view short-term forecasts in the selected time zone after updating the time zone configuration.

  • Downloads are in the time zone that the forecast was computed in. For example:

    • Let's say today is May 1st, and the forecast time zone is currently set to UTC.

    • The latest computed forecast generated on May 1st is in UTC.

    • Later that day (at 1PM) you change forecast time zone to US/Pacific.

    • The forecast computed on May 2nd is in US/Pacific time zone.

  • Long-term forecasts: You will continue to view and download long-term forecasts in the time zone they were computed in. Long-term forecasts that are computed after updating the time zone configuration. You can view and download forecasts in the selected time zone.

Forecast overrides

  • Short-term forecasts: When overriding a short-term forecast, the timestamp column must be in the ISO8601 format. You can use UTC values or time zones with the appropriate offset.

    For example, if you are overriding the forecast for the May 30th 8AM - 8:15AM interval and you've configured the time zone as US/Pacific, you can use either of the following values:

    • 2024-05-30T15:00:00Z

    • 2024-05-30T08:00:00-07:00

  • Long-term forecasts: When overriding a long-term forecast, the timestamp column must be in the ISO8601 format and the time value must be midnight in the configured time zone.

    For example, if you are overriding the forecast for May 30th and you have configured the time zone as US/Pacific, then the following are acceptable values for the timestamp:

    • 2024-05-30T07:00:00Z

    • 2024-05-30T00:00:00-07:00


Long-term forecast overrides are not available while the forecasts are being computed in the updated time zone.

Historical data upload

  • Interval data: When uploading interval (15min/30min) level historical data, the timestamp column must be in the ISO8601 format. The time value can be in UTC or in the configured time zone with the appropriate offset.

    For example, if you are uploading the forecast for the May 30th 8AM - 8:15AM interval and you have configured the time zone as US/Pacific, then the following are acceptable values for the timestamp:

    • 2024-05-30T15:00:00Z

    • 2024-05-30T08:00:00-07:00

  • Daily data: When uploading daily aggregated historical data for long-term forecasting, the timestamp column must be in the ISO8601 format and the time value must be midnight in the configured time zone.

    For example, if you are uploading the forecast for May 30th and you have configured the time zone as US/Pacific, then the following are acceptable values for the timestamp:

    • 2024-05-30T07:00:00Z

    • 2024-05-30T00:00:00-07:00